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    • 1、牛津英语词组8AChapter 11. table tennis 乒乓球2. at the top-right corner 在右上角3. at the end 在结尾4. a boy called Sidney 一个叫西德尼的男孩5. a postal code 一个邮政编码6. a group of 一组,一群7. in Pen-friends magazine 在笔友杂志上8. would like to do sth. = want to do sth. 想要做某事9. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事10. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事11. play chess 下棋12. live with 与住在一起13. come from = be from 来自14. be born 出生15. work as 作为16. walk to school 步行去学校17. sports field 运动场18. be keen on sth / doing sth. 喜爱,渴望19. play rugby and badminton 打橄榄球

      2、和羽毛球20. in the middle 在中间21. write to sb. 给某人写信 write back to.22. look up 查阅23. must be 一定是24. all in 疲劳的25. come out of 从出来26. full name 全名27. less than 少于28. at all 根本29. begin with 从开始30. start with 从开始31. at the other side of 在另一边32. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事33. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事34. such as 例如35. a reference book 一本参考书36. come into the world 来到世界上,出生37. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事38. in the Year of the Horse 在马年39. be destined to do sth. 注定要做某事40. change his fortune 改变他的命运Chapter 21. twice

      3、 a week 一周两次2. ride a motor bike 骑一辆摩托车3. play the piano 弹钢琴4. be similar to 与相似 the same as 5. be different from 与不同6. expect to do sth. 期待做某事7. find out 找出,发现8. top student 尖子生9. write several successful computer games 编写了数个成功的电脑游戏10. put on my school uniform 穿上我的校服11. the manager of the company 公司经理12. be responsible for 对负责13. in my own car 坐我自己的汽车14. make phone calls to sb. 给某人打电话15. on the way to school 在去上学的路上16. fail an exam 考试不及格17. collect sb. from 从把某人接走18. return to school 回学校19. aft

      4、er school 放学以后20. attend a club 参加一个俱乐部21. on Fridays 在每个星期五22. ask me to assist them 请求我帮助他们23. take me home 把我接回家24. continue doing sth. 继续做某事25. a musical instrument 一件音乐器材26. all the time 总是27. at no time 从不28. on holiday 度假29. do physical exercises 做身体锻炼30. lose ones temper 发脾气31. get angry 发怒,生气32. tell the truth 说实话33. show politeness 表示礼貌34. first of all 首先35. use sth. to do sth. = use sth. for doing sth. 用某物来做某事36. go jogging 去慢跑37. walk home 步行回家 go home on foot38. healthy food 健康食品39.

      5、 correct papers 批改考卷40. prepare lessons 备课Chapter 31. cross the river 过江2. go across the river 过江3. do with 处理,应付4. deal with 处理,应付 5. wait for the ferry 等待渡船6. wait quietly 安静地等待7. hear a big argument 听见一阵争吵8. two women tourists 两位女游客9. shout at 对大喊10. hold out 伸出,端出11. stare at 瞪视某人12. move through the crowd 穿过人群13. say quietly to one of the women 轻声地对妇女中的一个说14. start talking to us 开始和我们交谈15. at first 一开始16. run away 逃跑,跑开17. hurry aboard 匆忙上船 go down onto the ferry 下去坐轮渡18. go after sb. 跟随某人1

      6、9. be afraid of 害怕20. hurry to do sth. 匆忙做某事 hurry to sp.=go to sp. in a hurry=go to sp. hurriedly 匆匆去某地21. get on / off 上 / 下车 get into a taxi ;get out of a taxi(car)22. be in handcuffs 戴着手铐23. Well done! 做得好!24. do something against the law 做犯法的事情25. something unusual 不同寻常的事26. in time 及时27. do something wrong 做错事28. refer to 涉及,谈到29. jump into 跳入30. switch on / off 开 / 关= turn on/off31. record the music 录音乐32. lift up 提起33. press the button 按按钮34. carry it downstairs 把它搬下楼35. charge for 承担36.

      7、 come up to 走上前去37. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮某人做某事38. hope to do sth. 希望做某事 hope sb. will do sth. hope sb. to do sth. x39. as soon as possible 尽快40. make up 编造,化妆41. write about 写关于。的事情 42. watch the action 观察他的行动43. report a robbery 报告一宗盗窃案44. look down through the railings通过铁栅栏往下看45. meet the ferry接这艘轮渡46. give some more detail描述更多的细节47. put down把。放下48. the next ferry 下一班船49. stand around围。站立50. Good thinking好主意 Good idea51. trip on sth.因。上而绊倒52. just at that moment就在那时53. come up to sb.朝。走来54.

      8、stay in hospital住院55. lie in bed躺在床上56 look around环顾四周Chapter 41. an international language 一种国际性的语言2. odd numbers 几数,单数3. even numbers 偶数4. at least 至少5. in ancient times 在古代6. in many different ways 以许多不同的方法7. in tens 十进制8. consist of 由组成9. from the biggest to the smallest 从最大的到最小的10. calculating machines 计算的机器11. a modern electronic calculator 一种现代化的电子计算器12. square roots 平方根13. learn to so sth. 学习做某事14. be made up of 由组成15. stand for 代表16. ID card 身份证17. pick up 捡起,拾起18. copy down 抄下,记下19. in the same year 在同一年里20. the average height 平均身高Chapter 51. live on earth 住在地球上2. more than 多于3. sixty million years ago 六千万年前4. millions of 数百万的5. asas 和一样6. know about 了解7. a famous amusement park 一所著名的娱乐公园8. be famous for 以.著名9. kneel by a fountain 跪在一座喷泉边10. throw away 扔掉11. become even happier 变得更加快乐12. in the end 最后,终于13. like best 最喜欢


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