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    • 1、本文为Word版本,下载可任意编辑2022大学英语四级作文篇2022英语四级考试作文2022高校英语四级作文最新篇12022高校英语四级作文最新篇4 题目要求: Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Person I ever Know. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1、我生活中最难忘的人是谁; 2、为什么他(或她)令我难以忘却; 3、结论。 参考范文: Sample: In my life I have met a great many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever know is my English teacher.

      2、 What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First and foremost, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offeran awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in e*ploring something deeper in this field. Furthermore, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerne

      3、ss because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs. Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart. 2022高校英语四级作文最新篇5 题目要求: Directions: Suppose you are a student, sharing a room with three other students. You find it inconvenient and even uncomfortable to live together with them. Write a letter of complaint to the woman in charge of the dorm

      4、itory. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 简述目前你们宿舍的状况; 2. 说明你想搬出宿舍的缘由; 3. 提出你的解决方法。 参考范文: Sample: A Petition Letter July 7, 2022 Dear Madam, I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room ne*t semester. I would prefer a single room、as I find the present arrangement inconvenient. I must e*plain the reasons for my dissatisfaction is my roommates inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, their friends are constantly visiting them and

      5、 they regularly hold noisy parties. For another, they sometimes use my things without asking permission. Under these circumstancesI find it difficult to concentrate on my studies. I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distractions. Therefore, I would begrate if you could findasingleroomjorme,_preferablynotinjthe same.builing.but.stilloncamfius. Sincerely Yours Li Ming 词汇表达亮点: petition n.请愿,申请 inform v.告知 a single r

      6、oom 个单人间 inconvenient adj.不便利的 dissatisfaction n.不满足 inconsiderate adj.不顾别人的 constantly adv.不间断,时常地 permission n.允许,许可 under these circumstances 在这样的状况下 concentrate on集中精力于 be free from such distractions 从这样的困扰中解脱出来 on campus在校内 2022高校英语四级作文最新篇6 题目要求: Green Consumption 1. 绿色消费的概念在中国日渐流行 2. 中国推行绿色消费还存在很多困难 3. 如何解决这个问题 参考范文: Sample: Green Consumption The conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China. More and more green foods are making their appearance on the market and mo

      7、re and more people are becoming conscious of environmental protection. However, there still e*ist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of green consumption. On the one hand, many people are still not quite clear of the advantages of green foods. On the other hand, due to high profits, many fake green foods are found in the market. Moreover, many consumers dont want to pay e*tra money for green foods. There may be several ways to solve these problems. Firstly, the government should supervise the good quality strictly to protect consumers interests. Secondly, the conception of green consumption should be further promoted and emphasized. Thirdly, the government should work together with manufacturers to make the price more reasonable. 第 4 页 共 4 页


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