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    • 1、九班级中考复习导学案形容词副词Name_ Class_学习目标 :1. 理解形容词副词的根本用法。2. 记住形容词和副词的比拟级和最高级。3. 正确使用形容词和副词的比拟级和最高级。一、 将以下形容词变成副词形式。quick _ deep _ careful _ true _ safe _ polite _ happy _ easy _ possible _ probable _ simple _二、 写出以下形容词的比拟级和最高级形式规那么变化类别构成方法原级比拟级最高级单音节词和少数双音节词直接加er,estyoung以不发音的e结尾的加r,stnice以重读闭音节结尾,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,那么双写这一辅音字母,再加er,estbigfathot辅音字母加y结尾,变y为i,再加er,esthappyhealthy多音节词和局部双音节词有些双音节词和多音节词,在词前加more, mostimportantcareful不规那么变化原级比拟级最高级good/wellbad/badlymany/muchlittlefar距离far程度old年龄old(辈分)三、 比拟等级的常考句型。

      2、原级:同等程度:确定as+原级+as 否认 not+so/as+原级+as比拟级:the+比拟级,the+比拟级四、 小试牛刀。1. If you repeat what you are saying 63 (loud), and it isnt helping your Deaf friend, try to write it down or use signals instead. (2021.湖州)2. These are much 66 (good) ways to keep in touch with your Deaf friend than phone calls. (2021.湖州)3. Trees play an important role in our environment. For a start, they make air 51 (更洁净的) for us to breathe. The older a tree is, the more important it is to us. Why not look at ancient trees 52 (认真

      3、地) around you and find out more?(2021.绍兴)4. You can take an 56 ( 乐观的) part in the Woodland Trusts project. (2021.绍兴)5. If you find one that you think could be very old, record 58 ( 准确地) where it is using an online map. (2021.绍兴)6. The bookstore is almost 64 (plete) dark, except for the shelves (书架) of books. (2021.绍兴)7. you could 58 (几乎不) tell we were moving. (2021.台州)8. Soon, the towns of 59 (东部的) China were rushing by. (2021.台州)9. We felt quite 63 (放松的). (2021.台州)10. After that, Orion wanted t

      4、o make an even 73 (big) influence. In charity he packed meal boxes for people in need including a kind message for each receiver.Orion says, “If someone is treated 74 (kind), it can make their day brighter and encourage that person to be kind to somebody else. (2021.台州)11. Many Westerners were introduced to the Party through his book. Norman Bethune, a 55 (加拿大的) doctor, came to China after reading Snows book. He worked 56 (努力地) to save the lives of Chinese soldiers during World War II. (2021.衢州)

      5、12. “When the 57 (整个的)world had forgotten us, Snow came to see us and told the world what had happened. (2021.衢州)13. “No writer has spoken more 60 (剧烈地) about SinoUS relations than Edgar Snow. (2021.衢州)silent happy nearly exactly recently14. A positive song also puts us in a good mood, so we feel much _59_. 15. He spoke no English and was pletely _ during the visit.16. It was one oclock, but she still didnt show up. 17. I cant remember _what she said. 18. I havent seen Cindy _. She must be busy with her work. lovely absent thank exactly successful 19. John thinks The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is _ novel among Mark Twains works.20. Many people cant remember when their mothers birthdays are.21. I amthat you have e to help us.22. What a _ day! Im sure well have a good trip today.23.John has been _ from work for two days as he needs to take care of his sick mother.


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