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    • 1、精品教案设计资料九年级英语全册Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 教案(共 6 套人教新目标版)Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Section A锛?a 2d 锛?I. I. 绫诲埆 璇炬椂瑕佺偣閲嶇偣鍗曡瘝1. survey n. 璋冩煡 2. standard n. 鏍囧噯锛涙按骞 ?3. row n. 涓?鎺掞紱涓 ?鍒楋紱涓 ?琛?4. keyboard n. 鐞撮敭锛涢敭鐩橈紱5. instruction n. 鎸囩锛屽懡浠 ?6. double v. 鍔犲?嶏紱7. shall v. 閲嶇偣璇嶇粍1.win a prize 2. do a school survey ?3. meet the standard of a strict teacher 婊冻涓?4. meet this group of friends 閬囧埌杩欑兢鏈嬪弸5. score two goals in a row 杩炵画韪繘涓釜鐞 ?6. learn to play the

      2、 keyboard 瀛細寮归挗鐞 ?7. be patient with sb 瀵光 ?湁鑰愬績8. work out the answer yourself 9. guide sb to do sth 氭煇浜 ?10. put in more effort閲嶇偣鍙紡1. Junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories 锛熶腑瀛敓娲荤粨鏉熶簡锛屼2. I remember I cored two goals in a row during a soccer competition. ?3. Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school? 涓?4. She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.?5. He always took time to explain things to me clearly wh

      3、enever I couldn鈥檛 understand anything. 閲婃竻妤氥?6. Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam score doubled. 姝槸鐢变簬濂癸?II. 璇惧爞鐜銆愯嚜瀛嚜鏌?精品教案设计资料鍗曡瘝銆 ?1. The students are doing a school survey( 璋冩煡锛塧 bout their eating hobbits. 2. The workers are making the products carefully to meet the standard( 鏍囧噯锛塷 f the international. 3. He father was so angry that he broke the keyboard( 閿f his computer. 4. This page has the clear instruction( 璇存槑锛塷 f this kind of medicine. 5. The man did the same job as us b

      4、ut was paid double( 鍙屽 ?嶇殑锛 ? Step 1 鐓?Teacher: Your junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories锛?Students: : I remember_. 鈶?winning a prize 鈶?take part in the school trip et into a fight with my friends 鈥? ?Step 2 瀹屾垚鏁欐潗 1a-1c 鐨勪换鍔 ?1. 瑕佹眰瀛敓缈诲紑璇炬湰P105锛岃繀閫熼槄璇 ?a鍕鹃?夊嚭鏉紝骞舵坊鍔犳洿澶氱殑娲诲姩銆傦紙1 鍒嗛挓锛 ?2. 妫?鏌瓟姹?-3粦鏉夸笂銆傦紙 3 鍒嗛挓锛 ?3. ?b?鐒跺悗瑕佹眰 2-3?鍒嗛挓锛 ?4. 瑕佹眰瀛敓2 鍒嗛挓锛 ?5. 瀹屾垚鏁欐潗 1c3 鍒嗛挓锛 ? 1a 锛屼娇瀛敓瀵硅繃鍘诲畬鎴愭椂鎬佹湁鎵?浜嗚 1b1c?Step 3 瀹屾垚精品教案设计资料鏁欐潗 2a-2c鐨勪换鍔 ?1. 瑕佹眰瀛敓缈诲紑璇炬湰P106銆傛挱鏀惧綍闊充竴閬嶏紝鍦?a2

      5、鍒嗛挓锛 ?2. 瑕佹眰瀛2b紙 2 鍒嗛挓锛 ?3. 澶1 鍒嗛挓锛 ?4. 2a锛?b?-3瀵瑰悓瀛綋鍫傛紨绀恒?傜湅鍝5 鍒嗛挓锛 ?5. 2d叉湕璇诲苟琛紨2d5 鍒嗛挓锛 ?6. 瀵硅瘽鐞嗚 ?Clara said she would miss Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown the most after junior high school, because Ms. Lee helped Clara to work out the answers herself no matter how difficult they were and Mr. Brown always took time to explain things to her clearly whenever she couldn鈥檛understand anything. Judy said she would miss Ms. Griffin the most because she encouraged her in English class. Because of her, she put

      6、 in more effort and her exam score doubled. 涘悓鏃讹紝灏忕粍鍚堜綔瀵硅瘽? ? ?a. 璇嶆眹鍖咃細double v. 鍔犲?嶏紱涓?銆佺敤浣滈檺瀹氳瘝鐨勭敤娉?double精品教案设计资料?all, both, half 绛夛級鐨勭敤娉曚竴鏍凤紝涓嶄粎瑕佹斁鍦墍鏈夊舰瀹硅瘝鐨勫墠墿涓讳唬璇嶇瓑锛夊拰鍚庝綅闄愬畾璇嶏紙搴忔暟璇嶃?佸熀鏁拌瘝绛夛級涔嬪墠銆 ?濡傦細 He got double the sum. ? ?They want at least double their salaries. 樹竴鍊嶃? ?Everything was almost double the normal price. 鏍锋牱涓滆鍑犱箮閮芥槸骞虫椂浠锋牸鐨勪袱鍊嶃?what浠庡彞涔嬪墠銆 ?濡傦細 His income is double what it was five years ago. 浠栫殑鏀跺叆鏄 ?骞村墠鐨勪袱鍊嶃? ?浜屻?佺敤浣滃舰瀹硅瘝鐨勭敤娉?double1. 琛鈥滀袱鍊嶇殑鈥濃?滃姞鍊嶇殑鈥濄?濡傦細a double helping

