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    • 1、Lesson Three Interlanguage and the natural route of developmentTasks: 1 writing a paper on the topic on the natural route of development of L2 2 writing a paper on the topic success analysis instead of error analysis 3 writing a paper on the topic An analysis of English fossilization of student at some level第一页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。l1. What are mentalist views of L1 acquisition?l2. What are the assumptions underlying interlanguage theory?l3. What are the principal processes operated in interlanguage?

      2、l4. What is fossilization? Why?l5. What are the essential Characteristics of Language-learner language?l6. What are the differences between Error analysis and Contrastive Analysis?l7. What information about interlanguage does Error Analysis provide? l8.What are the empirical evidences for the interlanguage hypothesis?l9. What are the problems with the empirical researches?第二页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。IntroductionlBackground theory and research in L1 acquisition (a fixed order are based on a theory of lea

      3、rning that stresses the learner-internal factors )lThe notion of interlanguage (theoretical construct used to identify the stages of development )lnatural route of development (The principal goal of this chapter )lDiscussion of the L2=L1 hypotesislCaveats ( regarding the centrality of learner-internal processes in accounts of SLA)第三页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。Mentalist accounts of first language acquisitionlChomsky lLenneberglMcNeill第四页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。Language acquisition deviceChomsky assumes that child

      4、ren are born with a language acquisition device( LAD). This LAD is made up of a set of general principles called universal grammar. These general principles can be applied to all the languages in the world.第五页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。Definition of acquisitionlAcquisition can be broadly defined as the internalization of rules and formulas which are then used to communicate in the L2. In this sense the term acquisition is synonymous with the term learning. However, Krashen (1981) uses these terms with dif

      5、ferent meaning. Acquisition for Krashen, consists of the spotaneous process of rule internalization that results from natural language use, while learning consists of the development of conscious L2 knowledge through formal study.第六页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。Acquisition devicelNativist theories of language acquistion emphasize the importance of the innate capacity of the language learner at the expence of environmental factors. Each learner is credited with an acquisition device which directs the process

      6、 of acquisition. This devece contains information about the possible form that the gramar of any language can take.第七页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。Chomsky lChomskys (1959) stressed the active contribution of the child and minimized the importance of imitation and reinforcement.lChomsky claimed that the childs knowledge of his mother tongue was derived from a Universal Grammar which specified the essential form that any natural language could take.第八页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。lThis view of FLA was represented in the

      7、form of a model (e.g. Chomsky 1966):l l primary linguistic data AD G 第九页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。lPrimary linguistic data served only as a trigger for activating the device. It did not shape the process of acquisition, which was solely the task of the AD.lAD contained the UG to work and required the learner access to primary linguistic data.lFor Chomsky the task of the linguist (or psychologist) was to specify the properties of the AD that were responsible for the grammar.第十页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。Definition

      8、of Universal grammarlCook (1985) summarizing the Chomskyan position, defines universal grammar as the properties inherent in the human mind. Universal grmmar consists of a set of general priciples that apply to all languages rather than a set of particular rules. 第十一页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。lUniversal Grammar existed as a set of innate linguistic principles which comprised the initial state and which controlled the form which the sentences of any given language could take. Also part of the Universal Gr

      9、ammar was a set of discovery procedures for relating the universal principles to the data provided by exposure to a natural language.第十二页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。l普遍语法在母语与第二语言习得过程中所起的作用?第十三页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。l 普遍语法的两大组成部分是普遍原则(principles)和参数(parameters), 两者合称为核心语法(core grammar)是语言中最本质的部分,是不用学的,天生的。要学的是具体的语法和词汇知识, 这些知识因母语的不同而不同,它们的习得是通过参数值的设定。儿童由于具有这种习得机制, 在广泛接触语言素材中,通过假说验证与先天的普遍语言相比较, 认识到母语的语言规则, 即取得了语言能力。第十四页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。l 第二语言习得就是在已有的语言参数的基础上习得另一种可能与现有语言参数相同或不同的语言。语言习得过程就是根据所接触的语言材料建立语言参数值的过程。例如,任何

      10、一种语言都具有核心词和修饰词(如形容词+名词),这是一个普遍规律.但是有的语言修饰词在核心词之前,有的则在核心词之后。比如,中文说“红色的书”,而法语则说:“Le livre rouge”(书红色的)。在习得过程中,如果所接触的语言是修饰词在核心词之前,学习者对这一规律的参数值即定位修饰词+核心词;如果接触相反的语言材料,参数就定在相反值上。第十五页,编辑于星期六:十八点 二十七分。l 第二语言习得与第一语言习得二者的相同点:a.它们的发展模式相同;b.均受年龄因数的影响; c.语言输入与输出不对称;l 不同:第一语言和第二语言不一致的前提下,普遍语法通过第一语言做用在第二语言习得上。l 第二语言习得不同于第一语言习得。第一语言习得是在大脑的初始状态下进行的。所谓初始状态是指普遍语法还没有转化为具体语言的语法,因此第一语言的习得过成是参数值的确立过程;第二语言习得是在大脑的稳定状态下进行的,在这种状态下,普遍语法已经转换为具体语言的语法,因此第二语言的习得过程是参数值再确立(parameter-resetting)的过程。正因为有这种差别,第一语言习得是无意识的,而第二语言习得是有意识


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