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2020人教版八年级英语初二上册Unit 2 单元测试

  • 卖家[上传人]:赵****
  • 文档编号:108885517
  • 上传时间:2019-10-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:10.05MB
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    • 1、英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 2(时间:90分钟分值:100分)第卷听力部分(15分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(5分)1Were having PE.class.2I go skateboarding twice a week.3Mr Li has a headache.4Milk is good for our health.5He is stressed out.听五段小对话,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)(5分)M:Whats the matter,Sonja?W:Im always feeling hungry.来源:Z*xx*k.Com6Sonja always feels tired.W:I dont feel well.I have a fever.M:I think maybe you get a cold.7The woman maybe have a headache.M:Do you usually exercise every day?Its important for your health.W:Yes,I think so.I

      2、 play tennis every day.8The woman usually plays tennis every day.W:Tony didnt come to school.He must be sick.M:Yes,he had a headache last night.9Tony didnt come to school because he had a headache.W:Whats the matter with Nancy?M:She has a backache.She cant play games with you.10Nancy has a toothache.根据对话中病人所述病情,在A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳建议或忠告(5分)W:Whats the matter?Do you have a sore throat?M:No,I dont.W:Do you have a cold?M:Yes,I do.11A.You should see a doctor.BYou should eat less.CYou should drink some co

      3、la.来源:学科网ZXXKM:Whats wrong with you?W:I have a stomachache.I ate too much yesterday.M:Thats too bad.12A.You should drink lots of cold water.BYou should not eat anything for three hours.CYou should listen to some music.M:You dont look well.Whats the matter with you,Miss White?W:I feel too tired and I have a high fever.13A.You should take some medicine and have a good rest.BYou should not lie in bed.You should do some exercise outdoors.CDont watch TV this morning.W:Whats the matter?M:Im not feelin

      4、g well.I have a toothache.W:When did it start?M:About three days ago.W:Oh,thats too bad.14A.You should not eat too much.BYou should drink hot water with honey.CYou should go to the hospital and see a dentist.W:Whats wrong with you?M:I have a lot of headaches.Maybe I work too hard and feel stressed out.15A.You should eat some fruit.BYou should stop working and have a good rest.CYou should take some medicine and go on working.第卷笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16I have a _,so I have to see a dentist.17Mum,you l

      5、ook so tired.Yes.I worked _ 12 oclock last night.AwhenBwhileCto Duntil18I am hungry.Can you give me some _?Adrink BfoodCcoffee Dtea19_?I have a sore back.AWhats the matter BWhats wrong with youCDo you have a sore back DBoth A and B20Many students want to go there,but _ know the way.Aa few BfewCa little Dlittle21Mrs Green gave us _ advice on how to finish the hard work on time.Aa BanCany Dsome22My mother was _ with me yesterday,because I didnt clean my room.Ahappy BpleasedCsad Dangry23Youre too t

      6、ired.You _ have a rest and _ go to the movies.Ashouldnt;should Bshould;should Cshould;shouldnt Dshouldnt;shouldnt24Hot tea _ honey is good _ your sore throat.Awith;for Bfor;withCwith;with Dfor;for25What do you think of the football match?_ difficult for us _ the match.AWere;to win BIts;to winCIts;winning DWere;winning.完形填空(10分)A cold is a common (普通的) illness.It often starts with a sore _26_.You sneeze (打喷嚏) and your nose runs.You usually _27_ a headache,too.Its not a serious illness,but you can

      7、 feel very _28_.What should you do when you have a cold?You should have a good rest.It is good _29_ a lot of water,too.You can _30_ and take some medicine.Maybe you can try some Chinese medicine.Chinese medicine is now very _31_ all over the world.来源:Z*xx*k.ComWhere does Chinese medicine _32_?A long time ago,when people were not feeling _33_,they found that some plants could make them feel _34_.They ate the leaves,the roots(根),the fruits or the seeds (种子) of the plants.Today people make much Chi

      8、nese medicine _35_ those plants.26A.throat BhandCleg Darm27A.give BhaveCbring Dfind28A.bad BhappyCshy Dclever29A.drinking BdrinkCto drink Ddrinks30A.see a dentist Bgo to a partyCgo to school Dsee a doctor31A.difficult BdifferentCdelicious Dpopular32A.come to Bcome fromCget up Dget to33A.sad BwellCtired Dbusy34A.better BlessCmore Dmost35A.to BinCfrom Don.阅读理解(20分)ARunning is becoming popular these days.Many of us run for health.Doctors say many health problems come from these bad habits:eating and drinking too much,smoking,and not taking enough exercise.Doctors tell us,“Eat and drink less,dont smoke,and exercise more.”Running is a good form of exercise because it helps build a strong heart.It also helps most people lose weight.One 68yearold woman runs three times a week.“I

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