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    • 1、常用微生物学专业名词词汇表active immunity(主动免疫): Immunity acquired through direct stimulation of the immune system by antigen.active transport(主动运输):Transport of molecules against a concentration gradient (from regions of low concentration to regions of high concentration) with the aid of proteins in the cell membrane and energy from ATP.Alcohol fermentation(乙醇发酵):is the formation of alcohol from sugar. Yeast, when under anaerobic conditions, convert glucose to pyruvic acid via the glycolysis pathways, then

      2、go one step farther, converting pyruvic acid into ethanol, a C-2 compound.aerobe(好氧微生物): A microorganism that lives and grows in the presence of free gaseous oxygen (O2).aflatoxin(黄曲霉毒素): From Aspergillus flavus t, a mycotoxin that typically poisons moldy animal feed and can cause liver cancer in humans and other animals.AIDS(爱滋病): Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome. The complex of signs and symptoms characteristic of the late phase of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.Ames test(艾姆氏实

      3、验): A method for detecting mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic agents based upon the genetic alteration of nutritionally defective bacteriaanabolism(合成代谢): The energy consuming process of incorporating nutrients into protoplasm through biosynthesis.anaerobe(厌氧微生物): A microorganism that grows best, or exclusively, in the absence of oxygen.antibiotic(抗生素):A chemical substance from one microorganism that can inhibit or kill another microbe even in minute amounts.antibody(抗体): A large protein mol

      4、ecule evoked in response to an antigen that interacts specifically with that antigen.antigen(抗原): Any cell, particle, or chemical that induces a specific immune response by B cells or T cells and can stimulate resistance to an infection or a toxin.antigenic determinant(抗原决定基):The precise molecular group of an antigen that defines its specificity and triggers the immune response.antimetabolite(抗代谢物):A substance such as a drug that competes with, substitutes for, or interferes with a normal metabo

      5、lite.antiseptic(防腐剂):A growth-inhibiting agent used on tissues to prevent infection.antiserum(抗血清):Antibody-rich serum derived from the blood of animals (deliberately immunized against infectious or toxic antigen) or from people who have recovered from specific nfections.antitoxin(抗毒素):Globulin fraction of serum that neutralizesa specific toxin. Also refers to the specific antitoxin antibody itself.arthrospore(节孢子):A fungal spore formed by the septation fragmentation of hyphae.ascospore(子囊):A sp

      6、ore formed within a saclike cell (ascus) of Ascomycota following nuclear fusion and meiosis.asepsis(无菌):A condition free of viable pathogenic microorganisms.autoantibody(自身抗体):An anti-self antibody having an ffinity for tissue antigens of the subject in which it is formed.autoantigen(自身抗原): Molecules that are inherently part of self but are perceived by the immune system as foreignautoimmune disease(自身免疫疾病):The pathologic condition arising from the production of antibodies against autoantigens.

      7、Example: rheumatoid arthritis. Also called autoimmunitybacteriophage(噬菌体):A virus that specifically infects bacteria.bacteriostatic(抑菌):Any process or agent that inhibits bacterial growth.binary fission(二分裂):The formation of two new cells of approximately equal size as the result of parent cell division.B lymphocyte (B cell): A white blood cell that gives rise to plasma cells and antibodies.broad spectrum(广谱): A word to denote drugs that affect many different types of bacteria, both gram-positiv

      8、e and gram-negative.Capsid(衣壳):The protein covering of a viruss nucleic acid core. Capsids exhibit symmetry due to the regular arrangement of subunits called capsomers.capsomer(衣壳粒): A subunit of the virus capsid shaped as a triangle or disc.capsule(荚膜): In bacteria, the loose, gel-like covering or slime made chiefly of simple polysaccharides. This layer is protective and can be associated with virulence.Catabolism(分解代谢):The chemical breakdown of complex compounds into simpler units to be used i

      9、n cell metabolism.cell-mediated immune(细胞介导免疫): The type of immune responses brought about by T cells, such as cytotoxic, suppressor, and helper effects.chemoautotroph(化能自养菌):An organism that relies upon inorganic chemicals for its energy and carbon dioxide for its carbon. Also called a chemolithotraphchemotaxis(趋化性): The tendency of organisms to move in response to a chemical gradient (toward an attractant or to avoid adverse stimuli).Chemotherapy(化学治疗剂):The use of chemical substances or drugs to treat or prevent disease.Chitin(几丁质):A polysaccharide similar to cellulose in chemical structure. This polymer makes up the homy substance of the exoskeletons of arthropods and certain fungicomplement(补体):In immunology, serum protein components hat act in a definite sequence when set in motion either by an antigen-antibody complex or by facto


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