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佛山市 中心区 城市设计 规划 背景
佛山市新中心区城市设计-规划背景 F O R E W O R D O V E R V I E W P L A N N I N G C O N T E X T P L A N N O T I O N P L A N C O N C E P T D E S I G N G U I L D L I N E S P A R C E L C O N T R O L P L A N S 2.PLANNING CONTEXT The team has undertaken secondary and site specific research of the Foshan area in order to establish a broad understanding of the regional context within which the study area may develop. Research has focused on a trends analysis with respect to physical factors (land use, transportation, environmental indicators) as well as trends in socioeconomics and tourism. As any planning proposal put forward for the Foshan area must consider the larger regional framework, we have focused on the Pearl River Delta region. At the same time we have studied carefully the history and current situation of Foshan as well as the original Technical Docu- ment Project Brief in order to set up definite principles. 2.1.THE CONDITION OF NATURE Foshan City is near to sea, with most of the area located at the south of the tropic of cancer, where the climatic type belongs to subtropical seasonal wind humid climate, with annual aver- age temperature at 21.7 and rainfall of 1646.9ml in a year. The nature condition is very superior. 2. 2.1. 21.7 1646.9 F O R E W O R D O V E R V
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