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    • 1、贵州省2023年中考英语真题一、选词填空(共5个小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分) 阅读下面短文,从框内6个选项中选出能分别填入5个小题空白处的最佳选项。 A. if B. in C. activities D. this E. so F. differentEvery year, on January 5th, the city of Harbin in northeast China changes into a winter wonderland. Tourists from all around the world come to visit 1 wonderful ice and snow festival. The festival started in 1963 and began as a winter party. The festival often lasts for one month. However, 2 the weather stays cold and dry, it will go on for a few more days. Temperature

      2、s are usually very cold. They can go down to -17. Ice sculptors(雕塑家) use 3 tools to carve the hard ice and snow. These sculptors display their works 4 two main areas. Sun Island has huge snow sculptures of people and animals. Ice and Snow World has sculptures of buildings. At night, these buildings light up with brightly-colored lights.Visitors can do a lot of other 5 , such as skiing and ice sliding. They can also go swimming in the icy waters of the Songhua River.【解析】【分析】本文介绍哈尔滨的冰雪节。A. if,如果,B

      3、. in,在里面,C. activities,活动,D. this,这个,E. so,所以,F. different,不同的【点评】考查选词填空,注意根据提示词和上下文的逻辑关系,推测词意,注意形容词,名词复数,连词等用法。1句意:自世界各地的游客来参观这个美妙的冰雪节。根据festival是名词,其前缺少短语,根据提示词可知是this,指示代词修饰名词单数,故填D。2句意:然而,如果天气保持寒冷和干燥,这种情况还会持续几天。此处缺少连词,根据the weather stays cold and dry, it will go on for a few more days,可知表示假设,提示词可知是if,引导条件状语从句,故填A。3句意:冰雕师使用不同的工具雕刻坚硬的冰雪。根据tools和提示词可知是形容词different修饰名词复数tools,故填F。4句意:这些雕塑家主要在两个区域展示他们的作品。根据main areas和提示词可知是in main areas,介词短语做地点状语,故填B。5句意:游客可以做很多其他的活动,比如滑雪和滑冰。a lot of修饰名词复数,根据skii

      4、ng and ice sliding和提示词可知是活动,activities,是名词复数,故填C。二、完形填空(共10个小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。 A gentleman needed a young man to help him in his office, so he put an advertisement in a newspaper. Nearly fifty people applied for the job. He in a short time 6 one and sent the rest away. I should like to know, said a friend, why did you 7 that young man, who didnt bring a recommendation(推荐信) with him?You are mistaken, said the gentleman. He had a great many.He wiped hi

      5、s feet at the door and 8 the door after him, showing that he was tidy and orderly.He gave up his seat immediately to that old man, indicating that he was 9 and thoughtful.He took off his cap when he came in and answered my questions without delay(延迟), showing that he was polite and a 10 thinker.He lifted up the book which I had purposely laid on the floor, and 11 it on the table, while all the rest stepped over it, or kicked it aside, showing that he was careful.And he waited 12 for his turn ins

      6、tead of pushing the others aside, indicating that he was modest(谦逊的).When I talked with him, I noticed that his 13 was carefully washed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as milk. When he wrote his 14 , I observed that his fingernails were clean.Dont you call these 15 letters of recommendation? I do and what I can tell about by using my eyes for ten minutes is worth more than all the fine letters he can bring to me.6AmissedBchoseCdescribed7AthankBinterviewCprefer8AclosedBrepairedCpa

      7、inted9AhonestBcalmCkind10AquickBcarefulCfriendly11AcoveredBplacedCweighed12AworriedlyBexcitedlyCquietly13AshirtBbikeCumbrella14AnameBdiaryCscore15AopinionsBqualitiesCfeelings【解析】【分析】本文主要是一位招聘者向朋友解释为什么聘请一个没有推荐信的人。【点评】考查完形填空,注意词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意上下文的逻辑,并且考虑句型,语法搭配 ,语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证。6句意:他很快就选了一个,把其余的都送走了。missed错过;described描述。根据Nearly fifty people applied for the job. He in a short time.one and sent the rest away可知,将近50人申请这份工作,他很快就选择了一个。故选B。7句意:你为什么更喜欢那个没有带推荐信的年轻人?thank

      8、感谢;interview面试;prefer更喜欢。根据why did you.that young man, who didnt bring a recommendation(推荐信) with him可知,朋友问为什么更喜欢一个没有推荐信的年轻人,故选C。8句意:他在门口擦了脚,走后把门关上,表明他整洁有序。closed关闭;repaired修理;painted涂。根据He wiped his feet at the door and他在门口擦了擦脚,可知应该是关门,故选A。9句意:马上把座位让给了那位老人,这表明他很善良,很体贴。honest诚实的;kind善良的。根据He gave up his seat immediately to that old man可知,让座给老人是善良的,故选C。10句意:他进来时摘下帽子,毫不拖延地回答了我的问题,这表明他很有礼貌,思维敏捷。quick迅速的;careful仔细的;friendly友好的。根据answered my questions without delay可知,毫不拖延地回答问题,说明思维敏捷。故选A。11句意:他把我故意放在

      9、地板上的书捡起来,放在桌子上,而其他所有人都踩着它,或者踢到一边,表明他很仔细。covered覆盖;placed放置;weighed称重。根据He lifted up the book which I had purposely laid on the floor, and.it on the table可知,把书捡起来放在桌子上,故选B。12句意:他安静地等着轮到他,而不是把别人推开,这表明他很谦虚。worriedly担心地;excitedly激动地;quietly安静地。根据indicating that he was modest表明他很谦虚,可知他安静地等着轮到自己,故选C。13句意:当我和他谈话时,我注意到他的衬衫洗得很仔细,头发很整齐,牙齿洁白如牛奶。shirt衬衫;bike自行车;umbrella雨伞。根据I noticed that his.was carefully washed可知,面试时注意到年轻人衬衫洗得很干净,故选A。14句意:他写名字的时候,我注意到他的指甲很干净。name名字;diary日记;score分数。根据When he wrote his., I observed that his fingernails were clean可知,应聘需要留下信息,如名字,这时注意到指甲很干净。故选A。15句意:你不把这些品质称为推荐信吗?opinions意见;qualities品质;feelings感觉。前文提到年轻人一些好的品质


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