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    • 1、智多星教育牛津版高二英语下册期末测试(I)第一节:单项填空(共1小题;每小题分,满分1分)1. Can I ask you a rather personal question, Mr. Wang? . A. Yes, dont worry B. Of course, go ahead C. Yes, help yourself D. Of course, why not?2. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his was seen at its best whenhe worked with others. A. appearance B. character C. talent D. ability3. It is required in the regulations that you other people the password of your e-mail . A. mustnt tell; address B. shouldnt tell; content C. shant; number D

      2、. not tell; account4. My friend, who on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month. A. served B. is serving C. had served D. has served5. To keep healthy, Professor Johnson cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired. A. took up B. gave up C. carried out D. held up6. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health poor. A. proves B. remains C. maintains D. continues7. It is good for elderly people to be involved in community service. A. honestly B. pa

      3、tiently C. eagerly D. actively8. the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems. A. When B. While C. If D. As9. today, he would get there by Saturday. A. If he leaves B. Was he leaving C. Would he leave D. Were he to leave10. Dont him as far as you can. He is checking his first science fiction word by word by Science and Technology Press. A. disturb; to be published B. disturb; being published C. interfere; to publish

      4、D. interfere; published11. The of the fence is a type of wild dog called a “dingo”. A. purpose;to keep up B. purpose;to keep out C. idea;to keep on D. idea; to keep back12. Some believe that we are equipped a special ability to learn language and that our brain adjusts itself the language of the culture we are born . A. with; with; in B. by; with; with C. by; to; with D. with; to; in13. It was a lovely day yesterday. I wish I at the seaside then. A. were B. had been C. should be D. should have b

      5、een14. Farmers have to more workers during the harvest and even so, some of them usually after the harvest. A. take on; break down B. take on; break up C. take off; break down D. take off; break up15. If it for the snow, we the mountain yesterday. A. were not; could have climbed B. were not; could climb C. had not been; could have climbed D. had not been; could climb第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Dear Cigarette,For the past 17 years, you have been my best friend. You have seen me through 16 times, h

      6、appy times and just about every stage of my life. You have always been here 17 Ive needed you. Some of my family and friends didnt 18 much for you, but I always 19 you no matter what. I always thought you were a great friend to have, and I 20 on you at all times. Its hard for me to tell you 21 , but in the past few months, I have been seriously 22 ending our relationship. Ive decided that Ive just been too 23 on you, and I feel that at the age of 35 it is 24 that I started being more independent

      7、. I thought about just maybe seeing you 25 , but I dont think that 26 work. Eventually, Id start relying on you all the time again. I feel the only way to end our relationship is to end it 27 .Ive always included you in 28 Ive done but next week, Im going on a trip, and Ive decided not to take you 29 . I feel this would be a good time to 30 . I will 31 a whole week without you and 32 I can make it on my own 33 that week, I know I can make it forever. It is a little sad for me to know that I wont

      8、 be able to rely on you any 34 , but I think I will be a 35 person in the end. Letty Gogh16. A. difficultB. easy C. wonderfulD. pleasant 17. A. even if B. thoughC. whenD. where18. A. callB. careC. thinkD. like19. A. prevented B. defended C. pretendedD. protected20. A. counted B. trusted C. enjoyedD. lived21. A. thatB. thisC. itD. which22. A. thinking aboutB. longing for C. looking forward to D. insisting on23. A. dependB. dependent C. independentD. dependently24. A. no doubtB. a wonder C. timeD. difficult 25. A. onc


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