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  • 上传时间:2023-06-12
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    • 1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上非谓语动词练习2. 动名词和不定式作宾语的区别(一):21. I like _ very much, but I dont like _ this morning.A. swimming, swimming B. to swim, to swimC. swimming, to swim D. to swim, swimming22. Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening.A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking23. -“Did you close the door?” -“Yes, I remember _ it.”A. to close B. to closing C. closing D. closed24. Remember _ the newspaper when you have finished it.A. putting back B. having put backC. to put back D. will put

      2、 back25. Im sorry I forgot _ your dictionary. Lets borrow one from Li Ming. A. to take B. taking C. to bring D. bringing26. Henry always forgets things he has done. Yesterday he forgot _ and looked for it everywhere. A. to post the letter B. to have the letter postedC. to have posted the letter D. having posted the letter27. My brother regretted _ a lecture given by Professor Liu.A. missing B. to miss C. missed D. being missed28. I regret _ you that we are unable to offer you a job. A. informing

      3、 B. having informed C. to inform D. to informing29. I felt tired with walking, so I stopped _ a break for an hour.A. having B. to have C. taking D. to taking30. The teacher told the students to stop _ to him.A. to write and listen B. writing and listeningC. to write and listening D. writing and to listen31. -“What can we do to help Li Hai.”-“All we can do is to try _ that he ought to study more.”A. making him to realize B. making him realizeC. to make him realize D. to make him to realize32. You

      4、 didnt hear us come in last night. Thats good. We tried _ noisy.A. to be not B. not to be C. not being D. being not33. He finished his homework, then he went on _ a letter.A. write B. writing C. with D. to write34. The grass has grown so tall that it needs _.A. to cut B. to be cut it C. cutting D. being cut35. -”Youve come just in time to help us.”-“Fine, what needs _?”A. I do B. done C. to be done D. to do36. You didnt need _ him the news; it just made him sad.A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. t

      5、hat you would tell37. These young trees require _ carefully.A. looking after B. to look afterC. to be looked at D. looking for38. The sentence wants _ once more.A. to explain B. explaining C. being explained D. to be explained it39. He hasnt got used _ in the countryside yet.A. live B. to live C. to living D. living40. A very well-known person _ in this house.A. is used to live B. used to liveC. is used to living D. used to living41. The clock was beginning _ twelve and everybody held their brea

      6、th.A. strike B. to strike C. striking D. struck42. I begin _ the meaning, which begins _.A. understanding, to be clear B. to understand, to be clearC. understanding, being clear D. to understand, being clear43. The police forbid _ here.A. park B. parking C. to park D. to be parked44. The heavy rain forbade me _ to school.A. from my coming B. to comeC. come D. my coming45. Toms parents do not allow Tom _ swimming.A. going B. to go C. go D. goes46. Sorry, we dont allow _ in the lecture room.A. to

      7、smoke B. smoke C. smoking D. to smoking47. Visitors are not permitted _ the park after dark, because of the lack of lighting.A. to enter B. entering C. to enter in D. entering in48. They dont permit _ noise her.A. to make B. make C. making D. made49. Missing the train means _ for an hour.A. to wait B. to be waited C. being waited D. waiting50. I meant _ you, but I was so busy.A. to call on B. calling on C. to call at D. calling at答案:21-25 CACCC 26-30 DACBD 31-35 CBDCC 36-40 CABCB41-45 BBBBB 46-5

      8、0 CACDA 选自外研社高中英语语法练习手册 高中英语多媒体教室非谓语动词练习3. 动名词和不定式做宾语的区别(二):51. I would appreciate _ back this afternoon.A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. youre calling52. She enjoys _ light music.A. to hear B. hearing C. listening to D. to listen to53. You can keep the book until you _.A. have finished reading B. finish to readC. will finish reading D. have finished to read54. Ali said that she wouldnt mind _ alone at home.A. left B. being left C. to be left D. leaving55. If you keep _ English, you can learn English well.A. practising speak B. practising speakingC. practising to speak D. to practise spoken56. Our monitor suggested _ a discussion of the subject.A. to have B. should have C. have D. having57. We are considering _ a new plan.A. making B. being made C. to make D. to have made58. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A. catching B. to be


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