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    • 1、Unit 2 English around the worldSection Grammar课后篇巩固提升一、下面是几组小对话,用括号内所给动词加不定式转述第一个说话者的话1.Joe:Go to a movie with me,please.Mary:OK.(invited)答案:Joe invited Mary to go to a movie with him.2.Dr.Miller:You should do more exercise.Steve:Ill try.(advised)答案:Dr.Miller advised Steve to do more exercise.3.Mr.Ward:You may have an apple and a glass of milk.The children:Thanks,Dad.(permitted)答案:Mr.Ward permitted the children to have an apple and a glass of milk.4.Professor White:You should study English hard.

      2、Tom:Yes,I will.(encouraged)答案:Professor White encouraged Tom to study English hard.5.The police officer:Put your hands above your head!The thief:Who?Me?I didnt do anything.(ordered)答案:The police officer ordered the thief to put his hands above his head.6.Sue:Dont forget to call me.Lucy:I wont.(reminded)答案:Sue reminded Lucy not to forget to call her.二、完成下列间接引语1.“Dont forget to give the message to my wife,” he said to Li Ping.He Li Ping forget to give the message to wife.答案:told;not to;his2.“Mum,p

      3、lease help me find my shirt,” he said.He his mother help find shirt.答案:asked;to;him;his3.“Use your knife to cut the boots open,” the officer said to the guard.The officer the guard knife to cut the boots open.答案:ordered;to use his4.“Dont spend too much time on football!” Mother said to me.Mother me too much time on football.答案:told;not to spend5.“Will you sleep and get up early,children?”Father said.Father the children and up early.答案:asked;to sleep;get6.He said to the farmers,“Do things at the

      4、right time of the year.”He things at the right time of the year.答案:told the farmers to do7.“Please open your books,” he said.He our books.答案:asked us to open8.“Dont turn off the light,” the teacher said.The teacher turn off the light.答案:told me not to9.Mother said,“Get up,Julia.”Mother Julia get up.答案:told;to10.“Would you like to see my flat?” she asked.She me see her flat.答案:asked;to三、翻译句子1.参观者被要求不要碰房间里的任何东西。答案:Visitors are requested not to touch anything in the room.2.警察让我把车停在那里。答案:The policem

      5、an told me to park my car there.3.李先生命令我立刻离开办公室。答案:Mr.Li ordered/commanded me to leave the office at once.4.她让我帮她完成这项工作。答案:She asked me to help her finish the work.5.他建议我休息一会儿。答案:He suggested me having a rest./He suggested that I (should) have a rest.6.我的姐姐让我不要担心她。答案:My sister told/asked me not to worry about her.四、完形填空When I was in high school,the last person I wanted to be with was the foreign teacher.On one hand,I was unable to 1 what she said,so I did not know what responses I should give.On

      6、 the other hand,I had no faith in the 2 of my English.To avoid making mistakes,I wrote down every word I intended to say and 3 all the words whose pronunciation I had not been sure of before 4 my hand to answer her question.In most of the cases,hardly had I made proper preparations when she brought another subject.5 to express myself clearly led to a 6 sense of inferiority(低等).7,communication with a foreigner who came to visit my father in the last Spring Festival built my 8.Because of the comfo

      7、rtable and delightful atmosphere,I found it unnecessary to speak English totally 9 on grammar rules.I paid little attention to the grammar and even used gestures,pictures and objects to make myself easily 10.During the conversation,he frequently nodded to show his understanding of what I said,which 11 encouraged me to express myself more 12.This experience made me 13 that the attraction of language is not only in some 14 literary works,but also in the understanding between two common people with

      8、 15 mother tongues.It is possible for native speakers to make some 16 in communication,let alone people who learn English as a foreign language.Besides a good 17 of vocabulary and grammar,there are more other factors for effective(有效的) communication 18 facial expressions and gestures.With this belief,I became more willing to 19 with foreigners and more communication further 20 my English.In this cycle,I gained the most precious fortune(财富)confidence.1.A.catchB.focusC.recognizeD.record答案:A解析根据语境可知,此处指“我听不懂她说的话”,所以用catch表示“听清楚,领会”。2.A.fluencyB.correctnessC.meaningD.structure答案:B解析由下文中的“To avoid making mistakes”可知,作者对自己英语的正确性没有信心。3.A.looked outB.turned upC.looked upD.turned out答案:C解析由下文中的“all the words whose pronunciation I had not been sure of ”并结合常识可知,此处指作者不确定单词的发音时会查一下字典确定。look up意为“查阅”。4.A.throwingB.cleaningC.washingD.raising答案:D解析由下文中的“to answer her question”可知,此处指举手回答问题。raise ones hand意为“举手”。5.A.AbilityB.FailureC.EntranceD.Objection答案:B解析由下文中的关键词in


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