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    • 1、专题14 情感态度【美文阅读1】导读:人们的爱好各有不同。有人喜欢购物,有人喜欢吸烟,还有人喜欢食物。作者却热衷于体育锻炼。在锻炼的同时,她获得了成就感,也在不断突破自我。Commitment Its 5:00 in the morning when the alarm rings in my ears. I roll out of bed and walk blindly through the dark into the bathroom. I turn on the light and put on my glasses. The house is still as I walk downstairs while my husband and three kids sleep peacefully. Usually I go for a long run, but today I choose my favorite exercise DVD, Insanity. Sweat pours down my face and into my eyes. My heart races

      2、as I force my body to finish each movement. As I near the end of the exercise, I feel extremely tired, but a smile is on my face. Its not a smile because the DVD is over, but a smile of success from pushing my body to its extreme limit.Some people enjoy shopping, smoking, food, work, or even chocolate. But I need exercise to get through each day. Some shake heads when they see me run through the town. Others get hurt when I refuse to try just one bite of their grandmothers chocolate cake. They r

      3、aise their eyebrows, surprised by my no thank you, or by my choice to have a salad. Over the years, I have learned its okay to just say no. I shouldnt feel sorry for refusing food that I dont want to eat.So what drives me to roll out of bed at 5:00 a.m.? What gives me the reason to just say no to ice cream? Commitment. A commitment to change my life with a way that reduces daily anxiety, increases selfconfidence and energy, extends life and above all improves my body shape. This is the point whe

      4、re a smile appears on my face as I look at myself in the mirror or try on my favorite pair of jeans that now fit just right. Its through commitment and sweat that I can make a difference within myself inside and out.承诺凌晨5点,闹钟在我耳边响起。我翻身起床,在黑暗中摸索着走进浴室。我打开灯,戴上眼镜。当我下楼时,房子里一片寂静,丈夫和三个孩子还在安睡。通常我会出去长跑,可是今天我选择了最爱的健身光盘Insanity。不一会儿,汗水顺着脸颊流下来,流入我的双眼。我强迫自己完成每一个动作,我的心在狂跳。健身快要结束的时候,我已经疲惫不堪,但是我却面带笑容。这不是因为健身结束而露出的笑容,而是我将自己的身体推向极限后成功的笑容。有人喜欢购物,有人喜欢吸烟,有人喜欢食物,有人喜欢工作,甚至有人喜欢巧克力。但是我每天都要锻炼身体。当看到我在城中长跑时,有些人会不以为然地摇头。当我拒

      5、绝品尝别人的奶奶为我们准备的巧克力蛋糕时,他们会感到很受伤。听到我说不,谢谢或者看到我选择了色拉时,他们会惊讶地扬起眉头。多年以来,我知道我可以说不。我没有必要为拒绝自己不喜欢吃的东西而感到抱歉。那么是什么使我凌晨5点就起床呢?又是什么理由让我拒绝冰淇淋呢?那就是承诺,一个改变人生的承诺减少焦虑、增强自信和精力、延年益寿,尤其是塑造体型。这就是当我对镜自照的时候,或者穿上现在已经非常合身的牛仔裤时面露笑容的原因。正是通过承诺和汗水,我从内到外彻底改变了自己。重点单词:1. alarm lm n. 闹铃2. blindly blandl adv. 摸索地3. commitment kmtm()nt n. 承诺4. extend kstend vt. 延伸重点短语 / 亮点句式:1. turn on 打开。如:He turned on the radio after he went inside.他走进去以后打开了收音机。2. get through做完;通过;到达;接通电话。如:When you get through with your work, lets go out.你工作做完以

      6、后,我们就出去吧。Will my email messages get through to the inbox?我的电子邮件信息是否能到达用户的收件箱?A little patience,and Ill get you through.耐心一点,我就给你接通电话。I dont know how long it will take to get through security.我不知道通过安检要多长时间。3. get hurt 受伤。get在此用作连系动词,和过去分词一起构成被动。英语中类似的短语还还有:get married 结婚;get burnt 被烧伤;get lost 迷路;get separated 分开等。4. Its through commitment and sweat that I can make a difference within myself inside and out.正是通过承诺和汗水,我从内到外彻底改变了自己。(1) 本句使用了强调句型,强调方式状语through commitment and sweat。强调句型的结构是It is/was +

      7、被强调的部分+that/who+其他。如:It was by turns that they took care of their sick mother.他们是轮流照顾生病的母亲的。(2)make a difference有(重要)作用;有影响;有关系。如:Whatever you can do can make a difference.无论你能做什么,都会带来不同。【美文阅读2】导读:有时候,一个人的弱势恰恰会成为他的优势。一个10岁男孩在一次惨烈的车祸中失去了左臂,但他却决定学习柔道,而且在第一次比赛中,男孩就夺得了冠军。这其中的秘密就在于上帝为你关上一扇门的同时,又为你打开了一扇窗。Weakness as StrengthSometimes our biggest weakness can become our biggest strength. Take, for example, the story of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his

      8、left arm in a devastating car accident.The boy began lesson with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was doing well, so he couldnt understand why, after three months of training, the master had taught him only one move.Mister, the boy finally said, shouldnt I be learning more moves?This is the only move you know, but this is the only move youll ever need to know, the master replied.Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training.Several months later, the master took

      9、 the boy to his first tournament.To his surprise, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became impatient and charged; the boy deftly used his one move to win the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.This time, his opponent was bigger, stronger, and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be overmatched.Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the referee called a time-out. He was about to stop the match when the master intervened.No, his master insisted, let him continue.Soon after the match resumed, his opponent made a critical mistake: he dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to pin him. The boy had won the match and the tournament. He was the champion.On the way home, the boy and his


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