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    • 1、UNIT 8 “Sounds like a good plan.”“Sounds like a good plan.”SHOWTIMEREADINGWRITINGGRAMMARVOCABULARY BUILDERCHATTIMEMY STORYUNIT 8CONTENTSWARM-UPThink about the following aspects of your life and share your plans with a partner.Sample:Id like to get married before Im 30.Id like to build up a career in tourism.VOCABULARY BUILDERListen and repeat.A1. Mike and Jennifer will get _ next month, but they still lack something blue.2. My _ goal is to become a pilot.3. If you work hard, you can _ anything.4

      2、. Bill Gates is very rich. He is one of the most _ businessman ever.5. Peter is a(n) _ at a big company. He will learn a lot there.6. My father has been a lawyer for 20 years. It is really good_ .7. Whats your _ for this summer? We decided to go to France.8. Mary has a(n) _ in History from Harvard University.LANGUAGE NOTEComplete the sentences with words from Exercise A.Bsomething blue 出自习语something old, something new,something borrowed,something blue。意思是新娘在婚礼上穿带的东西里要有一件旧的、一件新的、一件借来的和一件蓝色的。“一件旧的

      3、”指新娘与娘家人的联系将不会中断;“一件新的”是祝福新娘即将拥有新的生活;“一件借来的”一般是从幸福的已婚朋友或亲戚那里得来,以传递幸福给新婚夫妇;“一件蓝色的”则是因为蓝色象征着爱情谦逊和忠贞。常常见的学位有以下几种:的学位有以下几种:学士学位:学士学位:bachelors degree硕士学位:士学位:masters degree博士学位:博士学位:doctorateCULTURAL NOTE marriedlong-termachievesuccessfulinterncareerplandegreesomething blue 出自习语something old, something new,something borrowed,something blue。意思是新娘在婚礼上穿带的东西里,要有一件旧的、一件新的、一件借来的和一件蓝色的。“一件旧的”指新娘与娘家人的联系将不会中断;“一件新的”是祝福新娘即将拥有新的生活;“一件借来的”一般是从幸福的已婚朋友或亲戚那里得来,以传递幸福给新婚夫妇;“一件蓝色的”则是因为蓝色象征着爱情、谦逊和忠贞。John: Welcome back

      4、 to the show. Im John Tyler. Tonight my guest is Kelly Zoidberg, CEO of TimeWaste, the incredibly (1) _ social media website. Welcome the show, Kelly.Kelly: Thanks, John. Its lovely to be here.John: Lets start with your family life. I know you come from a big family.Kelly: Yes. I have eight brothers.John: Eight! It must have been interesting (2) _ with so many brothers. How about your parents? What do they do?Kelly: Well, may father is a doctor and my mother is a writer.John: Great. Those are bo

      5、th excellent (3) _. I understand you went to Yale University. What did you study here?Listen and complete the conversation.C参考译文参考译文populargrowing upcareersKelly: I studied computers and got a masters (4) _ in Computer Science.John: While you were at Yale, you started your website “TimeWaste”. Is that correct?Kelly: Yes, I did. Back then I had no idea how big it would become. I had a goal of getting 100 users in the first year.John: And how many users did you get in the first year?Kelly: 100,000

      6、.John: Wow, thats really (5) _.CListen and complete the conversation.参考译文参考译文amazingdegree约翰:翰: 欢迎回到我们的节目。我是约翰泰勒。今晚我的嘉宾是凯丽佐德伯格, TimeWaste网站首席执行官。这是一家非常流行的社交媒体网站。欢迎 来到我们的节目,凯丽。 凯丽: 谢谢,约翰。能来到这儿太棒了。 约翰:翰: 我们从你的家庭生活谈起吧。我知道你来自一个大家庭。凯丽: 是的,我有八个兄弟。约翰:翰: 八个!和这么多兄弟一起长大一定很有趣。你的父母呢?他们做什么工 作?凯丽: 嗯,我爸爸是一名医生,妈妈是一位作家。约翰:翰: 真棒。两位都从事非常优秀的职业。我知道你曾在耶鲁大学读书。你在 那里学什么专业?凯丽: 我学计算机专业,并且取得了计算机科学硕士学位。约翰:翰: 你在耶鲁的时候,创办了“TimeWaste”网站,对吗?凯丽: 是的。那时候我还不知道网站会发展到多大规模。我定了一个目标,就 是在第一年拥有100个用户。约翰:翰: 那你第一年实际获得了多少用户?凯丽: 10万。约翰:翰: 哇,这太

      7、令人惊叹了。参考译文Complete the tables with words from Exercise A.DinternLong-termdegreesuccessfulmarriedWORDS & EXPRESSIONS achieve career degree intern long-termmarriedplansuccessfulachieve v. 取得;实现E.g. He had finally achieved success. 他终于获得了成功。words and expressionscareer n. 事业;职业E.g. She has been concentrating on her career. 她一直专心致志于她的本职工作。words and expressionsdegree n. 学位;程度E.g. My brother has a masters degree from Harvard. 我哥哥有哈佛大学的硕士学位。words and expressionsintern n. 实习生E.g. He is a summer intern at

      8、 a law firm. 他是暑假在法律事务所的实习的学生。words and expressionslong-term adj. 长期的;长远的E.g. A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected. 一项旨在帮助长期失业者的新的培训计划有望出台。words and expressionsmarried adj. 已婚的;有配偶的E.g. We have been married for fourteen years.我们已经结婚14年了。words and expressionsplan n. 规划;方案E.g. Do you have any plans for the summer? 这个夏天你有什么打算?words and expressionssuccessful adj.成功的;达到目的的E.g. They were successful in winning the contract.他们终于争取到了那份合同。words and expressionsSHOWTIMEWatch th

      9、e video. Match the pictures to the sentences which best describe them.Adabc00:05/03:00Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false).B1 Naomi is reading a book about setting goals.2 The book says that first you need to set a goal.3 Naomi wants to be a graphic artist.4 Hector wants to get a degree in Business and Management.5 Mateo wants to be a journalists.TTTFFNaomi: Well, its called a “self-help book”. It teaches you how to (1) _ goals and achieve them.Hector : That sounds interesting. What

      10、does it say?Naomi: It says here “It is becoming more and more difficult to get a good job and make enough money. To be (2) _ in life, you need to set goals.”Mateo: That makes (3) _. Goals give your life a sense of direction.Naomi: Thats right! “First you need to (4) _ your goal. Then you need to make a plan for achieving your goal.”Hector: Could you explain that a little more?Naomi: You cant just cross your fingers and say “I hope my dreams come true.” You have to make a plan that goes (5) _ by


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