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新概念 英语 第二 Lesson75 教案
教学主题:NCE 2 Lesson 75 教学重难点: 单词、句型、语法 教学过程: 1. 导入 ______________ adj.古老的 ______________ n. 舞台灯光 ______________ n. 预防措施 ______________ n. 狂热者,迷 ______________ adj. 遮荫的 ______________ n. 司法长官 ______________ n. 告示 ______________ n. 冷笑 ______________ v. 辩认 ______________ v. 伪装 ______________ adj. 完美的 ______________ v. 出现 ______________ v. 消失 1. 停在一条干涸的河床边 _________________________________________________ 2. 一群著名男女演员______________________________________________________ 3. 穿着__________________________________________________________________ 4. 自己穿衣______________________________________________________________ 5. 采取特别的预防措施____________________________________________________ 6. 太…而不能做某事______________________________________________________ 7. 一个野餐的好地方______________________________________________________ 8. 带着两个大食物篮子____________________________________________________ 9. 一些树下的阴凉处______________________________________________________ 10. 再好不过了。__________________________________________________________ 11. 把他们自己安排得舒适妥当 ____________________________________________ 12. 走开/从这里滚出去_____________________________________________________ 13. 以防__________________________________________________________________ 14. 以防万一______________________________________________________________ 15. 既然如此______________________________________________________________ 16. 对我们太苛刻__________________________________________________________ 17. 冷笑着说…____________________________________________________________ 18. 我的另一只手 _________________________________________________________ 19. 为了(+从句) __________________________/__________________________ 20. 为了去做某事__________________________/__________________________ 21. 为了不去做某事__________________________/__________________________ 2. 呈现 Lesson 75 SOS 【New words and expressions】 ______________ n. (船或飞机)航线 ______________ adj. 厚的 ______________ adv. 非常 ______________ n. 信号 ______________ v. 跺,踩 ______________ n. 直升飞机 ______________ n. 现场 ______________ v. 搭救, 拯救 ______________ n. 幸存者 ______________ v. 幸存 ______________v. 处于,保持(某状态) ______________adv. 幸运地 ______________ adv. 在头上方 ______________ v. 跺脚;盖章 ¬ course n. (有关某学科的系列)课程,讲座 basic courses/ elective courses n. (船或飞机的)航向,航线: The plane was on/off course (= going/not going in the right direction) .飞机航向正确/偏离。 n. 一道菜: a four-course dinner 有四道菜的正餐; the main course 主菜 ¬ terribly adv. 非常,很厉害地 terrible adj. I miss him terribly. 我非常思念他。 I'm terribly sorry─did I hurt you? ¬ signal n. 信号(a movement or sound that you make to give sb information, instructions, a warning); traffic signals 交通信号灯; TV signals电视信号 ¬ v. 发信号; 示意; signal sb. to do sth. 标志着 ¬ lie 系动词(to be, remain or be kept in a particular state)处于,保留,保持(某种状态) Snow was lying thick on the ground. These machines lie idle now. 这些机器就一直闲置着。 ¬ fortune (尤指影响人生的)机会,运气; fortune teller/ ¬ fortunate adj. / unfortunate; fortunately adv./ unfortunately ¬ rescue v. 抢救,营救; rescue… from ¬ survivor n. 幸存者(指人) ; ¬ survive v. 生存;存活下来;the boy who survived 大难不死的男孩; viv- :vivid, vividly, revive I survived after the fire. (存活下来) survive + sth.(灾难) 经过某种灾难还存在,还活着:I survived the fire. The house survived the earthquake. ¬ scene n. (事件发生的)地点,现场: 在现场 on the scene, 到达现场arrived on the scene n. 风景,景色;景象 A beautiful scene always makes me delighted. scenic adj. 风景优美的beauty spot / scenic spot; scenery 自然的山水景色 ¬ overhead adv. 在头上方, adj. 头上方的; above your head ¬ stamp v. I tried stamping my feet to keep warm. 我跺了一阵脚想暖和暖和。 ¬ stomp v. (常指因生气而)跺着脚走,迈着重重的步伐 walk heavily 【根据课文回答问题】 1. What happened to the plane and its pilot after it had flown off course? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. How about a young woman and her daughters? ____________________________________ 3. Where did the babies sleep? ___________________________________________________ 4. What was the weather like then? _______________________________________________ 5. How did she send a signal? ___________________________________________________ 6. Who sent a message to the nearest town? ________________________________________ 【课文重点词组】 1. 一架轻型客机 __________________________________________________________ 2. 偏离了航线 ____________________________________________________________ 3. 在山区坠毁 ____________________________________________________________ 4. 积着厚厚的雪___________________________________________________________ 5. 天色变暗_______________________________________________________________ 6. 把提箱变作小床_________________________________________________________ 7. 把所有衣服都盖住他们___________________________________________________ 8. 天冷得厉害_____________________________________________________________ 9. 尽可能靠近孩子们_______________________________________________________ 10. 听到头顶上有飞机飞过___________________________________________________ 11. 发个信号________________________________________
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