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    • 1、1.绘制直线制组织结构图长城网办公室新闻中心增值业务互动中心首页编辑文体娱乐技术中心市场拓展广告资讯2.绘制职能制组织结构图厂长职能科室职能科室车间车间车间职能小组职能小组班组班组班组3.绘制直线职能制组织结构图总经理行政副总经理生产副总经理,采购副总经理业务副总经理财务副总经理采购员采购员采购员采购员总裁CEO经营管理委员会总监(若干)(副总裁(若干)战略规划部长办公室主任计划部长不站财务部长信息部长行政部长人事部长审计部长营销中心总经理制造中心总经理研发中心总经理4.绘制矩阵制组织结构图区域总经理职能部室职能部室职能部室子公司处地分公司管理处A管理处B管理处C 小区A小区B 小区C5.绘制事业部制组织结构图公司领导职能部门职能部门事业部A事业部B事业部C职能部门职能部门生产制造职能部门职能部门生产制造职能部门职能部门生产制造他为分公司培养出了鲁付凯、孙垚、徐童晨、肖大鹏四名测量员,他们现在个个都能独当一面。当突然得知自己面临死亜时,人们也许会想“为什么恰巧是我”,会怆恨命运癿天平为何没有偏向自己。猝丌及防癿“死亜判决书”桌上放着一本白色封面的特殊书籍,上面写着中华人民共和国监察法。

      2、金色的国徽熠熠闪光,鲜艳得足以让人感受到一种责任就在心底深处缓缓晕开warmly, welcoming us to join forces, and saw my fill of . People traveled a long journey around the life was hard work and passion has always been high. Six months later, when we moved to new, I suddenly suffering from malaria, joint pain, reduced mobility, which often eat salted vegetable soup with six months, poor nutrition, sleep shop, cold wet bone a lot. Comrades, according to report to their superiors, Special Branch Director Guo Zeming Wuzhen to appoint e

      3、xpatriates hired a boat ship to accompany me back to the village. When leaving, comrades warm farewells, coming, earnestly exhort, hope that the early return of the illness. 2, the second year of the war all fall into enemy hands, the main town in Wujiang, diwei groups have been set up, shameless traitor, thief as you recognize, while fiddling with the people suffered. But remoteness along the Taihu Lake, a number of sporadic anti-Japanese guerrilla in the local activities. After the fall of son

      4、g Ling Zhen, Wujiang County Government moved in Tomb in Nan Xiang Zhang Aocun, a market stood in the vicinity of the temple. Chang Shen Liqun, shengze person Secretary and section chief Shen Zhian, zhenze who Niu Xiqing, the Chief of the second section, grave; the County Education Bureau Director Zhao Ziquan; the County Party Secretary Zhou Shihong; armed standing directly under Captain Huang Jun. Also appointed district head, flow working separately in each country. April 1939 sent to Mr Shen Z

      5、hian, about meeting I went to pier of Fame, rank was zhenze poem field primary school, later Yuying high school Council, more familiar in the past and liked, so I gladly obey. Rank wants me in there to help do some paperwork, and Chang Shen Liqun, to recommend, so I was appointed as the first clerk in charge of relevant written work in education. County Government departments the staff scattered around the farmhouse,the vast numbers of officers and men to resist invasion, defying the enemy showe

      6、d that dare, dare, dare to fight Chong of the national spirit will forever published people in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and neighboring areas of the history of the war. (IX) Recalling old Jaksa of the war 1, in July 1937, I graduated from zhenze Yuying secondary school. From August 1 to 3rd, Zhejiang University State resistance to Central Wuhan and Zhejiang, the University joint entrance examination, 4th home waiting for admission. However, less than 10 days, have taken place in Shanghai 83 or 13 incid

      7、ent, several months after the fight to zhenze, Cang depression, home on November 17, and dreams come to nothing. At that time, I and my mother couldnt escape strict sister home. Spring of 1938, I heard that wuzhenxiang there is the regular guerrilla, prepared to carry out guerrilla warfare against the enemy, destroy the traitors. In early June, compatriot Wang Zhuoyun doctors joined zhenze secondary two student Xu Jiazheng and Yang Yaozong visits. Talk began that, Wang has been in the guerrilla

      8、army doctor, he went about the three of us joined the army. I was depressed when smelling this surging, itch, but mother block, news release, panic said behind education, quickly packed, hire boats, led by Wang Zhuoyun went to the army. Boat Czech Republic sailed between rural water village Wuzhen River twisting inside the harbour connected to the duckweed, on both sides of the mulberry is lush. Near the station, from time to time post questioning is fortunate to have Dr Wang guided pass one another off. Command received us


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