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    • 1、2022 年 9 月六级考试真题答案速查(第 1 套)Part I Writing参考范文:In todays world, the theme of the importance of mutual trust and openness in cooperation is gaining more and more attention. In my opinion, mutual trust and openness can greatly contribute to smooth cooperation.The reasons why mutual trust and openness can be crucial to cooperation are as follows. First of all, there is no doubt that full trust and an open mind are conducive to cooperation in learning. For instance, when we trust our team members and

      2、 share what we have learned with them, the results of academic collaboration stand out. At the same time, in the workplace, cooperation also requires mutual trust and genuine openness as the cornerstone. When we can be open and honest about our work, it will undoubtedly improve the efficiency of the project and lead to a smoother collaboration. Last but not least, faith and opening up can also allow different parties to establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship, which is quite significan

      3、t to the process of cooperation.In short, the importance of mutual trust and openness in cooperation has been fully demonstrated.With a sense of trust and openness, we have reasons to expect a wonderful cooperation.Part Listening Comprehension12345678910111213CDABCBBDDCADC141516171819202122232425BADAABCDBCABPart Reading Comprehension26272829303132333435363738LAIMOBCHNDLEK39404142434445464748495051GDHBJCNDCABCD52535455BDACPart Translation参考译文:Pasting the Spring Festival couplets is an important c

      4、ustom for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival couplet consists of two lines of poems and a horizontal scroll bearing four characters. These verses are written in gold or black on horizontal scrolls of red paper. Red is considered lucky and gold represents wealth. The Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the left and right sides of the gate and above the door frame.These verses embody the characteristics of traditional Chinese poetry. The two lines have the same

      5、 number of words and are related in content. The horizontal scroll, highlighting the theme of the verses, is icing on the cake. The text of the Spring Festival couplets is organized in a concise and vivid manner, expressing a beautiful visual sense. When every household puts up Spring Festival couplets, peoples footsteps would follow, and then the Spring Festival officially begins. 3 / 32022 年 9 月六级考试真题答案速查(第 2 套)Part I Writing参考范文:With the development of science and technology as well as the sp

      6、read of COVID-19, people tend to communicate with each other online. However, an increasingly large number of people realize the pleasures and joys of real-world social interaction. As far as I am concerned, real-world social interaction can greatly contribute to a closer connection between people.The reasons why real-world social interaction can be essential to us are as follows. Firstly, it brings more positive attitudes to our life and releases our pressure to some degree. For example, we can

      7、 carry out real real-world activities based on games or sports, which cannot be achieved through the Internet. Secondly, compared to online communication, real-world social interaction enables us to communicate with others in a deeper and more thorough way. We may not fully know who we chat with online due to the image that people portray. However, face-to-face interaction provides an opportunity for us to know more about those who we meet.In a word, real-world social interaction plays an import

      8、ant role in building trust among people. It is advisable to interact with people in the real world so that we can experience the warmth and happiness brought by real-world social interaction.Part Listening Comprehension只考了一套听力Part Reading Comprehension只考了一套阅读Part Translation 参考译文:The CCTV Headquarters Building is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing, with a total construction area of 550,000 square meters. It consists of two towers .Due to its unique shape, it has become a popular scenic spot i

      9、n this city, attracting many tourists every day.The new structure is the result of a long collaboration between Chinese and foreign architects, which not only reflects environmental awareness, but also greatly saves the materials needed for the building. Through this building, a specialized channel of the CCTV Headquarters shows the history of the various studios and CCTV itself to the public. Visitors can also enjoy the spectacular scenery of the Forbidden City and other places in Beijing there.2022 年 9 月六级考试真题答案速查(第 3 套)Part I Writing参考范文:Nowadays students are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of developing digital skills. Due


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