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    • 1、12-8Kroenke - Experiencing MIS 7th Ed - Instructors Manual12.Information Systems DevelopmentLEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Explain what systems development is.2. Describe why systems development is difficult and risky.3. Describe the five phases of the SDLC.4. Explain how system definition is accomplished.5. Describe the users role in the requirements phase.6. Explain how the five components are designed.7. Describe how an information system is implemented.8. Describe the tasks for system maintenance.9.

      2、Explain some of the problems with the SDLC.CHAPTER OUTLINE What is systems development? Why is systems development difficult and risky?w The difficulty of requirements determinationw Changes in requirementsw Scheduling and budgeting difficultiesw Changing technologyw Diseconomies of scalew Is it really so bleak? What are the five phases of the SDLC? How is system definition accomplished?w Define system goals and scopew Assess feasibilityw Form a project team What is the users role in the require

      3、ments phase?w Determine requirementsw Approve requirementsw Role of a prototype How are the five components designed?w Hardware designw Software designw Database designw Procedure designw Design of job descriptions How is an information system implemented?w System testingw System conversion What are the tasks for system maintenance? What are some of the problems with the SDLC?w The SDLC waterfallw Requirements documentation difficultyw Scheduling and budgeting difficulties How does the knowledge

      4、 in this chapter help you?Learning Catalytics is a bring your own device student engagement, assessment, and classroom intelligence system. It allows instructors to engage students in class with real-time diagnostics. Students can use any modern, web-enabled device (smartphone, tablet, or laptop) to access it. For more information on using Learning Catalytics in your course, contact yourPearson Representative.SO WHAT?Using This Knowledge for Your Number-One Priority1. Examine Figure 12-3 and the

      5、 following figures that detail tasks in each of the five phases. Interpret each of the activities in the SDLC not as they pertain to systems development but rather as they could pertain to finding your job. Briefly summarize the tasks you can perform at each stage. Define system goals, assess feasibility, plan project: in this stage, students consider their job search goals, evaluate the feasibility of those goals, and develop an overall plan of attack. Determine requirements: in this stage, stu

      6、dents seek out information about job opportunities and what knowledge/skills are needed to satisfy those requirements. Design system components: in this stage, students evaluate their current knowledge/skills and look for ways to create knowledge and skill sets that will meet requirements Implement system: in this stage students undertake the work to seek appropriate work and evaluate their success Maintain system: continue to enhance knowledge/skills while uncovering new or modified requirement

      7、s.2. Finding a job is a process. Like all processes, job-acquiring processes vary in quality. State two dimensions of process and quality and explain how they pertain to job acquisition.Following a process is fine but it must be a process that has a high likelihood of a successful outcome. A process is not high quality unless it produces the desired result. In addition, the process quality should be such that the desired result is achieved with no extraneous resource usage.3. Sketch the job-acqu

      8、isition process that you are currently using. Use whatever BPMN symbols from Figure 12-6 that you find relevant. Student responses will vary depending on what type of job-acquisition strategy is followed.4. Examine the quality of your current job-acquisition process. Explain two ways you could improve the quality of that process.Student responses will vary. Students might report, for example, that the amount of work they are expending by watching classified ads in the newspaper is not worth the

      9、result, so quality would be improved if a more efficient means of monitoring the job market should be sought.5. To answer this question, youll need to read Chapter Extension 17, particularly QCE17-3 and QCE17-4. Write the requirements for the job-acquisition process using scrum-like requirements statements. Break the requirements into sufficient detail that you can satisfy each one in 2 hours or less. Rather than start every requirement with “As a student” start them with the role you will use. “As an interviewee, I will ” or “As a prospect-seeker, I will.”Student responses will vary. An example statements is:As an interviewee, I will have a complete understanding of the organizations business model before the interview.6.


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