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    • 1、23年高考英语外刊阅读训练阅读理解:我们要恐惧数学吗改编自Should we be afraid of math?Mathematics is an essential part of our daily lives, from dividing the bill after a meal to keeping track of household expenses. Some people enjoy the challenge of algebra and solving Sudoku puzzles, while others feel anxious and confused when dealing with numbers.Many people experience math anxiety, which is a normal feeling that does not necessarily reflect their ability. The roots of this issue can often be traced back to childhood expe

      2、riences in school. Studies have found that teachers who are nervous about teaching math may transfer this anxiety to their students, particularly girls. In some countries, over half of the teenagers worry that math classes will be difficult.To combat this problem, it is crucial to provide good role models for young children, particularly girls, who love teaching math. It is possible that the right or wrong answer in mathematics might make people more nervous compared to other subjects like geogr

      3、aphy where answers may be subjective. However, assuming that one is not a maths person could prevent them from solving problems they are fully capable of solving.Psychologists are trying to understand why mental arithmetic can trigger fear and tension. One approach is to articulate ones anxieties to help loosen its hold on themselves. When children are encouraged to see a math test as a challenge and not a threat, they are more likely to tackle it with a positive mindset and perform better.In co

      4、nclusion, math anxiety is a common experience that should not discourage us. By providing good role models, changing mindsets, and striving for positivity, we can conquer our fears and excel in mathematics.【重点词汇】1. essential /snl/ adj. 必要的2. daily /deli/ adj. 日常的3. divide /dvad/ v. 分割4. bill /bl/ n. 账单5. track /trk/ v. 追踪6. household /hashld/ adj. 家庭的7. expense /kspns/ n. 花费8. challenge /tlnd/ v. 挑战9. algebra /ldbr/ n. 代数10. Sudoku /sudoku/ n. 数独11. anxious /ks/ adj. 焦虑的12. confused /knfjuzd/ ad

      5、j. 困惑的13. reflect /rflkt/ v. 反映14. root /rut/ n. 根源15. issue /u/ n. 问题16. trace /tres/ v. 追溯17. childhood /taldhd/ n. 童年时期18. experience /ksprins/ n. 经历19. school /skul/ n. 学校20. study /stdi/ n. 研究21. teacher /titr/ n. 教师22. nervous /nvs/ adj. 紧张的23. transfer /trnsfr/ v. 转移24. pupil /pjupl/ n. 学生25. particularly /ptkjlli/ adv. 特别地26. girl /rl/ n. 女孩27. affect /fekt/ v. 影响28. country /kntri/ n. 国家29. teenager /tinedr/ n. 青少年30. worry /wri/ v. 担忧31. problem /prblm/ n. 问题32. provide /prvad/ v. 提供33

      6、. role model /rl mdl/ n. 模范34. love /lv/ v. 喜欢35. subject /sbdkt/ n. 学科36. right /rat/ adj. 正确的37. wrong /r/ adj. 错误的38. answer /nsr/ n. 答案39. nervousness /nvsns/ n. 紧张40. approach /prt/ n. 方法41. articulate /tkjlet/ v. 清晰地表达42. fear /fr/ n. 害怕43. tension /tenn/ n. 紧张44. loosen /lusn/ v. 放松45. hold /hld/ n. 控制46. encourage /nkrd/ v. 鼓励47. mindset /mandset/ n. 心态48. perform /pfm/ v. 表现49. positive /pztv/ adj. 积极的50. excel /ksel/ v. 出色地表现【阅读理解练习题】1. What is math anxiety?A. A feeling of fear and con

      7、fusion about dealing with numbersB. An inability to understand algebra or solve Sudoku puzzlesC. A medical condition that affects ones understanding of mathematicsD. A mindset that prevents people from solving math problems答案:A。解析:根据文章,数学焦虑是对于处理数字感到害怕和困惑的一种常见情绪。2. According to the article, what can be a contributing factor to math anxiety in students?A. Having too much free time after schoolB. Eating unhealthy foods in the cafeteriaC. Negative experiences in the classroomD. Too much homework fro

      8、m other subjects答案:C。解析:根据文章,学生在课堂上遇到负面体验可能会导致数学焦虑,特别是女孩子。3. What is one way to combat math anxiety?A. To ignore it and hope it goes awayB. To encourage students to see math tests as a challenge rather than a threatC. To avoid studying math altogetherD. To use drugs to control the anxiety答案:B。解析:根据文章,一种缓解数学焦虑的方法是鼓励学生将数学考试视为一种挑战而非威胁。4. What might contribute to the belief that someone is not a maths person?A. Negative experiences in math classes during childhoodB. Refusal to study any subject rela

      9、ted to numbers or scientific logicC. Fear of solving puzzles or quiz gamesD. Lack of real interest in math problems or calculations答案:A。解析:根据文章,负面的数学学习经验可能会导致一个人认为自己不适合学数学。5. According to the passage, what can be a reason why mental arithmetic triggers tension and fear?A. Some people are naturally better at math than othersB. The right or wrong answer in mathematics may trigger nervousnessC. Math tests are often more difficult than other subject examsD. People who enjoy geography often struggle with math problems答案:B。解析:根据文章,一个原因是在数学中正确或错误的答案可能会比其他科目更容易产生紧张和焦虑感。6. What kind of mindset can prevent people from solving mat


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