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读后续写:临时上台演讲 教师版+学生版Word版

  • 卖家[上传人]:刚**
  • 文档编号:470169300
  • 上传时间:2024-04-28
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    • 1、读后续写:临时上台演讲一、题目On Saturday, we gathered at the hall to witness the award ceremony for the senior scouts (童子军). Receiving an award on such a day was a great honor for any scout, and all desired to be the scout selected to give the summary of the years activities for the association.I was not the one selected to give the summary and for that, I was grateful. I could hardly stand in front of a large crowd to make a speech, but Sean could. He was selected to do the honor because he was the President

      2、 of the Boy Scouts for schools. My job was much simpler. Being the Vice-President, I was very much behind the scenes, content to ensure that everything was in smooth running order. It was an hour to go before the ceremony began, and I had put the finishing touches to the stage. Walking down the stage, I saw my teammates in a state of panic. When they saw me, they ran to me to tell me that Sean met with a traffic accident and would not make it to the award ceremony. Someone else had to give the s

      3、ummary. All of them looked hopefully at me, and I could feel my knees beginning to collapse.All their arguments against my unwillingness were valid. I had a copy of the speech as well as the benefit of having seen Sean rehearse (排练) it. I was the Vice-President and therefore should take his place. Finally, I was firmly told not to decline any longer and they said that they were convinced that I would do the right thing. I sank down onto the floor, totally shocked by the situation.I knew I was no

      4、t a confident speaker, and the thought of presenting a summary in front of so many distinguished guests horrified me. To think that the fame of the scouts would take a beating because of me! The burden of responsibility troubled me greatly.Para1:But there was really no way out of the situation. (但是,真的没有办法摆脱这种局面。)Para2:As I stood on the stage, my heart beat violently.(我站在台上时,我的心剧烈地跳着。)1. witness the award ceremony for 观看的颁奖仪式2. associationn.协会3. president / vice-president主席 / 副主席4. be content to

      5、do满足于做某事5. in smooth running order顺利运行6. It was an hour to go.还有一个小时7. put the finishing touches to the stage给舞台做最后的修饰8. touchn.修饰,润色9. in a state of panic处于恐慌的状态10. meet with遭受11. make it to +地点到达,及时感到12. My knees beginning to collapse.我的膝盖开始发软。13. argument论据;理由;论点14. valid符合逻辑的;合理的;有根据的15. be convinced that相信16. sink down onto the floor一屁股坐到地板上17. presenting a summary做总结18. distinguished /dstwt/adj.卓越的,杰出的19. horrifyv.使感到震惊20. famen. 名誉,名气21. take a beating(比赛中)惨败22. troublev. 使忧虑,苦恼二、审题思考(1)为

      6、什么我最终会答应上台?因为队友非常的信任我,我身为副会长,这是我的职责。(2)上台后我会如何表现?一开始不顺利,但中间发生了事情(看到队友们信任的目光/想到队友们对我的信任),让我获得信心和勇气,完成演讲。(3)演讲成功对于我而言意味着什么?没有辜负队友的信任,履行了作为副会长的使命,建立了自信三、微情节设计Para1:But there was really no way out of the situation.(准备过程)(1)我答应(2)队友反应(3)我开始排练(4)准备上台Para2:As I stood on the stage, my heart beat violently.(变化)(1)说不出话(2)信任流畅(3)结束:掌声(4)成长(没有辜负队友的信任I didnt betray the trust of my teammates,履行了作为副会长的使命,建立了自信)四、教师下水文短语15学科网(北京)股份有限公司1. 勉强地,不情愿地2. 鼓起勇气3. 排练v. n.4. 模仿5. 用6. 演讲7. 因为8. 做某事没花某人很多时间9. 记住稿子10. 不久之后1

      7、1. 做报告12. 心提到嗓子眼13. 拖着腿走向14. A盯着B15. 使某人丧失某物16. 说话的能力17. XX向某人投去信任的目光18. 胆怯adj, n19. 结巴20. 雷鸣般的掌声21. 在礼堂回荡22. 履行作为的职责23. 自信24. 从未有过的五、连词成篇But there was really no way out of the situation.(1)因此,我勉强(不情愿地)同意了这个建议。Consequently, I agreed about this proposal grudgingly.(2)在队友的鼓舞和激励下,我鼓起勇气,打开了演讲稿。With my teammates inspiration and motivation, I summoned up courage and unfolded the copy of the speech.(3)在我的排练过程中,我竭尽全力地背诵内容,模仿肖恩在演讲时使用的语气和手势。During my rehearsal, I went to great lengths to recite the conten

      8、t and imitate the tone and gestures that Sean employed when speaking to an audience.(4)因为我已经看过肖恩排练很多次了,所以我没花多少时间就记住了稿子。Due to the fact that I had seen Sean rehearse many times, it didnt take me much time to memorize the transcript.(5)不久之后,轮到我做报告了。心提到嗓子眼,我拖着颤抖的双腿走向舞台。Not long after, it was my turn to do the presentation. With heart in my mouth, I dragged my shaky legs to the stage.As I stood on the stage, my heart beat violently.(1)感觉观众的目光盯着我,我的大脑一片空白,紧张使我失去了说话的能力。With viewers eyes fixed on me, m

      9、y mind went blank and nervousness deprived me of all power of utterance.(2)然而,当我看到队友们鼓励和信任的眼神时,我意识到童子军的名声不能因为我的胆怯而受损。Nevertheless, when the encouraging and trustful looks of my teammates came into my sight, I perceived that the fame of the senior scouts couldnt be stained on account of my timidity. (3)就在那时,我深深吸了一口气,开始演讲。It was then that I took a deep breath and began to speak.(4)虽然有几次结巴,我最终还是完成了。Although there were a few stammering moments, I made it eventually.(5)随着雷鸣般的掌声响彻礼堂,一股自豪感涌上心头,因为我履行了副总统的职责,获得了从未有过的自信。With thunderous clapping echoing in the auditorium, a surge of pride overcame me, for I fulfilled the responsibility as Vice-President and der

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