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    • 1、黑龙江省绥化市望奎县2024届九年级下学期4月月考英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1There is _ “u” and _ “s” in _ word “use”.A. a; an; aB. an; a; theC. a; an; the2_ book is this?Its _.A. Who; LilyB. Whose; LilyC. Whose; Lilys3In January and February this year, _ southern people called “little potatoes” came to Harbin to visit the Ice and Snow World. _ them was becoming larger and larger. A. the number of; The number ofB. a large number of; The number ofC. a large number of; A number of4Ive been so bored for a long time. I hope

      2、to have _ to do.A. something excitingB. exciting anythingC. nothing exciting5_ wonderful the music is!Yes. It makes me relaxed after a busy day.A. What anB. How aC. How6Great changes _ in the Chinese society in the past twenty years.A. are taken placeB. have taken placeC. are happened7The 19th Asian Games were held in Hangzhou _ September 23rd, 2023. China has won 201 gold medals _ total in the games.A. in; onB. on; atC. on; in8Why are you walking so quickly, Tom?There _ a talent show in twenty

      3、minutes.A. will haveB. is going to beC. is9About _ of my classmates go to school on foot. Because they live near our school. A. third fifthB. three fifthC. three fifhs10Look! There are some girls _ in the music hall.A. to singB. singingC. sing11This is the most exciting movie _ I have seen. I will never forget it.A. thatB. whichC. who12More and more people prefer _ the subway rather than drive cars.So they do. A. takingB. takenC. to take13How long have you _ the English club?A. joinedB. been inC

      4、. taken part in14Tony is a careful driver, but he drives _ of my friends.A. more carefullyB. the most carefullyC. the least carefully15I dont think Bob can finish the work by himself, _?A. do IB. can heC. cant he16Instead of flowers, consider _ your sister what she really wants.A. giveB. to giveC. giving17We are supposed to _ smartphones and have more communications with our family. A. take upB. put awayC. give out18The children in the village used to _ the ropeway to school, but now they are us

      5、ed to _ the bus to school.A. take; takingB. taking; takeC. took; taking19No one can learn English well _ he works hard at it.A. ifB. unlessC. though20I dont know if I _ the important exam. If I _, I will get a good job. A. will pass; do B. pass; doC. will pass; will do二、完形填空Some people have no 1 in sports. They think that sports make them tired and smell bad. They say, “Why waste time playing sports?” To these people, I politely say, “You have not discovered the 2 of sports!”Let me 3 with you a

      6、basketball game I played two weeks ago. Our parents and friends were there to cheer us. A lot of people were watching. We all wanted to win the game in front of so many people. The game was 4 over and we were one point behind. Our coach called us together and said, “Okay, this is it! 5 we score now or the game is over. Lets work hard to score. Even if we dont score, at least we know that we have 6 our best. So, boys, dont think too much. It doesnt matter if we lose. Just do it.”Well, in the last

      7、 minute of the game, we truly scored and two teams tied(打成平局)! We went into overtime(加时赛)and we lost 7 . But after the game, the coach hugged all of us. He told us that he was proud because he had never seen a team try 8 than us. To be honest, I get a lot of pleasure in playing sports. It makes me happy and comfortable. Thats 9 I play sports whenever I get the chance. So my advice is to choose a sport and 10 doing it. Your body will thank you and your mind will be ready to work well.21A. hobbyB.

      8、 interestC. habit22A. priceB. funC. time23A. helpB. praiseC. share24A. suddenlyB. nearlyC. finally25A. EitherB. BothC. Neither26A. givenB. takenC. tried27A. in the endB. at firstC. in the last28A. hardB. hardestC. harder29A. howB. whyC. what30A. refuseB. keep C. make三、补全对话,情景问答31A: _?B: I have kept the book for five days.32A: _?B: My favorite color is green.33A: _?B: Its windy and rainy in Guangzhou. 34A: Remember to lock the door when you leave.B: _.35A: How about going to the zoo?B: _!36A: Hi, Sally! Long time no see. _?B: I have been to China with my sister. A: China is famous for making all kinds of products. _?B: Yes, I bought a lot of things. And I bought a skirt for you. A: Really? Thanks a lot. Wow! Its so beautiful and soft! _?B: Its made of silk. A: Great. I love silk. _


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