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    • 1、Bexar County City of San Antonio San Antonio River Authority San Antonio River Oversight CommitteeCONCEPT DESIGNDESIGN GUIDELINESSAN ANTONIO RIVER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTSAN ANTONIO RIVER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTDesign GuidelinesCONCEPT DESIGNPREPARED BYSWA GROUPBiohabitats, Inc.PBS&JEconomics Research AssociatesSprinkle Robey ArchitectsJaster-Quintanilla, Inc.FORBexar CountyCity of San AntonioSan Antonio River AuthoritySan Antonio River Oversight CommitteeJuly 2001TABLE OF CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUMMARYINT

      2、RODUCTION AND PURPOSEProject BackgroundProject AreaPurpose of the Design GuidelinesHow to Use the Design GuidelinesFuture Design Review ProcessOVERVIEW OF THE PROJECTGoalsExisting ConditionsRiver Water SourcesArchaeologyEnvironmental ChallengesEconomic Development and Land UseGuiding Design PrinciplesProgramIntegration with Other ProjectsInventory ProcessDesign ProcessHISTORICAL MISSION (DOWNSTREAM) REACHFluvial GeomorphologyHydraulic ModelRiver Channel RestorationRiver InfrastructureRiver Ecolo

      3、gyPathway SystemsPlanting ConceptsRecreational OpportunitiesVisions for the Historical Mission (Downstream) Reach:Land AcquisitionsDesign Component PrototypesOther ElementsMaintenanceCost Estimate and Funding SourcesLong Term Opportunities681222MUSEUM (UPSTREAM) ?URBAN? REACHRiver Channel RestorationRiver InfrastructureRiver EcologyPathway SystemsPlanting ConceptsVisions for the Museum (Upstream) ?Urban? Reach:Land AcquisitionsDesign Component PrototypesOther ElementsMaintenanceCost Estimate and

      4、 Funding SourcesLong Term OpportunitiesMUSEUM (UPSTREAM) ?PARK? REACHRiver Channel RestorationRiver InfrastructurePathway SystemsPlanting ConceptsVisions for the Museum (Northern) ?Park? ReachDesign Component PrototypesOther ElementsMaintenanceCost Estimate and Funding SourcesLong Term OpportunitiesAPPENDIXGlossary of Fluvial Geomorphologic & Other Relevant Terms by SWA GroupEconomic and Market Overview for Client Meeting No. 4, August 10, 2000 by Economics Research AssociatesRecommended Plant L

      5、ist for Restoration of Riparian Corridors on the San Antonio River, July 28, 2000 by PBS&JPlant List for Use on the San Antonio River, January 2001, prepared by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Harris County Flood Control District, and the U. S. Corps of EngineersA Brief Study of Archaeologically Sensitive Areas within the San Antonio River Improvements Concept Design, September 2000 by Waynne CoxHEC-RAS Model: Proposed vs. Existing Water Surface and Energy Grade Elevation, and Hydraulics Su

      6、mmary Report, January 2001 by PBS&JHike and Bike Pathways, January 2001 by SWA GroupFluvial Geomorphology Design Criteria, January 2001 by Biohabitats, Inc.Master Cost Analysis Global Summary, Summary by Reach, and Summary of Costs, December 2000 by SWA GroupNaming and Dedication Rights, January 2001 by SWA GroupSummary of the Community Participation Activities and Responses Related to the Overall Design of the River Improvements, February ? December 2000, by Linda Ximenes & AssociatesBrooklyn A

      7、venue Dam, by SWA GroupOperations and Maintenance Requirements, by SWA GroupBIBLIOGRAPHY64941021556 SAN ANTONIO RIVER DESIGN GUIDELINESPROJECT BACKGROUNDWithin downtown San Antonio, the San Antonio Rivercontinues to thrive as the famous River Walk, or Paseodel Rio. However, an additional 13 miles of urban riverexist beyond downtown: upstream to the headwaters atthe University of the Incarnate Word and downstreamto the Espada Mission. The possibilities for theseriver reaches have not yet been cha

      8、rted.Bexar County, the City of San Antonio, and the SanAntonio River Authority formed the San AntonioRiver Oversight Committee (SAROC), comprised of adiverse group of citizens, in 1998. These four entitieshave joined for a major undertaking, the preservationand restoration of the San Antonio River. Under theirleadership, the north and south reaches will be masterplanned for future enhancement of San Antoniocitizen?s and visitor?s lives.PROJECT AREAThe San Antonio River Improvements Projectinclud

      9、es two reaches. The Museum (Northern) Reachbegins at Lexington Street and runs north about fourmiles to E. Hildebrand Avenue at Brackenridge Park.Due to two distinct areas within this reach, it has beenfurther subdivided in the Museum (Northern)?Urban? Reach from Lexington to Josephine and theMuseum (Northern) ?Park? Reach from Josephine toHildebrand.The Historical Mission (Southern) Reach extendssouthward from S. Alamo Street to the EspadaMission just below Interstate Loop 410. This reachmeasur

      10、es approximately nine miles, for an entireproject length of about 13 linear miles.MASTER PLANNING PROCESSSWA Group was retained in April 2000 to provideMaster Planning services for the San Antonio RiverImprovements Project. Their charge was:? to create a vision for the project area that wouldenhance the river and the citizen?s lives? confirm that the hydraulic capabilities are notcompromised? evaluate future land uses? test the cost analysis to confirm the project?saffordability? prepare a Desig


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