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    • 1、名称定义效果或作用举例Alliteration 头韵It is the repetition of initial consonant in sequence of wordsIt is good for sound rhyme,musical effect and significant emphasisDeath pays all debts.Assonance元韵It is the resemblance of vowel sounds in the stressed syllables of a sequence of words. It creates a musical rhythm for a particular effect of euphony and convey various sensory impressions.Little strokes fell great oaks.Consonance辅韵It refers to the repetition of the final and identical consonants whose preceding

      2、 vowels are different.同上Farms Not ArmsOnomatopoeia 拟声It is used to describe the phenomenon of language sounding like the thing it refers to .It helps make description.It helps make the implied exquisiteness of the diction more directly to readers in an auditory way.Mew -mew ,says the cat.Pun 双关A pun involves the use of a polysemous word to suggest two or more meanings,commonly literal meaning versus figurative meaning,or involves the use of homonyms.The whole point of a pun is the users intent t

      3、o produce a humorous or witty effect from the juxtaposition of meanings .If we dont hang together well hang separately.Repetition重复It is a powerful rhetorical device which creates good rhythm and parallelism to make the language musical,emphatic, attractive and memorable.Word repetition can knit the ideas together,emphasize an idea, and generate emotional force.例如long,long ago.Anaphora句首重复It is the repetition of the same word at beginning of successive clauses, sentences or verses.It is used to

      4、gain more emphasis to convey strong emotions.例如No pains ,no gains .But in a large sense we cant dedicate ,we cant consecrate,we cant hallow this ground.Epiphora句末重复It it a repetition of the same words or phrases at the end of successive lines,clauses or sentences.It it always used to stress heavily.Grasp all ,lose all.Sow nothing,reap nothing.Simploce首末同时重复It is the repetition of two sets of words or phrases,of which one set is repeated at the beginning and the other set is repeated at the end o

      5、f sentence.It is employed to achieve emphasis.We are the hollow men,We are the stuffed men.Anadiplosis顶真It is the repetition of the last part of a unit or sentence at the beginning of the next unit or sentence It is used for the sake of aesthetic feeling or to give a sense of logical progression of ideas. Or for emphasis of the repeated word of idea.For glances beget ogles,ogles sighs wishes ,wishes words,and words a letter.Parallelism平行结构The ideas that are to be equally stressed should be paire

      6、d and sequenced in the same grammatical formTo create a good visual image and help our reader move quickly from one idea to the next.Government of the people ,by the people ,and for the people,shall not perish from the earth.Antithesis对偶Placing contrasting ideas side by side for emphasis and rhythm. The elements are contrary in meaning but similar in form.It always gives strength, adds vividness and appeals to the audiences emotion. It results in linguistic brevity and rhythmic harmony.It is the

      7、 best of times; it is the worst of times . Climax层进It it the arrangement of words, phrase, clauses or sentences in ascending order of importance.Ideas arrranged in such a way develop gradually, like climbing a ladder, each idea outweighting the preceding one. It is extremely effective in stirring up feelings and emotions, and helps to drive home a point.I came, i saw, i conquered.We want peace, we want freedom, we want a better life.Anticlimax突降法It is figure of speech that involves stating ones

      8、thoughts in a descending order of significance or intensity.It is often employed to ridicule or satirize.Sometimes used to achieve emphasis or for the effect of being comic or humorous.Where shall i find hope, happiness, friends, cigarettes?Syllepsis一语双叙It is a construction in which the word that governs two of more other words means differently when it is collocated with these words separately.It is often used for comic or satiric effect. To produce a witty, humorous or satirical effect, it oug

      9、ht to be original and creative.Today ,he has a blue heart and coat.Zeugma轭式搭配It is a figure of speech in which a word is used to modify or govern two or more words although its use is not grammatically or logically correct with all of them.We ate a bun and a glass of milk.They went to the graveyard with weeping eyes and hearts.chiasmus交错重复句It is a construction involving the repetition of word or syntactic elements in reverse order.(a b /b a )It can express sophisticated idea, deep thought and event twisted concepts in the complex society.One should eat to live,not live to eat.Rhetorical questions设问It is one question that does not need an answer, for the answer is suggested by the speaker,or presumed by the speaker to be fairly obvious


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