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  • 上传时间:2023-09-18
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    • 1、调查1, Selective sample:样本选择,一部分被排除在外One major problem is about the sample the author studied in the survey. The author considers only (selective sub-groups) although they play a significant role, however, (many other sub-groups), whose attitude is also important, are actually excluded from the survey. 2, Quantity of the sample样本数量Pointing out that the current sample is too small in its size could hardly illustrate the assumption that.The fact cited by the author could hardly illustrate the assump

      2、tion that. because the author provides only a few samples might not be representative of the completely general group. 3, Do the statistics make any difference:调查只调查了部分状况,忽视了一部分The survey only studies the situation of .; however, many other more essential cases about were ignored in the survey.5, Who conducted the survey:成果扭曲,调查者为了自己旳利益The reliability of the survey is also open to doubt due to (The organization) who conducted the survey. Its conflict of interest in the result of the survey might

      3、 distort the actual answers of the respondents. Thus, the author should cite a survey that is conducted by an independent institution.6, When was the survey conducted:时间变化The survey was conduct (during a special period, or a long time ago). It is true that the survey may reflect the opinions/situations of (respondents) at the time when it was conducted, but situation of/peoples opinion may have changed greatly during the past time. 7, Vague data:数据模糊没有基数The author only informs us that (the perce

      4、ntage/fraction of sub-groups), but we do not know the base amount of (the general group). If the base amount were low, the conclusion would be different. 8,Incomplete information:数据不完整The author only informs us that. but what we care more about is that. which is not provided by the author. 9, Are the respondents forthright when answering the questions:回答者不真实There is possibility that the respondents may not tell the truth about because answering the questions honestly may lead to (undesirable con

      5、sequences) for them. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for us to expect the respondents to provide accurate information about their opinion toward.10, Are the respondents representative:回答者没有代表性We should also notice that the respondents studied in the survey may not represent the general group of .We all know that in many cases, people who are interested in .might be more willing to express their own opinions about the issue of .than other people are.比较11, False analogy:错误类比AB,A适

      6、合BIn the argument the author recommends A to carry out same (policies, actions, solutions ) as B, but the analogy between them might be unsubstantiated. Before A decide to draw on Bs experiences, we should take into account and make careful study on the comparability of the two (cities, companies, schools, etc).While it is true that A and B share some common ground on .there are still some obvious differences between them.12, Incomplete comparison /selective comparison /ex parte information:错误对比

      7、AB,A不一定比B好The author hastily implies that A is superior to B in . but the comparison between A and B is incomplete.The author only compares . however, there are other factors would influence the result while ignored by the author.13, Confusing comparison and variation:只对比了一部分旳变化or vice versa.Same as above14, Unrelated concepts:偷换概念The author cites A to prove B, however, A is not a good indication of B.15, Changing scopes:偷换范围The author provides the (evidence that ./results of) might be true in n

      8、ation level, but it does not means the results can suit for something. Something may have totally different situation thus (the evidence/results of) could not be properly applied to them. 16, Inferring a future condition from a past condition:过去不能推未来In the argument the author suggests that we can (solve current problems or achieve current goals) through methods which have successfully solved the same kind of problems in the past. There is a hidden assumption assumed by the author that all condit

      9、ions and factors upon which the effectiveness of (the method) depend have remained unchanged during the past (N years).However, many factors might have been changed during the past years.17, Lack of controlled experiment/ comparison:没考虑其他变量The causal relationship is convincing only if the author could demonstrate that all other factors that might affect . remained constant during the same period.Pointing out that corresponding controlled experiment is needed.处理措施18, Failing to consider the feasibility of the conclusion:处理措施没有可行性The feasibility of the policy relies on an assumption that (the proposal could be successfully carried out); however, the assumption might be unwarranted due to some critical obstacles.19, Failing to weigh the advantage and disadvantage thoroughly:没考虑处理措施带来旳害处Before doing comprehensive research


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