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类型2022-2023学年高一英语Unit 1 重点语法Grammar 主谓一致(牛津译林版2020必修二)


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2022-2023学年高一英语Unit 重点语法Grammar 主谓一致牛津译林版2020必修二 2022 2023 学年 英语 Unit 重点
Unit 1 Lights,Camera,Action! 重点语法主谓一致 1.(2022新高考I卷)The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that ________ (be) previously unprotected. 2.(2022年新高考I卷)The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that ________ (be)previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority to increase effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management. 3.(2022年浙江卷1月)On a website called No Fly Climate Sci, for example, roughly 200 academics — many of the climate scientists ________ (promise) to fly as little as possible since the effort started two years ago. 4.(2021新课标II卷)Whenever I heard of businesses using plastic, I’d send an email. One of the biggest companies I wrote to ________ (be) Alaska Airlines Paris. 5.(2022·湖南·二模) 61 percent of the population of this city ________ (be) from ethnic minority groups. 6.Fast food ____ (be) full of fat and salt. 7.Large quantities of money____________(spend) in searching for a cure for this terrible disease so far. 8.Nowadays, swimming_________(consider) to be one of the best all-round forms of exercise. 9.The musician along with his band members______(give) ten performances in the last three months. 10.Finishing the task ahead of time ______ (give) him a lot of confidence. 11.Look! Here ______ (come) the bus he is waiting for. 12.Readers will find more detailed information that _____ (attach) to the end of the notice. 13.Today the number of people learning English in China_______( increase ) rapidly. 14.Usually the Chinese language ____________ (refer) to as Han. 15.Along the road _________thick and tall trees, some of them with a history of nearby 100 years. 16.This is the first time we _______________(see) a film in the cinema together as a family. 17.Preserving the Ming and Qing Tombs___________(give)serious attention in recent decades. 18.Large quantities of money____________(send)to the earthquake victims to date. 19.—Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for? —The new Star Wars. We______(wait) here for more than two hours. 20.Not only ______(do)the sun give us light,but(also)it gives us heat. 21.Not only you and I but also Peter, the top student in our school, ______(be)not able to solve the problem. 22.A person who __________ (lack) technical training can’t do well in the demanding work. 23.Every time he __________ (press) the key, he will hear a faint but positive sound. 24.Have you ever heard such stories about those loyal dogs as ____(describe) in this book? 25.This medical team ________(consist)of five doctors and ten nurses. 26.It greatly ______ (thrill)me that this film, adapted from my favorite novel, is going to be shown soon. 27.As they’re handmade, each one __________ (vary)slightly in shape. 28.The park _____________ (intend) to open in 2015, but a decision to invest a further $800 million rescheduled its opening. 29.There __________ an apple, two bananas and some oranges on the plates. 30.And, as more children were born, more food _______________ (need). 31.Around 540 million people__________(affect) by second­hand smoke, which causes 100,000 deaths per year. 32.No one _______(leave) this building without the permission of the police. 33.Peter rather than I  ________(doubt)whether the problem is worth thinking about. 34.The teacher and writer________(be) my friend. 35.The rich________(be) for the plan, while the poor are against it. 36.Every man and every woman________(ask) to help when the earthquake broke out. 37.My washing machine__________(repair) this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand. 38.As summer __________ (approach), it's time to have an enjoyable visit to the colourful nature. 39.Dr. Smith, as well as his wife and daughters, _____ (be) going to visit Beijing this summer. 40.In the last few years thousands of films _________________ (produce) all over the world. 41.Every man worker and every woman worker ______(enjoy)free medical care in this company. 42.Over the past 4 decades, great changes ________(take) place in China. 43.The pond ______(measure)about 30 meters across. 44.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________(be) rising since 1990. 45.A series of lectures _________(be) scheduled. 46.Neither Tom nor his sisters________ (be) going abroad for further study. 47.An employee will be happier in a job that ________ (suit) his personality. 48.Neither of the twins _____________(like) maths. 49.Neither he nor I___________(be) the right person for the post. 50.On the top of the hill ________ (be) two small houses. (所给单词适当形式填空) 51.All work and no play _______ (make) Jack a dull boy. 52.He would ask who we ________ (be) and pretend not to know us. 53.Tom is the only one of the boys who______late this morning. (用适当的单词填空) 54.Every possible means ______ (try) to save the future of the baseball player so far. 55.The class________ (
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