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    • 1、江苏省部分学校2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题分类汇编阅读理解江苏省金陵中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题第一节:(共15题,每题2.5分,满分37.5分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)We are Idea International Education. As a comprehensive education service institute, our mission is to assist native English Speaking Teachers in their quest of getting teaching positions which best suit them. We have school locations in small towns and big cities all over Guangdong. China and we would be happy to speak with those who are interested in the teac

      2、hing opportunities we can provide! Below is a list of basic details about our positions:Key Responsibilities Involved:Our average work schedule being Monday through FridayTeachers being given 40 working hours per week with 2-day weekend off per weekTeaching periods from September through January and March through July, with the provided option of teaching during semester breaksThe Treatments:Salaries range from 10, 000 to 18, 000 RMB and is based on qualification, degree, teaching experience, &

      3、teaching certification5000 RMB contract finish bonus (Generally, a contract lasts 1 year)Private Furnished Independent Apartment providedTwo free meals offered by the school per work dayAirport pick-upMedical insurance and accident insuranceRequired Documentation:- A current resume or one-sheet, indicating your nationality- A copy of your passport / ID- A copy of your highest degree and / or other certification- Current Photo- References with contact informationPlease contact us for more details

      4、: 1. Whats the job description of the teaching positions?A. Teachers only work on Monday and Friday.B. Teachers should work more than 10 hours every day.C. Teachers are required to work 11 months per year.D. Teachers can choose to work during school holidays.2. How will you be treated if you get the teaching position?A. You will be paid at least 18,000 RMB monthly.B. You will get extra 5,000 yuan after a years teaching.C. You need to live in a shared dormitory with others.D. You are free to choo

      5、se your insurance types.3. Which is unnecessary when you apply for the positions?A. A proof of previous working experience.B. A copy of your IDC. A copy of your certification.D. Your recent photo.(B)We all love animals, but animals dont feel the same way about us. When we enter their wild world, we are “unnatural” invaders into their homes.There was a video many of you may have seen on the Internet recently of a bear and its cub (幼崽) climbing up a steep, snow-covered hill in Russia. The mama bea

      6、r makes it to the top without too much trouble, but the baby bear keeps sliding back down. It takes three attempts to reach the top and, no doubt, many cheered at the cubs never-give-up spirit. But nature scientists who saw the video didnt cheer.Instead, the scientists were upset that the two bears had been frightened into making a dangerous, unnecessary climb by the drone (无人机) that was filming them. Sophie Gilbert of the University of Idaho said, “It showed a complete lack of understanding fro

      7、m the drone operator of the effects his actions were having on the bears.” Other scientists have found that when a drone is hovering near, a bears heart rate can increase from 41 beats per minute to 162 beats per minute a high enough rate to cause a heart attack.Human disturbance has actually been having a far-reaching influence on wildlife. Researchers at the University of Berkeley recently found that many mammals are turning into “night owls” again to avoid contact with humans. Such a shift mi

      8、ght not only affect those species themselves, but also have numerous chain effects.We human beings find ourselves in a strange position in nature. We are part of it but also separate from it, now more than ever, since most of us live in cities. So, when we go off hiking into wild areas to “re-connect” with nature, we should go softly and considerately. Its OK to get close to our animal friends, just not too close we wouldnt want to scare them, would we?4. What does the video feature?A. The baby

      9、bears climbing.B. The mama bears care.C. The dangerous environment.D. The experiment by scientists.5. Why didnt nature scientists cheer?A. They knew the bears family well.B. They were against other scientists.C. They knew the cause of the bears climbing.D They lacked understanding of the drone operator.6. What may be the effect of human disturbance on wildlife?A. Food shortage.B. Changing habitats.C. Ecological imbalance.D. Less contact with humans.7. What does the author seem to agree with?A. Lose connection with nature.B. Tighten the bond with wild animals.C. Respect the human-animal distance.D. Shoot more videos on animals for study.(C)I recall when I was a young girl back in Canada, I was sitting and watching a baseball game on TV with my father and we started to debate the importance of sports. Different


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