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英语 重点 核心 词汇 gift 举例 详解 分析 表格
英语重点核心词汇gift举例详解分析表格版 1761 gift n.礼物、赠品、天赋、才能 buy gifts Thanks for your gift. Have a gift for music(有……的天份) show a gift for teaching(表现出……的才能) 1762 gifted adj.有天赋的、有才华的 a gifted student She is gifted with a good memory. He was gifted with a good voice. 1763 in confidence 秘密地 We told you all these things in confidence. I'll exchange my idea with you in confidence. 1764 hang about 徘徊、闲荡 We often hang about in the park. 1765 start with 从……开始 start with a small salary start with basics His illness started with a slight(轻微的) cough. 1766 full adj.满的、装满的、完全的、全部的、充分的、完整的 a full glass of milk 1767 fuel n.燃料 vt.加燃料、加剧、刺激 run out of fuel Coal is used as fuel. fuel a ship 1768 ask after 问候、探问某人的健康 write to ask after the sick friend ask after my old father 1769 tent n.帐篷 set up a tent sleep in the tent 1770 shame n.羞耻、羞愧丢脸、带来耻辱的人 v.使感到羞耻、使丢脸、使相形见绌 It is a shame when a mother outshines a daughter.(母亲胜过女儿是件憾事) The incident had brought shame on his family.(这件事给他的家人带来了耻辱) I tried to shame him into giving some away.(我试图让他觉得羞愧从而放弃一些) 1771 ashamed adj.惭愧的、羞耻的、害臊的 be ashamed of making mistakes be ashamed of former bad behavior be ashamed to ask a favour 1772 partner n.伙伴、合伙人、配偶、搭档 vt.做……的搭档 a business partner She is his dancing partner. 1773 departure n.出发、启程、离开、背离、违反 The notice shows departure of trains. Postpone(推迟) one's departure due to bad weather a departure from one's promise(对谎言的违背) 1774 struggle for 为……奋斗、为……争斗 A brute struggle for social superiority.(为了取得优越的社会地位而作的不理智的斗争) A power struggle for the leadership.(领导地位的权力之争) 1775 throw off 摆脱、推翻 We need to take a roundabout route to throw off any pursuit.(我们必须绕道而行甩掉追踪) Society is going to throw off the shackles of racism and colonialism. (社会将摆脱种族主义和殖民主义的枷锁) 1776 in preparation for 为……作准备 He is training in preparation for the next match.(他正在训练,准备参加下次比赛) Samsung says the tech is still growing its user testing, in preparation for launch. (三星称这项技术还在进行用户测试,为上市做准备) 1777 pull in 进站、吸引、抓获嫌疑犯 Tourist attractions which pull in millions of foreign visitors.(吸引数百万外国游客的旅游景点) The ship anchored in the middle of the river and did not pull in to the bank. (船停在江心,没有靠岸) So they'd had to pull in and do all the lids up.(所以他们不得不停下来,把这些盖子盖紧) 1778 put aside 节省、储存、把……放在一边 She must put aside all her antagonistic feelings.(她必须把她的对抗的情绪搁到一边) This matter is put aside for the time being.(此事暂不处理) Some money must be put aside for emergency.(必须留存一些资金以备急用) 1779 yield to 顺从、让步、屈服于 He will never yield to difficulties.他不会在困难面前服软 You will meet much evil in life; try not to yield to temptation. (你将在生活中遇到许多邪恶,千万不可受其诱惑) 1780 super adj.极好的、特优的 adv.特别地、独特地 n.主管、上司、多余的人 This is a super place for a holiday.(在这地方度假真是盖帽儿了) Caution: It is a kind of food that is super high in calories. (需要提起注意的是,这种食品的卡路里相当地高哦)
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