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新人教选必一Unit 3词块和教材金句

  • 卖家[上传人]:Ni****e
  • 文档编号:359497705
  • 上传时间:2023-08-31
  • 文档格式:DOCX
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    • 1、新人教选择性必修一 Unit 3词块和教材金句教师扫一扫及时解答小卷问题词块知识清单按照教材出现的顺序排列;表示重点词块;先表示写作输出词块P25 theme park national park主题公园;主题乐园 国家公园P26come / spring to mind 知 at peace with 知 catch sbs eye 檄 wake up to even though / if the Arctic Circle spread out flow through / over / down a sheet of ice leave behind soon after apart / aside from no one else the far side close by on the move pick up live / lead / have a . life 踞 follow sb into / to sth立即被想到;突然出现在脑海里与和平共处引起某人注意;惹人注目因而醒来;意识到;认识到尽管;即使北极圈展开;伸展;分散流经一层冰留下;遗留;落后不久之后除了外;此

      2、外别无他人更远的一边在不远处;在近旁;(离)不远在行进中;在移动中整理;收拾;捡起过着的生活跟着/跟随某人去-1-P27pack a bag / caseset out anything like be full of sweat and hard work breathe the fresh airbe worth it at / on the edge ofhave a rare opportunity / chance to do sth 先 unknown to sb收拾行李出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作 和相像;与相似 充满汗水和艰辛 呼吸新鲜空气 值得在的边缘有难得的机会做某事 不为某人所知的温馨提示:该内容均具有自主知识著作权,仅供教学测评使用,未经允许不能修改后作为私人文件分享转载等be home to 题是的居住地/发源地live off依靠生活;以吃为生except for 除之外be worth doing sth 触值得做某事set up 建立;设立;创立P28from /at a distance从远处;遥远地;久远地Bless you!长命百岁!(别人打喷

      3、嚏时说)be impressed by / with 对有深刻的印象a tea set / service一套茶具pumpkin pie南瓜饼(美国传统的感恩节食物)a wildlife reserve野生生物保护区a wildlife park野生动物园over the years 这些年来a ban on对的禁令in place 在工作;准备就绪;在正确位置result in / lead to / bring about 致使;导致a population increase人口增长hunt / search / look for寻找a connection to与的连接/关联across / over the border 越过边境P29study abroad留学due to / because of由于;因为adopt / have / take a(n) . attitude 踞持态度strongly advise / suggest / recommend 强烈建议a wetland park湿地公园be at the top of the list 是清单上的第一件事a

      4、s well as 也;还;除之外fit into成为的一部分;与相处融洽the natural environment自然环境clean water 净水P30a pedal boat脚踏船P31take turns doing / to do sth 轮流做某事happen to do sth碰巧/凑巧做某事Excuse / Pardon me.对不起;劳驾various / all / different kinds of各种各样的roller coaster过山车sights and sounds景致与声音appeal to 有吸引力;有感染力;呼吁;上诉;打动be familiar with 熟悉make sbs dream come true 逞(使)某人梦想成真a pirate ship海盗船a cartoon character卡通人物wander around /in/ through闲逛;徘徊;漫步amusement park游乐场;娱乐园P32put on performances表演all (the) year round 先全年;一年到头a skilled w

      5、orker技术熟练的工人wood, glass, and iron objects木制品,玻璃制品,铁制品a steam engine / train蒸汽机;蒸汽火车up to 达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任in addition to除之外(还)in length / width 长/宽sea lion海狮polar bear北极熊;白熊a fight / struggle against 檄与的搏斗/打斗upside down 颠倒;倒转;翻转a firework(s) display放烟火plenty of相当多的;充足的P33a mind map思维导图additional information更多信息;额外信息P34lie in 位于;在于the natural wonder自然奇观look forward to 盼望/期待an unforgettable experience难忘的经历P35come up with 融想出;想到put sth together 整理出;把合成一组P36a park ranger公园管理员wild animal

      6、s野生动物the purpose of 先的目的教材金句1. Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling whether it is morning or night is impossible. (P26)尽管夕卜面艳 阳高照,我也分不清是早上还是夜晚。2. Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive. (P27)置身这般美丽的荒原,我 感到活着是如此幸福。3. Setting up national parks is an effective way to balance development and the protection of nature. (P27改) 建立国家公园是平衡发展与保护自然的有效途径。4. We are impressed by the vastness and breathtaking beauty of the oceans. (P28)海洋的浩瀚和令人惊叹的美 丽给我们留下了深刻的印象。5.

      7、 It is good to adopt a positive attitude, even when things are difficult. (P29)即使事情很困难,采取积极的态 度也是好的。6. Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you! (P31)无论你喜 欢哪一个、喜欢什么,总有一个妙不可言的主题公园会吸引你!7. Baikal is a territory with unique wildlife, breathtaking beauty, and fascinating local culture. (P34)贝力口尔湖拥 有独特的野生动物、令人惊叹的美景和迷人的当地文化。8. Ancient, inspiring, mysterious, and beautiful, Lake Baikal appeals to visitors like no other place on the earth. (P34)贝加尔湖古老、迷人、神秘、美丽,地球上没有其他地方比它更吸引游客。9.1 feel blessed to have been bom here, and I am looking forward to many more years of welcoming visitors to an unforgettable experience at Baikal. (P34)我为出生在这里而感到幸运,我期待着在未来的许多年里欢 迎游客来贝加尔湖享受难忘的体验。3

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