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21年12月六级真题+答案 (卷三)

  • 卖家[上传人]:优雅的****66
  • 文档编号:364876755
  • 上传时间:2023-10-17
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    • 1、 2021 年 12 月六级答案+真题(卷三)作文:父母过度保护孩子Nowadays, the one-child policy has triggered a controversial issue as to Chineseparents overprotecting their children. Some believe that parents can never put too muchemphasis on planning and preparing things for their children while o ers argue that thisis extremely harmful for these youngsters. Such phenomenfollowing factors.can be attributed to theFirst and foremost, the strict one-child po y in the past three decades has broughtthe issue that couples cherish

      2、 their only child and endeavor to prepare thoroughly forthem. Planning everything and making ever decision in advance, these parents fear thattheir children might make mistakes r get hurt. What s more, youngsters are likely todepend on their parents b h mentally and financially. I am a case in point. It is notexaggerated to say t t parents are the persons I trust in most.As far as am concerned, parents should be aware that overprotecting will only doharm to their children. In addition, youngster

      3、s should think independently and rely ontheir ownen it comes to making decisions. Moreover, society should help spread thedangers of indulging children. Only by doing so can we make family education in abalanced way.结尾段第二种写法:From my perspective, it is crucial that our society should encourage parents to be aware ofthis negative impact of overprotecting children and encourage youngsters to make plans and decisions independently. Only by doing so can we make family education in abalanced way.选词填空第

      4、三套(暂无)长篇阅读第三套:No one in fashion is surprised that Barberry burnt 28 million of stock.36.GOver- production is perhaps the biggest concern for Burberry . hile there hasbeen much outrage at the elitist connotation of burning goo rather than making themafIpfordable.37.B The practice of destroying unsold stockand even rolls of unused fabric ,iscommonplace for luxury labels .Becoming too widely available at a cheaper price throughdiscount stores discourages full -price sales.38.K While these are honor

      5、able sche es ,it makes it harder for Burberry to defendthese latest figures . Fifteen ye s ago,Burberry was at criis point as their signature checkpattern was widely im ted by cheap ,imitation brands .39.EIn an onli forum post ,which asked if its true that Louis Vuitton burned its bags,Ahmed ouchfaa,who claimed to work for Louis Vuitton , responded that the brandholds sales of old stock for staff members twice a year.40.LBina believes that brands need to re address their exclusivity tactic.“Excl

      6、usivity elf isbeing to be challenged ,she says.I think that goes hand in hand with how luxury itschallenged . 41.D A source ,who chose to remain anonymous , shared her experience working ina puberty store in New York in October 2016.“My job was to toss items in boxes so theycould besent to be burned.42.F Richemont ,who owns several luxury brands ,hit the headlines in May for takingback 437 million of watches for destruction in the last two years to avoid marked downprice Its not just luxury bran

      7、ds either . .43.J One such partnership is with Elvis&Kresse,an accessories brand working withReclaimed materials .Co- founder KresseWesling said,“Late last year e launched anAmbitious five - year partner ship with the Burberry Found at n.44.A Last week ,Burberrys annual report revealed t t 28.6 million worth of stock wasburnt last year . The news has let investors and nsumers outraged but comes as littlesurprise to those in the fashion industry .45.H In September 2016, Burberry switched to a see

      8、 now,buy nowcatwalk showformat. The move was a switch to lev ge on the coverage of their fashion weeks how tomake stock available immedia ly to consumers .仔细阅读第三套Social m ia is absolutely everywhere Billions of people use social media on a daily basisto create,share, and exchange ideas, messages,and information.4446.D)Whether social media should be used to screen job candidates.7.A)Moral or legal issues might arise.8.A)When it is separated from context. 459.B)By using it in a legitimate way.0.C)

      9、 Seeking advice from management and legal experts. In recent years, the foodindustry has increased its use of labels.555551.D)Consumers increasing desire for clear product information.2.A) Stressing the absence of certain elements in their products.3.D)They cause anxiety about food among consumers.4.C) Erode consumer trust and reduce sales.5.B)Exercise caution about the use of absence claims.翻译:中国共产党第一次全国代表大会会址位于 海兴业路 76 号,是一栋典型的上海式住宅,建于 1920 年秋。1921 年 7 月 23 ,中国共产党第一次全国代表大会在此召开,大会通过了中国共产党的第一个纲领和第一个决议,选举产生了中央领导机构,宣告了中国共产党的诞生。1952 年 9 月,中 一大会址修复,建立纪念馆并对外开放。纪念馆除了介绍参加一大的代表之外 还介绍党的历史发展进程,现已成为了解党史、缅怀革命先烈的爱国主义教育基地。The site the 1st National Congress of the Communist Party of China,located at #76,Xingye Road, Shanghai, is a residence

      《21年12月六级真题+答案 (卷三)》由会员优雅的****66分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《21年12月六级真题+答案 (卷三)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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