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    • 1、 .单句语法填空1It is not likely _ he will e at this time of the day.2The matter related _ your fate cant be taken for granted3. _ (addict) to puter games,he lost interest in his study.4Deeply _ (affect),the audience applauded warmly for a long time.5They were so angry that they suddenly broke _ a quarrel. 6His life in the big city was hard and finally he was reduced to _ (wander) in the street.7Its good manners to give _ your seat to the old when on the bus.8One evening Harry phoned me, _ (ask) me to

      2、e to his flat as soon as possible.9All the workers _ (belong) to the factory must obey the rule.10She has the window open, _ cold it is outside.答案1.that2.to3.Addicted 4.affected5.into6.wandering7.up 8.asking9.belonging10.however.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1The boy belongs to the singing group is in Grade One.2Whatever he says it,the manager doesnt believe him.3It was so a cold day that there was nobody in the street.4The operation was a success and she is now out of the danger.5The price of such goods has bee

      3、n reduced to 18% recently.6I went through about four years of being addicted to play puter games.7Addicting to Chinese culture,he decided to learn Chinese in a night school.8The Chinese government has decided to ban smoke in public places.答案1.belongsbelonging2.去掉it3.sosuch4.去掉第二个the5.toby6.playplaying7AddictingAddicted8.smokesmoking.课文缩写语法填空Adam Rouse used to be a drug addict,1._ first started using drugs at 15 and continued to buy cannabis from a man in the street 2._about six months.Then the m

      4、an offered him some crack cocaine.When Adam went back and wanted 3._crack cocaine,the man asked him for a lot of money.4._ he didnt have enough money,and was in great pain.Then Adam broke into a house,5._ (steal) a television and a video recorder and sold them in a shop.6._ the money he bought some more crack cocaine from the same man.By this time he was 7._ (addict) to crack cocaine.And he had to steal something every day 8._ (pay) for the drugs.Finally he was taken to the police station,where

      5、he took the doctors advice and stopped taking crack cocaine 9._ (immediate)Now Adam Rouse works in a center for drug addicts,10._ (help) others to stop taking drugs.答案1.who2.for3.more4.But5.stole6With7.addicted8.to pay9.immediately10helping.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1华,二班的一个学生,过去沉溺于毒品。(belong to,be addicted to,drug)_2为了让他戒掉这个坏习惯,他的父母减少了他的生活费用。(in order to/so as to,reduce,give up)_3而且他们告诉他照这样下去他很可能会被送进监狱。然而,华不愿意听。 (likely)_4为了弄点钱,一天他闯入附近的一座房子然后被捕了。 (break into,nearby)_5警察告诉华他处于危险之中,决定把他送到戒毒中心。(danger,add

      6、ict)_答案1.Li Hua,belonging to Class 2,used to be addicted to drugs.2His parents reduced his living cost in order to/so as to let him give up the bad habit.3Whats more,they told him that he was likely to be sent to prison as it was.However,Li Hua wouldnt listen.4To get some money,he broke into a house nearby one day and then was arrested.5The policeman told Li Hua that he was in danger and decided to send him to a center for drug addicts.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇【参考文】Li Hua,belonging to Class 2,used to be ad

      7、dicted to drugs.His parents reduced his living cost in order to/so as to let him give up the bad habit.Whats more,they told him that he was likely to be sent to prison as it was.However,Li Hua wouldnt listen.To get some money,he broke into a house nearby one day and then was arrested.The policeman told Li Hua that he was in danger and decided to send him to a center for drug addicts.阅读理解“Because living at home is the best way to live!” We help your loved one maintain freedom and a welldeserved q

      8、uality of life.Home Care Assistance provides skilled caregivers to attend to your loved ones needs.We have hourly care available, and also 24 hour livein care for people looking for an alternative to any type of facility or preferring the fort and safety of roundtheclock monitoring.Some of the services our caregivers provide are: panionship and recreation, Light housekeeping, Meal preparation, Medication reminders, Bathing, Grooming (打扮) and dressing assistance, Personal care,Transportation to appointments or social activities.Home Care Assistance caregivers are experienced and carefully screened.We run thorough background checks on all of our caregivers, including local and national criminal records, driving records, and employment verification (证明)We even administer a psychological exa


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