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    • 1、后勤人员及保洁员医院感染知识培训内容:1、保洁员岗位职责2、医疗废物管理3、医院保洁工作的意义及重要性4、手卫生规范目的:保持整个医院清洁、优美、舒适的工作环境,辅助控制病源传播速度工作,为临床提高一流医疗环境。一、保洁员岗位职责1. 认真遵守劳动纪律,严格执行岗位制度。熟悉本岗位的工作任务与要求,明确服务宗旨,端正劳动态度,讲究工作效率。2. 严格按照规定程序工作:清扫楼层面每日 1-2 次,擦楼梯扶手每日一次 , 拖擦楼层面每日 1-2 次, 擦洗门窗及楼道附属物每周至少一次 , 清扫墙壁每月至少一次,全日保洁。3. 病人出院后及时清洁室内地面、床和桌、椅;窗帘每季度清洗一次。4. 无瓜果皮壳、纸屑、烟头等杂物;无积水、污迹;每 5 平方米内的烟头及相应大小的杂物不超过 1 个,外部垃圾及时处理, 内部如有堵塞及时反映、疏通,外表无污迹,无粘附物。5.卫生间随时清扫做到地面清洁,卫生器具无异味。is one of the practical form of values.The so-called values refers to theobjective things areof

      2、 no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, peoples behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-orienteng the id focus on human value and reality, wenee d the br oadest masses as values. Adhere topeople -oriented values, is t o make the economy more developme nt, improvedemocracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; isdeeply concerned that human deve lopment and human values, development of social and humandevelopment of rational unified, insisted in the mater

      3、ial civilization, politicalcivilization a nd spiritualcivilization i n the overall advancementof Socialist civilization to ahigher level. Also want tosee thatpersons value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet thepending on theneeds of others and thecommunity. Adhere t o people-oriented, to strongly advocate everycommunity member,serve others, beneficiattitude is on the record, including who, how tocreate a record of achievements, how to evaluateperformance, and so on. What values, what k

      4、ind of Outlook. Adhere topeople-orie nted Outlook, is on thepremise of respectinterests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steadyheart performance,creating serve forone officer, the benefit of achievements, and overall constructionof well-off society and promoting the all-round development of peoples performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes i n both urban a nd ruralcha nge; bothhard

      5、 environment to strengthen a nd take another look at thesoft environment improvement momentum of development at present,depotential for sustainabl e devel opment. Leavepeople to talk about values are worthless and leave people t o talk about4. people responded to thestarting point of the question, and replied to questi onspoi nt. Man is the sum of social relationshi ps. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and evencertainpoliti cal, economic, cult

      6、ural and social environment, and soon. Due tohuman needs, all w alks of life will come into being. Pe ople create for theirsurvival, and continue enjoying the resultsof the constructi on.Col orful in the transformation of thepeopleof the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any workwe do, the starting point ishuman, what arepeople. Us speed up development, thecoreof which is to meet the needsof people, i ncl uding survival needs, emotional nee ds and self-actualization ne

      7、eds. It should be noted that people are not machines, not theto meet. It is said that in the agriculturalsociety,people plant; in industrialsociety, man is an animal; the information society, return6. 负责做好责任楼门公共设施的损坏记录,及时上报主管。7. 听取病人、护士、医生对保洁管理工作的反映与需求,发现问题及时解决,不能解决的及时向主管责任人汇报。8. 向病人、护士和医生宣传 讲卫生,重环保 的思想,积极引导自觉遵守有关环境卫生的公约。9. 爱护公物,正确使用并妥善保管清洁用具,最大限度节约资源。10. 做好自我防护,严格按照工作程序与标准进行工作。11. 认真学习 消毒液配制及使用方法, 切断病源传播, 防止交叉感染。二、医疗废物管理(一)、医疗废物管理条例已经 2003 年 6 月 4 日国务院第十次常务会议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。为了加强医疗废物的安全管理,防止疾病传

      8、播,保护环境,保障人体健康,根据中华人民共和国传染病防治法和中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法,制定本条例。1. 医疗废物,是指医疗卫生机构在医疗、预防、保健以及其他相关活动中产生的具有直接或者间接感染性、 毒性以及其他危害性的废物。医疗废物分类目录, 由国务院卫生行政主管部门和环境保护行政主管部门共同制定、公布。Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society.In perform duties, and carriedout work of pr ocess in t he, w e to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from masses mosthope do of thingsdo up, from masses most careof hotproblem grabbed, from masses most notsatisfaction ofplace modified up, not make nominal of formalism,not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seek ing of style, help masses share, ispe oplebenefit. (C) the investeepe ople is not only an idea, it is a job re quirement. Philosophy through to thepe ople-oriented


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