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    • 1、摘 要根据毕业设计任务书要求,此次毕业设计为青岛利客来集团6号办公楼设计,本工程的面积大约为3265.92,承重结构体系拟采用四层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,高度为12.8m,室内外高差为0.45m。设计整体布置呈规则、对称的矩形,给人以办公建筑应该具有的传统美观,设计具备了可靠的防火、防震、隔声、隔热、内部交通便利的条件。根据工程所在地的周围地理环境、工程地质概况以及气象条件等选用相应的办公楼设计规范和其它相关标准数据进行设计计算。熟练掌握大学专业知识,是设计正常进行的有力保障。此办公楼的设计整体上分为建筑平面设计、结构计算设计两个主要部分。建筑平面设计部分,根据设计要求资料和相关的设计规范绘制建筑施工平面底稿,确定建筑的整体布置情况并用天正建筑软件、AutuoCAD等软件绘制平、立、剖面图以及详图等;结构计算设计部分是设计中的关键,根据设计底稿选定结构方案和框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度,并根据设计规范梁柱以及其他构件的截面尺寸,然后选取一榀框架进行竖向荷载(恒载、活载)的设计计算,其中选用分层法计算框架的弯矩确定其最终的轴力和剪力并组合成图。采用D值法进行风荷载作用下的框架内力计算和地震作

      2、用时的内力及侧移计算。在各种荷载情况下的框架内力求得后,根据最不利的可行原则进行内力组合找出最不利的一组内力,进行梁柱以及基础等构件的配筋计算;最终通过PKPK软件建模完成结构配筋图。整个设计过程中,严格遵循办公楼设计相关的专业规范和其它相关标准,对设计的各个环节应进行综合全面科学的考虑。切实贯彻“安全、适用、经济、美观”的设计原则。关键词:框架结构,设计规范,内力组合,设计原则 AbstractAccording to the graduation design task book requirements, the graduation design for the design of Qingdao likelai Group Office Building No. 6, the area of the project is about 3265.92 m2 and bearing structure system plans to use four layers of cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, high

      3、ly 12.8m, indoor and outdoor elevation is 0.45M. Design of the overall layout of a regular, rectangular symmetrical, give a person to office building should have the traditional and beautiful, the design has the reliable fire, shock proof, heat insulation, sound insulation, internal convenient traffic conditions. According to the engineering location of the surrounding geographical environment, engineering geological survey and meteorological conditions, and other selection of the corresponding

      4、office building design specifications and other relevant standards of data design and calculation.Master University professional knowledge is the design of the normal strong protection. The design of this office building is divided into two main parts: architectural plane design and structure calculation design. Design and calculation of architectural graphic design, according to the requirement of design data and related design specifications to determine the overall layout of the building, the

      5、 construction plane papers was depicted and software Tianzheng construction, AutuoCAD software such as drawing flat, vertical, profile and detail and so on; structure calculation of the key part is the design of design, according to the design of papers selected structure scheme and frame calculation sketch and beam column line stiffness and according to the code for design of beams and columns as well as other member section size, and then select one pin frame vertical load (dead load, live loa

      6、d), including hierarchical method used to determine and combined into a map of the ultimate axial force and shear force of frame bending moment calculation. The internal force and lateral displacement of the frame under the action of wind load are calculated by D method. Under various load cases of internal force of the frame can be obtained, according to the most unfavorable feasible principle of internal force combination identify the most unfavorable a set of internal force, beams and columns

      7、 as well as the foundation and other members of the reinforcement calculation. Finally, through PKPK software modeling completed structure reinforcement figure.Throughout the design process, strictly follow the design of the office buildings related professional standards and other relevant standards, all aspects of the design should be comprehensive and comprehensive scientific considerations. Earnestly implement the design principle of safety, application, economy and beauty.窗体底端Key words: fra

      8、mework structure, design specifications, internal force combination, design Principles目 录前 言11 建筑设计31.1 工程概况31.2 平面设计31.3 剖面设计31.4 立面设计41.5 楼板层和地面41.6 基础和地基41.7交通联系部分的设计41.8 其他设计52 结构设计72.1 工程概况72.2框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度82.3竖向荷载计算92.4抗震计算252.5风荷载计算352.6内力组合402.7梁柱截面设计与配筋计算522.8基础设计57结论61致谢63参考文献65附录67前 言毕业设计是对即将大学本科毕业的我们一次综合性的考察,它是实现教育培养目标的一个重要过程,是深化学习、拓宽知识、综合教学即将步入社会的我们的重要过程,是对大学期间所学专业知识、公共知识、个人能力的全面总结。通过毕业设计,可以重温回顾大学阶段学过的知识,对疑难知识进一步学习,对提高个人的综合知识结构框架奠定基础。通过毕业设计,使我们在资料查找学习、设计的计划与安排、分析设计算结果、施工结构图纸的绘制、口语口述表

      9、达能力等各个方面得到综合性训练, 同时也具备了从事相关专业工作的基本素质和技能。根据毕业设计要求,本次毕业设计题目为青岛利客来集团6号办公楼设计,通过在校学习,主修了结构力学、材料力学、理论力学、房屋建筑学、混凝土结构、土力学、基础工程与地基处理、建筑结构抗震、高层建筑结构、建筑施工技术、AutoCAD、PKPM等等相关专业课程,并在老师的指导下进行了混凝土结构课程设计、房屋建筑课程设计、基础工程课程设计,并且上机进行了CAD制图设计、利用PKPM建模进行结构设计计算积累了较多经验,同时参加了毕业生产实习,现场了解了当前社会发展的趋势及理论同实践的联系与区别,综合上述本人具备了完成该设计的理论基础及基本能力。毕业设计的两个月中,在指导老师的悉心帮助下,同时经过个人细心查阅资料、设计图纸绘制、结构计算、论文编辑撰写,加深了对规范等相关内容的更深层次的理解,巩固了现有专业知识,提高了个人综合分析、解决问题的综合能力。并进一步熟练掌握了AutoCAD制图软件和结构设计PKPM软件,基本上达到了毕业设计的目的与要求。众所周知,框架结构设计的计算工作量确实很大,在计算过程中选用以手算为主,并紧跟采用建筑结构软件PKPMCAD建模进行电脑计算,最后将电算结果与手算结果的异同进行了误差对比分析。由于个人专业知识不够扎实,不免有不妥和疏漏之处,敬请各位老师教导指正。1 建筑设计1.1 建筑


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