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2022-2023学年高中英语 课时分层作业1 Unit 13 People 北师大版必修5

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    • 1、2022-2023学年高中英语 课时分层作业1 Unit 13 People 北师大版必修5.单句语法填空1The policeman talked the man out of jumping (jump) from the top of the building.2The shop assistant was dismissed as she was accused of cheating customers.3There is too much noise outside,I can hardly concentrate my attention on my book.4There is no doubt that President Xi Jinpings Russia visit helped develop ChinaRussia economy.5They win no ones trust and will end up having(have) no friends at all.6The novel written(write) by Gu Man was adap

      2、ted into a famous film,which was very popular.7One great player deserves to be mentioned/mentioning(mention) this time.8The days begin to draw in when November es. 9The connection(connect) between the two events is remote.10Im on familiar terms with my bank manager.完成句子1我不想和她交谈,我只想集中精力学习。I didnt feel like talking to her,so I just concentrated on my study2你是如何说服她放弃这个计划的?How did you talk her into giving up this plan?3从顾客满意度来看,这个新计划不应该受到批评。In terms of customer satisfaction,the new plan cannot be cr

      3、iticized.4毫无疑问,中国人民将来会过更好的生活。There is no doubt that the Chinese people will live a better life in the future.5是在我工作的工厂遇到了我的老朋友。It was in the factory where I worked that I met my old friend.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortings.Instead,realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born.Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.The seeds,and the power to grow them,are contained in the human mind.Success is a choice

      4、 and not a chance.You can be a success only if you make the right choice.You cannot be successful without first developing your selfesteem(自尊)Your level of selfesteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself,and thus over your life.People with low selfesteem do not believe that they have any power,or responsibility for their lives.They are leaves tossed(摇摆)by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.You can exercise control

      5、 over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for whatever happens in your life.Failures think that everything happens by accident while successful people realize that they are responsible.Everything happens as a result of something.If we can identify the cause,we can control the effect.We are responsible for what we consciously choose to accept and believe.Thoughts and beliefs cause everything.Our attitudes and actions are a result of habits existing in us over a

      6、period of time.One generally rises to the level that one expects.We are responsible for setting our expectations.Our success depends upon our level of confidence.We are responsible for either forming good habits or kicking bad habits.If you associate with positive thinking people,you are definitely going to achieve success.On the contrary,the opposite happens.We are responsible for finding,planting,and nurturing(培育)the seeds that contain future victory,born from setbacks.In short,in all areas of

      7、 your life,whether they are financial,physical,emotional,or spiritual,you are responsible.Once you recognize this,accept it,and firmly believe it,you are on the road to success.【语篇解读】在人生当中,需要我们做出许多选择,只要选择是正确的,就有可能取得成功。1People with low selfesteem are pared to leaves because they Aare ready to change their mindsBare easily affected by windy weatherCdont have the power to face their fateDcant exercise control over themselvesD细节理解题。第三段最后用了一个比喻:自尊心不强的人就像风中摇摆的树叶一样,不能控制自己。2It can be inferred from Parag

      8、raph 5 that Awhether we will succeed depends on our attitudesBdeveloping confidence is the key to future successCthoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mindDsetting our expectations is essential before taking actionA细节理解题。第五段的内容是:我们应该为自己的选择负责,并结合上一段的内容,可知成功取决于态度。3The last paragraph serves as Athe proof of the authors pointsBthe conclusion of the argumentCan introduction to another topicDa parison between two viewsB推理判断题。文章前面部分主要讲述了成功的多方面因素,最后一段是作者得出的最终结论。4Which is the best title for the

      9、 text?ASuccess Is a ChoiceBThe Secrets of SuccessCDevelop Our ConfidenceDHow to Achieve SuccessA标题归纳题。本文主要论述了选择对于成功的重要性。.阅读七选五(2017哈尔滨六中高二下期中)Eyes can speakMuch meaning can be conveyed clearly with our eyes,so it is often said that eyes can speak. 1 In a bus you may look at a stranger,but not for too long.And if he sensed that you are staring at him,he may feel unfortable.The same is true in our daily life.If you are stared at for more than necessary,you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you. 2 Eyes do speak,right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. 3 If a man stares at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to look away from her,his intentions are obvious.He wishes to attract her at

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