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类型英语重点核心词汇by bus举例详解分析表格版


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英语重点核心词汇by bus举例详解分析表格版 英语 重点 核心 词汇 by bus 举例 详解 分析 表格
英语重点核心词汇by bus举例详解分析表格版 1961 by bus 乘公共汽车 I come home by bus. 1962 how come 怎么会、为什么 How come he got the job? How cme you are not at work today? How come you speak such good English? 1963 in this case 在这种情况下、假若这样的话、既然这样 In this case,let's start earlier. The rule does not hold in this case.(这规则在这种情况下不适用) In this case ,he loses his heath. 1964 kingdom n.王国、领域、界 the United Kingdom of Great Britain.(大不列颠联合王国) The ruler of a kingdom is called king. Wonderful mental kingdom plant kingdom 1965 fare n.车船飞机等费、标价 vi.经营、进展、遭遇、过活 pay the taxi fare afford the fare charge the fare 1966 welfare n.福利、安宁、幸福 a welfare organization welfare reform the walfare of mankind 1967 trad-in 折价换取、以旧换新 We got a good trade-in price for our old car. 1968 ecology n.生态学、生态 Darwin is well-known in ecology. learn plant ecology Pollution has destoryed the natural ecology. 1969 economy n.经济、经济制度、经济情况 adj.便宜的、经济的 economy class(经济舱) accelerate(加快、促进) the reform of economy pratice economy encourage economy 1970 be set in 以……为背景 The novel is set in London. The play is set in a small town. 1971 catch sb. doing sth. 碰见某人做某事 catch one shopping I caught a boy stealing apples. 1972 make a joke about 拿……开玩笑 They make a joke about her hair. They make a joke about my old hat. They make a joke about disabled(残疾的、残废的) people. 1973 stuggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来 The man tried to struggle to his feet,but failed. 1974 calculate vt.计算、核算、估计、推测、计划、打算 calculate the cost calculate someone's bill wrong calculate the chance of winning 1975 inspect vt.检察、调查、视察 inspect the scene inspect the driver's license Public health officials came to inspect the restaurant. 1976 respect vt.尊敬、尊重、重视 n.尊敬、尊重、重视 [pl.]敬意、方面 respect the old and cherish(vt.珍爱) the young show mutual(adj.相互的) respect 1977 aspect n.问题等的方面、样子、外表、面貌、朝向、方向 The Internet is used in every aspect of life. a man with a terrifying(adj.令人恐惧的) aspect take on an entirely new aspect(面貌一新) The house had a southern aspect. 1978 command n.v.命令、指令、指挥 Soldiers must obey commands. carry out a command under (the) command of(由某人指挥) have a good command of English language command a large vocabulary 1979 demand vt.n.要求、请求、需求、需要 He demanded an apology from me. demand a pay raise meet his demand for higher wages make a demand for money 1980 inquire of sb.about sth. 询问、打听 You can inquire of your new neighbours. I inquire of him about their work. I shall inquire of him why the train is late. 1941 retire from 从……退休、从……退役 retire from the railway company retire from his job He will soon retire from the navy. 1942 rush sb. off his feet 使某人忙得不可开交、迫使某人仓促行动 The job rushed him off his feet. The attack rushed him off his feet. Fear rushes him off his feet. 1943 normal adj.正常的、平常的、正规的、规范的 n.正常状态、平均状态;正交、正常人、健康的人 normal temperature of human body receive normal education have normal dancing training return to normal 1944 in no mood for sth. 没心情做某事 I am in no mood for joking. He was in no mood for further debate.(n.v.争论、辩论) 1945 moral adj.道德上的、道义的、有道德的 n.[pl]道德、伦理、寓意、教益 traditional moral values teach a moral lesson give me some moral support question his moral 1946 in one's forties 在某人四十几岁时 In his forties,he divorced. She moved to a big house in her fortied. in jack's forties 1947 oral adj.口头的、口的 reach an oral agreement make an oral appication pratice oral English 1948 race v.参赛、使疾走跑 n.赛跑、竞速类比赛、竞争、人种、种族 The boy won the race. They are training for the boat race. a race between the two best runners. 1949 pace vi.踱步 n.步、步速、步伐、速度、进度 the quickening pace of modern life(不断加快步伐的现代化生活) run at a lightning pace 1950 cry out 呼喊、(~to)急需 She is crying out like a baby. He cried out in pain. cry out for teachers cry out to go there 1951 in no hurry 不着急 He was in no hurry to get married. I'm in no hurry to get back. 1952 on doing sth. 一……就、在……后立即 On seeing her,his eyes brightened. He ran away on hearing the words. 1953 push on with sth. 加紧做某事 push on with the work push on with the construction push on with sowing(播种) 1954 scar n.伤疤、创伤 v.留下伤疤、留下创伤 The operation can leave a scar. an ugly scar a mental(精神的)scar 1955 scarf n.围巾、披巾、薄头巾 have a scarf around my neck tie the scarf round my head All students must wear red scarves. 1956 prevent vt.阻止、阻挠、预防、防止 Nobody can prevent us getting married. Further treament can prevent cancer from developing. The rain prevented us from playing football. Prevent the spread of a diseaes 1957 pretend v.假装、装作 pretend to understand pretend to sleep I'm not even a doctor, I'm an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor. Oh my God. Do the people at the hospital know about this? 1958 succeed to 继承、接任、接着发生 He succeeded to his father's business. Succeed to a fortune(运气、好运、大量财产、大笔的钱) He succeeded to the firm. 1959 uncomfortable adj.不舒适的、不自在的 Shoes of the wrong size are uncomfortable. sleep on an uncomfortable bed feel unc
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