      7、涓?瀹弻浠界殑椋熺墿2. 琛鈥滃弻鐨勨?濃?滄垚鍙岀殑鈥濃 ?滃弻灞傜殑鈥濄?濡傦細 You mustn鈥檛 park on double yellow lines in England. 鍦嫳鍥藉弻榛勭嚎涓婁笉璁稿仠杞?The room has double doors. 杩欐埧闂存湁鍙屽眰闂?3. 琛鈥滀袱浜虹敤鐨勨 ?濃?滃弻浜虹殑鈥濄? ?濡傦細 We bought a double bed. 鎴戜滑涔颁簡涓 ?寮犲弻浜哄簥銆?4. 琛鈥滐紙鎰忎箟銆佹爣鍑嗙瓑锛夊弻閲嶇殑鈥濄?濡傦細 The word has a double meaning. 杩欎釜璇嶆湁鍙岄噸鎰忔?濄? ?This switch has a double purpose. 杩欎釜寮 ?鍏虫湁鍙岄噸鐢?斻?娉剰锛氱敤浣滃舰瀹硅瘝鐨?double涓庣敤浣滈檺瀹氳瘝鏃剁殑double 涓嶄粎鎰忔 ?濅笉涓?鏍凤紝鑰屼惧湪闄愬畾璇嶄箣鍚庯紝鎵?浠敤浣滃舰瀹硅瘝鐨?double 鎬绘槸鏀惧湪鍐犺瘝銆佺墿涓讳唬璇嶃 ?佹寚绀轰唬璇嶇瓑闄愬畾璇嶄箣鍚庛?傛瘮杈冿細Do you like the double bed. 浣

      8、犲枩娆繖寮犲弻浜哄簥鍚楋紵We cannot pay double the amount. 鎴戜滑涓嶈兘浠樺弻鍊嶇殑鏁扮洰銆?涓夈 ?佺敤浣滃壇璇嶇殑鐢硶double ?滀袱浜轰竴閬撳湴鈥濓紝浜屾槸琛鈥滃弻鍊嶅湴鈥濄?濡傦細 The two 精品教案设计资料children sleep double. ?The price of many things increased double. ?娉剰锛岀敤浣滃壇璇嶇殑double ?doubly ?濡傦細 You鈥檝 e got to be doubly careful when you 鈥檙 e driving in fog. 闆惧寮 ?杞綘寰楀姞鍊嶅皬蹇冦?Losing both the Cup and the League is doubly disappointing. 鍦澂?鍥涖 ?佺敤浣滃悕璇嶇殑鐢硶double?滀袱鍊嶏紙鐨勬暟鎴栭噺锛夆 ?濃?滃姞鍊嶄箣鐗 ?濃?滈叿浼肩殑浜烘垨鐗?濡傦細 I鈥檒 l have a double, please. ?Two doubles were employed for this sce

      9、ne. ?浜斻?佺敤浣滃姩璇嶆椂鐨勭敤娉?double?濡傦細 The music doubled in volume. 闊充箰鐨勫闊冲姞澶 簡涓 ?鍊嶃?He told me not to double the pages. 浠栧彨鎴戜笉瑕佹姌涔?The manager promised to give you _for working overtime. A. double pay B. double C. doubly paid D. pay double 銆愯鏋愩 ?戣?冩煡 double 弻鍊嶅伐A 銆?b. 鍙紡鍖咃細She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.?no matter 甯镐笌鐤戦棶浠瘝鎴栫枒闂癸細 涓?銆佹敞鎰忎粠鍙殑鏃舵?鐢眓 o matter what/who/where/when鈥歂 o matter who you are, you must obey the rules. 精品教案设计资料?no matter what/whose/

      10、which椤荤揣璺熷叾鍚庯紱no matter how硅瘝鎴栧壇璇嶄篃蹇呴绱窡鍏跺悗銆 ?濡傦細 No matter how hard he works, he find it difficult to make ends meet. 绘槸鍏笉鏁峰嚭銆 ?涓夈?佹敞鎰忊 ?渘o matter+鐤戦棶璇嶁 ?濈粨鏋勪笌鈥+ever鈥濆湪鐢硶涓婄殑鍖哄埆1. 鈥渘 o matter+鐤戦棶璇嶁 ?濈+ever?濡傦細 No matter where he may be 锛?Wherever he may be锛? he will be happy. ?2. 鑰屸?滅枒+ever粠鍙? ?濡傦細 Give this book to whoever likes it. o matter who 銆傦級 3. whoever粠鍙紝鍙堟湁鍦粠homever鎬粠鍙紝浣嗗彧鑳藉湪浠庡?濡傦細 You may invite whomever you like. 4. whatever琛鈥滄棤璁轰粈涔堚?濓紝娌湁涓 ?瀹氱殑鑼冨洿闄愬埗锛 ?whichever?濡傦細 Eat whichever cake


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