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《饭店实用英语》课件 scene 8

  • 卖家[上传人]:橙**
  • 文档编号:328761359
  • 上传时间:2022-07-31
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    • 1、Hotel Practical EnglishScene 8 Wake-up Call ServiceTeaching ProceduresExercises 4Text3Hotel Practical English2Case Study5Home Reading6Free Talk1.Free Talk1.What if the guest doesnt answer the wake-up call?2.What were the consequences to the guests who had overslept as a result of the hotel forgetting to give them a wake-up call?Give good reasons to support your opinion,please.Hotel Practical EnglishDialogue 1 Please Give Me a Wake-up Call(A:Guest B:Receptionist)A:Hello,Ive got to get up early to

      2、morrow,so please give me a wake-up call.B:Of course.May I know your room number,sir?A:Room 1122.B:And your name,sir?A:Alexander Bell.B:Mr.Bell,we can give you a call anytime you like.A:Actually,I need two calls,one at 6AM and the other at 6:10 AM.B:Your wish is our command.Expect a call at 6 AM,and another one at 6:10 AM.A:Wait a minute!I dont like 6:10.Change it to 6:35.B:The second call is now changed to 6:35.Shall we call the same room?A:Yes,one is for my wife and the other is for me.B:OK,sir

      3、.Is there anything else we can help you with?A:Nothing that I can think of right now.If something comes up,Ill call you.B:Were here all night long if you need anything.A:Thank you very much.B:Not at all.Hotel Practical English Dialogue 2 Im a Heavy Sleeper (A:Receptionist B:Guest)A:Front Desk,may I help you?B:This is Johnny Marco in room 369.Could you give me a wake-up call at 5:00 oclock tomorrow morning please?A:Certainly,sir.B:There is one thing I must tell you.Im a heavy sleeper.A:I see.Ill

      4、call you every few minutes until you answer the phone.B:In case there is no answer,can you knock at the door?A:Im very sorry,sir.Im afraid I cant do that.B:Why?A:Because its so early.The noise may wake up the other guests.B:Ill miss the plane if I cant wake up on time.Hotel Practical EnglishA:Dont worry,sir.Do you mind my coming into your room to wake you up?B:Certainly not.Its a good idea.You are so smart.A:Do you have the extra key card?B:Yes,sir.So,well call you at 5:00.Do you have any other

      5、requests?A:No,thats about it for now.Thanks.B:Okay,sir.Have a pleasant evening.Text Wake-up Call Service Wake-up calls are a required guest service in hotels.Waking up the guest is a normal Front Office task.In some hotels,guests can use the Computer Automatic Wake-up System and set the wake-up call time by themselves.But in most hotels,Front Desk clerks will set the wake-up call time for the guest rooms.Setting the wake-up call time will cause the Call Accounting System to ring to the guest pho

      6、ne at the specified time.In most cases,the system can never fail the guests,but that doesnt seem to be the case for every one.Sometimes,some guests may not wake up after the call because of tiredness or deep sleep.The following are some tips for you to learn how to handle such situations.If the guest didnt answer the wake-up call from the room the Assistant Manager or the staff should go to the guest room to wake up him immediately.First,the Assistant Manager goes to the guest room and stands ou

      7、tside of the door.Ring the doorbell while greet the guest with“Good morning.”When the guest opens the door,the Assistant Manager should tell him that he is coming to wake him up:“This is the wake up-call,sir.”.Text If the Assistant Manager doesnt receive any response after ringing the doorbell for 3 times,he should go into the guest room.Open the door slowly and greet at the same time:“Good morning,sir.”If the guest is still sleeping,the Assistant Manager should stand away from the bed and keep

      8、calling the guest.“Good morning,sir.”If he couldnt be waken up by calling him loudly,the Assistant Manager should shake the guests shoulder or arm slightly to wake him up and calling the guests name at the same time.“Mr.White,please wake up.”If the guest room was bolted on the inside,there are two ways of dealing with this situation.Call the guests name while ring the bell and ask the operator to keep calling the room at the same time.If nobody answers,ask help from the engineering department to

      9、 open the door.The engineer will try every way to open the door.Because an automated wake-up call is an easy thing to ignore,hotels should let guests know in advance that if it comes to the unanswered wake-up call,an employee will be sent to the guest room to make sure she is OK.Thus,the guest will not be frightened and he wont feel it is an invasion of privacy and an extreme action to take under the circumstances.Exercises Role-play Activity The following is a role-play activity to practice wak

      10、e-up call service.Divide the class into two groups:housemaids and hotel guests.And then have the students work in pairs.The following is a conversation just as a sample.The students can create conversations as they like.A:Good afternoon,madam.How may I help you?B:This is my first visit to China.I wonder if you provide wake-up calls.A:The wake-up call is one of the most taken-for-granted amenities in our hotel.B:Great.I must get up earlier tomorrow.And can I get a wake-up call for 6:30 AM?A:Sure.

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