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    • 1、山东省泰安市2023年中考英语真题一、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。 Studying in a foreign country can be exciting. It can also be difficult, especially when the country is very different 1 your own. For 18-year-old Kusedyo, a Chinese language learner, to learn the language, hard work is not just enough, a certain level of craziness is also 2 . To learn and understand Chinese, you have to be a bit crazy. You have to understand the tones(音调)and the 3 , and change your thi

      2、nking, he said. For many students, the learning process is not easy. Prosper Marindiko, 4 Chinese language learner, believes that motivation(动机)is very important to learn a second language as an adult. 5 it gets so frustrating(令人沮丧的)trying to learn a language because you think you have understood this word, then when you meet a Chinese out there and try to say the word, they dont understand you at all, he said. The reason why I am learning Chinese is because at work we communicate a lot with the

      3、 Chinese, and usually we have some wrong understandings 6 language barrier(障碍), said Marindiko. Nowadays, for some foreigners, China has become a more popular study place than some 7 English-speaking countries. At the same time, knowing Chinese 8 doors to many job chances. Although learning Chinese is a difficult task, technology and the Internet are making it 9 difficult, even for those with no chances to meet native speakers of the language. In the future, the Chinese-speaking 10 will become l

      4、arger and larger.1AagainstBfromCwith2AneededBservedCcreated3AabilityBcourseCculture4AotherBthe otherCanother5ASometimesBFinallyCUnless6Aas ifBsuch asCbecause of7AstrangeBtraditionalChumorous8AlocksBclosesCopens9AfewerBlessCmore10ApopulationBwebsiteCcompany【解析】【分析】大意:文章讨论了汉语学习的难度以及热度。【点评】考查完形填空。第一遍首先快速阅读文章,把握文章大意;其次重点查看空格句,联系上下文,理解句意,选出正确答案;最后带着答案阅读一遍文章进行复查。1句意:这也可能很困难,尤其是当这个国家与你的国家非常不同时。A.反对,B.从,C.和。根据固定搭配be different from与不同,可知应用介词from。故答案为:B。2句意:对于18岁的汉语学习者Kusedyo来说,学习汉语不仅需要努力,还需要一定程度的疯狂。A.需要,

      5、B.服务,C.创造。根据ard work is not just enough学习汉语不仅需要努力,可知还需要一定程度的疯狂。故答案为:A。3句意:你必须了解音调和文化,并改变你的想法,他说。A.能力,B.课程,C.文化。根据上文 To learn and understand Chinese 学习和理解汉语,可知此处应是强调了解音调和文化。故答案为:C。4句意:另一位汉语学习者Prosper Marindiko认为,成年后学习第二语言的动机非常重要。A.其他的;B.onethe other一个另一个,特指;C.另一个,泛指。根据空格后可数名词单数 Chinese language learner汉语学习者 ,可知应用another,泛指一个。故答案为:C。5句意:他说:有时候,学习一门语言会让人很沮丧,因为你认为自己已经理解了这个词,然后当你在外面遇到一个中国人并试图说出这个词时,他们根本不理解你。A.有时,B.终于,C.除非。根据then when you meet a Chinese out there and try to say the word, they dont und

      6、erstand you at all,然后当你在外面遇到一个中国人并试图说出这个词时,他们根本不理解你,可知学习一门语言会让人很沮丧。故答案为:A。6句意:通常由于语言障碍,我们会有一些错误的理解。A.仿佛,B.例如,C.由于。根据 usually we have some wrong understandings ,可知由于语言障碍,我们会有一些错误的理解。故答案为:C。7句意:如今,对于一些外国人来说,中国已经成为比一些传统英语国家更受欢迎的学习地。A.奇怪的,B.传统的,C.幽默的。根据 for some foreigners 对于一些外国人来说,可知是比一些传统英语国家更受欢迎的学习地。故答案为:B。8句意:同时,了解汉语为许多工作机会打开了大门。A.上锁,B.关闭,C.打开。根据 knowing Chinese ,可知了解汉语为许多工作机会打开了大门。故答案为:C。9句意:尽管学习汉语是一项艰巨的任务,但科技和互联网使其变得不那么困难,即使对于那些没有机会接触到母语为汉语的人来说也是如此。A.更少的,修饰可数名词复数;B.更少,修饰不可数名词/形容词/副词;C.更多的。根据

      7、technology and the Internet ,可知科技和互联网使其变得不那么困难,应用副词less。故答案为:B。10句意:在未来,讲汉语的人口将会越来越多。A.人口,B.网络,C.公司。根据上文Although learning Chinese is a difficult task, technology and the Internet are making it 9 difficult, even for those with no chances to meet native speakers of the language. 尽管学习汉语是一项艰巨的任务,但科技和互联网使其变得不那么困难,即使对于那些没有机会接触到母语为汉语的人来说也是如此,可知讲汉语的人口将会越来越多。故答案为:A。二、阅读理解 阅读下列短文或图表,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项选出最佳答案。 阅读理解 The movie Home Coming took the lead in the box office(票房) during the National Day holiday in 2

      8、022. It tells a story that happened in North Africa. After a war breaks out there, two Chinese diplomats(外交官) are ordered to help evacuate the overseas Chinese. After completing the first task successfully, they learn that another group of Chinese citizens(公民) are still in great danger. Realizing that these people will die if they dont give a hand, the two men travel through the war area. They risk their lives to help over 100 Chinese citizens go to a safe place. The movie not only shows how the

      9、 two diplomats protect the people with courage, but also shows their deep love for the country and people. Home Coming reminds many people of a similar real event which truly happened in Libya in 2011. Chinese Embassy(大使馆) helped the evacuation of more than 30,000 Chinese citizens. Behind this event were many efforts of Chinese diplomats. After watching the film, a man recalled his personal experience. We are the lucky ones because we have a strong country and are well protected, he said. Home Coming is a success partly because of the growing national pride and confidence Chinese people have in our country. A comment(评论) reads, Chinese passport might not get you anywhere you want, but it can always bring you back home.11The mov


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