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    • 1、考研英语一话题作文这幅漫画象征性的描述了一种倒在地上的瓶子,某些牛奶洒了出来。在这个瓶子的旁边站着两个人,一种垂头丧气的说“全完了!”,而另一种则说“幸好还剩点儿!”。这幅画所体现的内容既意义深远又发人深省。 这幅漫画的目的是告诉我们在生活、工作和学习中遇到挫折时,不同的人持有不同的态度。积极乐观的人总是可以发掘事情好的一面,而悲观悲观的人总是为她失去的东西伤心抱怨。总之,一种人的态度可以决定她的成败。 在我看来,我们应当向那个积极乐观的人学习。在生活中无论遇到什么样的困难,我们都应当用积极乐观的态度来面对。只有这样,我们才干获得成功。范文一:沪江英语As is sowin he pcureabove, twon reactn cmplety oppotewasn faced wthte sme eent: A bttle fellf o thegroun, nd th winnsie spit ou Oe issilin,feelng l tat hesill hasthe esthalf of tewine while th ther s siinginret deseaion s

      2、ayi hat “verting crewed up!The catootell us tat eing optimstand ein pssimisti are wodfferettitudes towardslie. Faced wihachlleng,a pesimsticerson feelooy and disteed. He cosidrs himsef oweres,ad lans butit al day long, rusing ven to have try befor giving it up in the end. An optimiic person, however, aadp aentirely diffentppch. He y not egar the calnge as omething tha ; instead, he taes it s n xcellt ortnt to dsp his bilties and taln. A ao saying oes, “The wa o percie heworld illdetermne your wa

      3、y to cope wth it.”In y pont oview, thogit natral thtwe enounte haenesone kid aotherin or life, e hould b imisicheer we aeconted wih chenges.If e areessiistic, w aredesin toil,ending up acmpisi nting. Bt if w pah the chalnge in an optimstcwa, e may go from ictrytvicty.()范文二:文都考研hngre deidebtttudes instead of themseves, jtathe crton ab rvals towasatle o red wne, s fowingon the flo ndless evig in the botte, theleft mn is gey dresed wih oe handcoing hi,sayng“completel emptied”, ever,th rigtm iso gla

      4、 to estillessleft tht ecant help hti,“hre is a ltle lt! Hw luck!”It vey cleatha the drawerinendst remi us o tepoce f tttud and op s lways remanan optimistic attitudein daily lie, n mtter wht ba ingshapen. nt for sprinkledml, but otmitcly ocus what silllf and wha e can do tent tinsworse.Ifwfeeldispirited anpessimisticabut dificlt situtio, eee coner temnd scced.Exmpls lik this are merus; ust ke te udgf he peple uc of Chnaas xmle. IfChairman Mao was pesimiic about t relton, specialy n Filur n 1927,

      5、 ow anhe bui sc a etiful ountry?Athuptimis isnt a masr ey scces,it cnlghenthe oe o ccesandel us moe step bystep t least. Therfore,wve we re and hateer we do, we mu e an live our le wih a ositive attitd. We mstbeevopimstclly, “Ifwintr ome, can prng be farbehind?”范文三:启航考研 黄涛Ass apartly drawn n thisminitue, n temiddle sn twoindiviual, e feelng loomy wile the ther otiistic. TheCinese chaaers abe iorm ur reade f h messge at vrius folkstakedffernt attiudes toward the same een. ow imessive hisdrawng sm

      6、to be ndepctingone of the mos revlet ts tha atitde mae veythingin oli。Afer careuefletion and medain, we exainees come to unestant elightnidrawig.I cntnda i ought-provokin ige oveys one prfonlaye fimplicationcncernn titde o optimism. It i universlly acknwedged that lie is by no meansprect ad whherwefee ptimisti rno epens on whattituds tak。When nted wit n aderse sition,smeyouts feel n o spirts dfall into dprsi. Otrs, onthecontrary, look at the posiive sdof thsiation a ein cheefl. s a cnsque, it is

      7、 ou atiude rather tha teitaiontself tatdtermines h we fee。I my personal sese,the mesge apliesto ouyouhs espel. I sch a ra-ace siet, eveyones bon toencute harshps and flties. n thi sense, I soud ep a opiisic attitude to ull trough any hardshi.Just as famou figurpu i, it isour atitde thhas ngedeverhng inr fe。考研英语一大作文如图所示,两名游客正在一艘小船上观光,同步把野餐的剩余垃圾随意丢入湖中。不幸的是,湖中已经堆满了漂浮的塑料盒、鱼骨、香蕉皮、西瓜皮、瓶子、罐头、食品包装等各色垃圾。在图画下方,有个小标题写明:“路程之余”。 从漫画中,我们可以得出结论:画家想要体现下述信息:成群的游客涌入诸多景点,通过生产并丢弃大量的垃圾从而破坏了大自然的美观。一方面,旅游业作为一项数十亿美元的产业,正在世界各地迅猛发展。有人觉得旅游业是经济发展的引擎,似乎忽视了其对环境的负面影响。然而,我觉得我们必须充足关注这一问题。另一方面,旅游业已经对我们生存的环境导致了巨大的压力。水受到污染,生态平衡遭到破坏,自然资源被过度开发。 毫无疑问,由于在其她收入很少的地区,旅游业的确有助于发展经济,因此任何国家都无法严禁旅游业。重要的是旅游业毫无节制的发展也许使得经济发展不可持续。通过考虑环保因素,我们早就该提高人们的意识来扭转这个现象了。范文一:考研网atan pressivepicuriti! Two youn mn siting onhe a re throwng rubish itthlke, itallkids of garbe ling n th urfce hat is oeyed i te ictreis boh reiican togh-provokigCleary,


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