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新实用英语预备级课件Unit 23 What Is Success

  • 卖家[上传人]:AZ****01
  • 文档编号:320836145
  • 上传时间:2022-07-02
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    • 1、新实用英语(预备级)What Is Success新实用英语(预备级)SECTION A VIDEO TIMESECTION B CONVERSATIONSECTION C SPEAKINGSECTION D READINGSECTION E WORKPLACE PROJECTSECTION F READ FOR FUN新实用英语(预备级)Main menuSECTION A VIDEO TIMENew Words and Expressionsdescribe /dskrab/ v. 描绘,形容 achievement /ti:vmnt/ n. 成就 career /kr(r)/ n. 事业,职业 journalist /d:nlst/ n. 新闻记者 passion /pn/ n. 激情,热情 legacy /lesi/ n. 遗产,遗赠新实用英语(预备级)Main menuWatch the video and work in groups to discuss the following questions:1.What is the true success in your

      2、opinion? 2. Do you agree on the points the man in the video presented?SECTION A VIDEO TIME新实用英语(预备级)Main menuVideo Script Yesterday I ask you how to describe success in one word. Mr. Michalson answered one word happiness. Naomi and Jake said fulfillment. Miss Otson said achievement. Mr. Bee said impactable. Caroline said being proud of who you see in the mirror and what that reflection has accomplished. As you see, Caroline should get some extra credits. The reason I asked, in todays character s

      3、tudy some of my colleagues here in CNN here give their two senses. Success is a piece of minds, happiness; feeling gratified; putting your heart into something and achieving it; success is also having lots of peanut M&Ms. Tell me what Success is in one word, impact; autonomy; happiness; progress. Great answer! Next question. How does being inherently curious impact your career? I wake up every morning, curious, I wake up every morning, wanting to know a little bit more. You cant be a journalist

      4、unless you are apparently curious.SECTION A VIDEO TIME新实用英语(预备级)Main menuVideo Script What question do you need to ask yourself to succeed? I know that. Do I want to do this beyond anything else? Is this my passion? How much do you want this? Do you love what you do? Because if you do, you will be successful before you even know it. What do you want your legacy to be? I dont know what is the point if it is appropriate to ask about legacy. I think only just old people may answer that question. Am

      5、 I old? I am not sure. I want legacy to be that I live fully, and I help as many people as possible on the way. If my legacy has allow one person to feel good, thats enough for me.SECTION A VIDEO TIME新实用英语(预备级)Main menuSECTION B CONVERSATION1.Listen to the conversation and role-play it with your partner.A: Do you know the man who is talking with the chairman?B: No. But I heard of him.A: What is it?B: He graduated from Harvard.A: Cool! Harvard! Its the place where six U.S. presidents have ever st

      6、udied.B: If you try hard, you also can study there.A: Yea, I wish I could.B: Then lets start your ambitious plan tonight? How about going to the library this evening?A: Come on, I was just joking. I have a party tonight B: Well, at least you play hard.新实用英语(预备级)Main menuSECTION B CONVERSATION2. Pair work. Are you familiar with some most famous universities in the world? Introduce the most famous one that you think to your classmates? 新实用英语(预备级)Main menuSECTION B CONVERSATION1.Listen to the conve

      7、rsation and role-play it with your partner.A: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?B: Yes. Would you bring me the menu?A: Certainly. Here you are, sir.B: Thank you.A: Are you ready to place your order?B: Yes. Give me a glass of water, please.A: Anything else? Our chocolate cake is very famous.B: No, thanks. A glass of water is all I want.A: All right. Wait a second, sir.B: OK, see you then.新实用英语(预备级)Main menuSECTION B CONVERSATION2. Pair work. What would you usually like in the restaurant? Ca

      8、n you list some international dishes?新实用英语(预备级)Main menuSECTION C SPEAKING1. Do you know some famous people in all fields? Who are they?新实用英语(预备级)Main menuSECTION C SPEAKING2. Pair Work. Have an interchange with your partner about the celebrities stories. Useful expressions: Useful expressions:have talents for .be one of the most famous and influential . in the modern world.the God in Youth the Living Legend winner of the Nobel Peace/Literature Prize新实用英语(预备级)Main menuSECTION D READINGThe Secret

      9、 of Success新实用英语(预备级)Main menu1. George Wilson had a shop where he sold and repaired watches. 2. One day his daughter got married and her husband, James, soon came to work for him. 3. “Ill teach you everything I know about watches.” George told him. 4. For the first few weeks, James served customers, dusted the shelves and learned where everything was in the shop. George was very pleased with him. He worked hard and was polite and helpful to the customers.SECTION D READINGThe Secret of SuccessWo

      10、rd Tip新实用英语(预备级)Main menu5. While James looked after the front of the shop, George was able to build up the repair business. He worked in a back room.6. After about six months, James said, “Is there anything else you want to teach me?” “Yes, James, there is,” George said. “Its time that I taught you the secret of our success.” 7. “I think I know that,” James said. “You buy watches at one price and sell them at a higher price. The difference in price is our profit.” 8. “Thats true, but its not wh

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