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英语 重点 核心 词汇 emotion 举例 详解 分析 表格
英语重点核心词汇emotion举例详解分析表格版 2141 emotion n.情绪、情感、感情 He lost control of his emotions. be easyly swayed(n.v.摇摆) by one's emotions.(容易被情感所左右) 2142 friend n.朋友、友人 my dearest friend He has few friends. She is my best friend. 2143 friendly adj.友好的、友谊的 have a very warm and friendly talk a friendly welcome give a friendly greeting 2144 friendship n.友谊、友好 Friendship first,competition second. Long live friendship. develop a good international friendship 2145 not to mention 更不必说 The baby can't even walk,not to mention running. She won't help her brother,not to mention a stranger. We can't afford a car,not to mention a garage. 2146 pull together 齐心协力、团结起来 We pull together to fulfill(实现) the plan. People often pull together in a crisis. If we pull together we shall succeed. 2147 pack up 把……收起来放好 pack up the papers Pack up your toys,children. He packed up his old clothes. 2148 speak highly of 赞扬 People speak highly of the movie. He speaks highly of the company. speak highly of a child 2149 wind up 结束、使紧张、卷起、开玩笑的忽悠某人、故意惹恼某人 wind up the visit to America wind up the clock wind up the clock She winds up the toy train. 2150 invest v.投资、投入时间经历等、授予、给予权力等 invest more time in studying invest your money in business invest in technology 2151 investment n.投资、投资额、时间、经历等的投入 Investment is risky. attract foreign investment 2152 invent vt.发明、创造、捏造、虚构 invent a new robot invent lies invent an excuse invent a whole new way of doing business 2153 invention n.发明、发明物、发明创造的才能 Four Great Inventions of Ancient China The computer is a wonderful invention. Mike is full of invention. 2154 interfere with 干扰、干涉 interfere with private business interfere with work Don't interfere with him while he's working. 2155 for fear that 生怕、以免 for fear that he lags(vi.n.滞后) behind for fear that the child would be hurt for fear that he should be late for fear that it may rain 2156 get in the way of 妨碍、阻碍 Her social life gets in the way of her study. Don't let emotions get in the way of your work. The signboard got in the way of the car. 2157 at intervals (n.间隔、间歇) 时时、不时、每隔……距离或时间 stop for a rest at intervals visit the doctor at intervals plant the trees at intervals of 6 feet record the temperature at intervals of 4 hours 2158 go after 追求、追逐 He is going after that pretty girl. go after the deer go after the escaped prisoner 2159 sit around 无所事事、闲坐着 sit around the house sit around doing nothing sit around a campfire at night All he did that evening was sit around the flat. 2160 weather n.天气、克服 vt.度过、克服 a sudden change in the weather fine weather Weather conditions were fair.(天气状况良好) The weather is beginning to improve. 2121 true adj.真实的、真的、忠诚的、准确的 His dream has come true. I can not tell whether it is true. A good book is the next best thing to a true friend. This is a true copy. be true to his word 2122 truth n.事实、真相、实情、真实性、真理 to tell the truth(说实话) find out the truth of the fact 2123 truly adj.真正地、忠实地 truly understand He is a turly good man. You must speak turly. 2124 draw up 起草、拟定、(使停住) draw up a formal agreement draw up a project The car draws up at the gate. The police drew up outside the house. 2125 dry up (使)干涸、(使)干透、(使)枯竭 The lake has dried up. The sun will soon dry up the roads. His power of invention will never dry up. The powers of invention dry up. 2126 fill out 填写、长胖、长丰满 fill out a check for $100 fill out the form He worries about filling out. Her face is beginning to fill out. 2127 in addition 另外、此外 They bought some food in addition. In addition,you have to eat breakfast first. In addition,I will give you a book. 2128 in half 成两片 He tore the picture in half. The president decides to cut the deficit(赤字、亏空) in half. cut the onion in half 2129 possible adj.可能的、做得到的、可接受的、合理的 leave as fast as possible I'll do everything possible to help you. Everything is possible if we want it enough. 2130 possibly adv.可能、也许 Exercises will possibly protect against heart attacks. Bad living habits possibly cause serious illness. I can't possibly drive in a rain day. 2131 impossible adj.不可能的、难以忍受的、很难对付的 Nothing is impossible. an impossible dream an impossible child 2132 possibility n.可能性、可能、可能的事 predict the future possibility a theoretical(adj.理论的) possibility beyound the bounds of possibility 2133 a case in point 恰当的例子 Let me give you a case in point. A case in point is the recent events. What happended to us is a case in point. 2134 count up 算出……总数、共计 count up the losses after the battle The child can count up to a hundred. Please count up the figure for me. 2135 touch on/upon 谈到、论及 touch on the matter touch on problems touch on the memories 2136 compare……to…… 把……比作…… compare the work to the battle compare a teacher's work to candle compare a human heart to a pump(n.vt.泵) 2137 in tune 音调准确、演奏合调、协调一致 in tune with the times(与时代俱进) in tune with the popular wishes(
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