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    • 1、考研英语(阅读)-试卷12(总分:60.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Reading Comprehension(总题数:6,分数:60.00)1. Section II Reading Comprehension (分数:10.00)解析:2. Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D.(分数:10.00)解析:Last weekend Kyle MacDonald in Montreal threw a party to celebrate the fact that he got his new home in exchange for a red paper clip. Starting a year ago, MacDonald bartered the clip for increasingly valuable stuff, including a camp stove and free ren

      2、t in a Phoenix flat. Having announced his aim(the house)in advance, MacDonald likely got a boost from techies eager to see the Internet pass this daring test of its networking power. My whole motto was Start small, think big, and have fun, says MacDonald , 26, I really kept my effort on the creative side rather than the business side. Yet as odd as the MacDonald exchange was, barter is now big business on the Net. This year more than 400,000 companies worldwide will exchange some $10 billion wor

      3、th of goods and services on a growing number of barter sites. These Web sites allow companies to trade products for a virtual currency, which they can use to buy goods from other members. In Iceland, garment-maker Kapusalan sells a third of its output on the booming Vidskiptanetid exchange, earning virtual money that it uses to buy machinery and pay part of employee salaries.The Troc-Services exchange in France offers more than 4,600 services, from math lessons to ironing.This is not a primitive

      4、 barter system. By creating currencies, the Internet removes a major barrier - what Bob Meyer, publisher of Barter News, callshe double coincidence of wants. Thatis, two parties once not only had to find each other, but also an exchange of goods that both desired. Now, they can price the deal in virtual currency. Barter also helps firms make use of idle capacity. For example, advertising is hugely bartered because many media, particularly on the Web, can supply new ad space at little cost. Moreo

      5、ver, Internet ads donregister inindustry-growth statistics, because many exchanges are arranged outside the formal exchanges.Like eBay, most barter sites allow members to grade trading partners for honesty, quality and so on. Barter exchanges can allow firms in countries with hyperinflation or nontradable currencies to enter global trades. Next year, a nonprofit exchange called Quick Lift Two(QL2)plans to open in Nairobi, offering barter deals to 38,000 Kenyan farmers in remote areas. Two small

      6、planes will deliver the goods. QL2 director Gacii Waciuma says the farmers are excited to be liberated from corrupt middlemen. For them, barter evokes a bright future, not a precapitalist past.(分数:10.00)(1).The word echies(Para. 1)probably refers to those who are(分数:2.00 )A.afraid of technology.B.skilled in technology. V C.ignorant of technology.D.incompetent in technology.解析:解析:含义题。 B 项 skilled in technology ,根据原文第一段techie 的下文“渴望看到网络的力量”的人,应该是熟悉网络,擅长网络的人,故选 B项skilled in technology 。A、C D项于逻辑上说不

      7、通,如果害怕技术,对技术无动于衷,不可能对网络新兴技术如此渴望和感兴趣。“ techie ”相当于中文里的“技术狂” 。) 2.00 (分数: (2).Many people may have deliberately helped Kyle because theyA.were impressed by his creativity.B.were eager to identify with his motto.C.liked his goal announced in advance.D.hoped to prove the power of the Internet.V解析:解析:细节题。根据第一段的 MacDonald likely got a boost from techies eager to see theInternetpass this daring test of its networking power :麦克的成功得益于很多技术达人的支持,他们非常殷切地希望看到互联网发挥社交网络的力量。D项与其相符。(3).The Internet barter system

      8、 relies heavily on (分数: 2.00 )A.the size of barter sites.B.the use of virtual currency.VC.the quality of goods or services.D.the location of trading companies.解析:解析:细节题。根据第三段的“ By creating currencies , the Internet removes a major barrier( 通过创造货币,互联网解决了一个大障碍) ”可以推理得知,该系统非常依赖虚拟货币。 B 项为正确答案。(4) .It is implied that Internet advertisement can help (分数: 2.00 )A.companies make more profit. VB.companies do formal exchanges.C.media register in statistics.D.media grade barter sites.解析: 解析: 推断题。 题目为 “文章中揭

      9、示了互联网广告能够帮助 ” , 答案来自第四段的 “ Forexample , advertisingis hugely barteredbecause many media , particularly on the Web , can sup ply newadspace at little cost(许多媒体,尤其是网络媒体,能够以低廉价格提供广告空间)”。B项与后文相反,C项没有提到, D 项没有提到, A 项符合逻辑,既然广告价格低廉当然可以为公司创造更多利润。(5) .Which of the following is true of QL2 according to the author? (分数: 2.00 )A.It is criticized for doing business in a primitive way.B.It aims to deal with hyperinflation in some countries.C.It helps get rid of middlemen in trade and exchange.VD.It is intended to evaluate the performance of trading partners.解析:解析:细节题。根据第五段中的 QL2 director Gacii Waciuma says the farmers are excited tobe aliberated from corrupt middlemenQL2的主管表示,农民们非常激动,因为终于可以“摆脱腐败的中间商的剥削了” ,可以推理出 C 项为正确答案。When Thomas Keller, one of Americas foremost chefs, announced that on Sept. 1 he would abolishthe practice of tipping at Per Se, his luxury restaurant in Ne


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