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    • 1、2002.1131. Although she gives badly _ titles to her musical compositions, they _ unusual combinations of materials including Gregorian chant, Asian scale patterns and rhythms, electronic sounds, and bird songs.A.exotic belie B.eccentricdeploy C.traditionalexcludeD.imaginativedisguise E.conventional incorporate2. Even though the folktales Partout collected and retold were not solely French in origin, his versions of then were so decidedly French in style that later anthologizes of French folktale

      2、s have never _ them.A.excluded B.admired C.collected D.promoted E. comprehended3.In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that the risks of harm have in many cases been _.A.exaggerated B. ignored C. scrutinized D. derided E. increased4.There seems to be no _ the reading publics thirst for books about the 1960s: indeed, the normal level of interest has _ recently because of aspiration of popular

      3、television documentaries.A. quenching moderated B. whetting mushroomed C. curtailing wanedD. ignoring transformed E. slaking increased5. Despite a tendency to be overtly _, the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment, as well as pious sentiments.A. diverting B. emotional C. didactic D. romantic E. whimsical6. One of the first _ of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the chestnut industry: smoke tends to drive out the insects that, by pollin

      4、ating chestnut tree, allow chestnuts to develop.A. reformers B. discoveries C. casualties D. critics E. beneficiaries7. The research committee urged the archaeologist to _ her claim that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great since her initial report has been based only on _.A. disseminate suppositionB. withdraw evidenceC. undercut capriceD. document conjectureE. downplay fact1. The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered _ despite widespread agreement that i

      5、t was _A. respect crucial B. dismissalsimplistic C. skepticismunfathomableD. oppositionindisputable E. acceptancecomprehensive2. The rate at which soil can absorb water _ with continuous wetting, so the longer a _ lasts, or the greater the rate of precipitation, the higher the percentage of water that will flow across the ground as runoff and enter stream channels.A. rises deluge B. diminishes drought C. increases showerD. decreases rainstorm E. stabilizesthaw 3. The ideas expressed in the art h

      6、istorians book are more_ than one would expect on the basis of her rather _ treatment of her subject in the opening pages.A. compelling intriguing B. accessible recondite C. hidebound reactionaryD. insightful innovative E. dispassionate evenhanded 4. The meeting on environmental issues produced _ discussion but no commitment on a plan of action: the many uncertainties surrounding global climatic change and the huge cost of efforts to limit it made the policymakers _.A. little voluble B. heated c

      7、ontentious C. cordial quarrelsomeD. frustrating affable E. interminable businesslike 5. Art that endures often makes an initially disturbing impact: the profound experience that such art seeks to provoke necessarily engenders a certain_.A. familiarity B. ennui C. upheaval D. intimacy E. tranquility 6. The history of film reflects the _ inherent in the medium itself: film combines still photographs to represent continuous motion and, while seeming to present life itself, can also offer impossible

      8、 and dreamlike unrealities.A. trivialities B. biases C. constraints D. paradoxes E. liabilities 7. The _ with which the politician peppers her speeches are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more _ than she in fact is.A. superlatives egalitarian B. pejorativesoptimistic C. examples soporificD. diatribes censorious E. malapropisms straightforward2006.06161 Although Heron is well known for the broad comedy in the movies she has directed previously, her new film is less inclined to_: the gags are fewer and subtler.(A) understatement (B) preciosity (C) symbolism (D) buffoonery (E) melodrama2 Bebops legacy is_ one: bebop may have won jazz the right to be taken seriously as an art form, but it_ jazzs mass audience, which turned to other forms of music such as rock and pop.(A) a mixed.alienated (B) a troubled.seduced(C) an ambiguous.aggrandized (D) a valuable.refined(E) a noblepleased3 The exhibitions importance lies in its_: curators have gathered a diverse a


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