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    • 1、旅游英语视听说Unit Unit 8 8 We We Can Handle Can Handle Emergencies and Emergencies and ComplaintsComplaintsuknow how to handle emergencies during the trip.uhandle the tourists complaints.After learning this unit, you will be able to:Warming upWarming up1. Listen and match.Caution, VehicleNo TossingNo BurningNo Touchinguu Have you met any emergency during a trip? Share it with your classmates Have you met any emergency during a trip? Share it with your classmates. . _ _uu How How should a tour guide ha

      2、ndle the should a tour guide handle the tourists complaints?tourists complaints? _ _Warming up2. Answer the following questions. Listening and Speakingfever n. 发烧 Listening and SpeakingListening Isharp adj. 剧烈的 belly n. 肚子complaint n. 抱怨 Listening IIsatisfactory adj. 令人满意的Listening and Speakingreplace v. 替换disappointing adj. 令人扫兴的mention v. 提及 apologise v. 道歉Listening I Listening I Looking After an Ill TravellerLooking After an Ill TravellerWang Wang Hui is checking the rooms after the visitors

      3、have Hui is checking the rooms after the visitors have checked into the hotel. She knocks at the checked into the hotel. She knocks at the WhitesWhites room room and Mrs. White opens the doorand Mrs. White opens the door. .Listening and SpeakingWang Hui: Good afternoon, madam. Are you satisfied with your room?Mrs. White: Yes. Everythings OK, except my husband isnt feeling too well.Wang Hui: Sorry to hear that. Wheres Mr. White?Mrs. White: Hes here lying on the bed.Listening and Speaking (Wang Hu

      4、i follows Mrs. White to the bed.)Wang Hui: Hello, Mr. White. Are you feeling any better?Mr. White: Not yet, Im feeling even worse now.Wang Hui: Whats the matter?Mr. White: I think Ive got a fever and also a sharp pain in my belly.Wang Hui: How long have you felt like this?Mrs. White: Its been about an hour.Wang Hui: Dont worry, Mr. White, but maybe you should see a doctor. I will ring the hotel to call a taxi to take you to the nearest hospital.Mrs. White: Thanks a lot. We really appreciate your

      5、 help.Wang Hui: My pleasure.Listening and SpeakingListening and Speaking1. Choose the best answer.1. Why does Wang Hui knock at the Whites room? _A. To check the room. B. To give the room card.C. To have a chat. D. To visit Mr. White.2. Whats wrong with Mr. White?_A. He has a fever and a stomachache. B. He has injured his ankle.C. His nose is bleeding. D. He has a toothache.AAListening and Speaking1. Choose the best answer.1. How does Wang Hui help Mr. White? _A. Rings the hotel. B. Calls a bus.

      6、C. Accompanies him to see a doctor. D. Rings the travel agency.AListening and Speaking2. Role-play the dialogue with your partner.Listening IIListening II Handling Tourists ComplaintsHandling Tourists ComplaintsWang Wang Hui is making arrangements for the guests lunch Hui is making arrangements for the guests lunch in the hotelin the hotel. .Listening and SpeakingMrs. Brown: Wang Hui, Im afraid we have a couple of complaints. Wang Hui: Whats the problem, madam?Mrs. Brown: The food is far from sa

      7、tisfactory. See, the soup is very cold and has too much salt in it. Wang Hui: Im very sorry to hear that. Ill call the waitress now to replace it with something else for you. Are there any other problems?Mr. Brown: Im afraid so. At the scenic sites this morning you were walking a little too fast, and it was difficult for us to keep up. Besides, there was hardly time for us to enjoy any of the scenery.Listening and Speaking Wang Hui: Im so sorry. That must have been rather disappointing for you.M

      8、r. Brown: Yes, Im afraid it was. Wang Hui, could you also please speak louder at the sites as we were able to catch only a little of what was said? Wang Hui: Oh, Im terribly sorry to hear that. From now on Ill pay attention to what youve mentioned. I apologise for the mistakes.Mr. Brown: Thats all right.Listening and Speaking1.What is Mrs. Brown unsatisfied with? _A. The soup. B. The waitress service.C. The itinerary. D. The hotel.Listening and Speaking1. Choose the best answer.AC2. How does Wan

      9、g Hui handle Mrs. Browns complaints? _A. Tells the chef. B. Tells the manager of the restaurant.C. Tells the waitress. D. Replaces it by herself.3. Which of the following is NOT Mr. Browns complaint? _A. Wang Hui was walking a little too fast.B. Little time was left for the tourists to enjoy the scenery.C. Wang Hui spoke too loud at the scenic sites.D. Wang Huis voice was too low at the scenic sites.Listening and Speaking1. Choose the best answer.CListening and Speaking2. Fill in the blanks.Wang

      10、 Hui is making arrangements for the guests lunch in the hotel. Mrs. Brown _ that the food is cold and salty. Mr. Brown says that Wang Hui _ a little too fast. Besides, she didnt speak louder enough at the _ . Wang Hui _ for the mistakes and promises that she would pay attention to plains complains walks walks scenery scenery apologises apologises Shocking to FindShocking to FindWatch the first video and discuss in pairs the mistakes in it. Then watch the second video and pay attention to the dif


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