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    • 1、上海新晖中学2019年高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Jennifer was in the kitchen, _ her hands in a bowl of flour, while her husband was watching TV.A. where B. with C. which D. for参考答案:B【详解】考查固定结构。句意:Jennifer在厨房里,她的双手在一个面碗里和面,然而她的丈夫在看电视。With + 宾语 + 宾语补足语结构,故选B。2. If I send some flowers to my mother on Mothers Day, _ will make her happy and excited.A. as B. which C. what D. that参考答案:D3. The audience were so _ by his humorous performance that they kept laughing all the time. A. moved B. frightened C. entertained D. sho

      2、cked参考答案:C4. -I dontwanttogooutthisafternoon, dear! - Youpromisedtotakemeout!A. Thatsit!B. So what?C. Itsapity. D. Comeon!参考答案:D5. It is necessary to prepared for a job interview _the answers ready will be of great help. A. to have had B. having had C. have D. having参考答案:D 解析:此题考查非谓语动词的用法,having the answers ready 是动名词短语做主语,故选D。6. 参考答案:B7. _ annoyed her most, she told me, was that she was constantly _ while speaking. A. It; stopped B. This; annoyed C. What; interrupted D. As; disturbed参考答案:C8. Af

      3、ter a heated discussion, the employees presented many _ suggestions which might help improve the quality of the companys product. A. accurateB. optimisticC. positiveD. temporary参考答案:C9. 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1. absorb A. blame B. analyse C.announce D. national 2.province A. consist B. conflict C.fold D. kingdom 3. postage A. carriage B. guide C.greedy D.tight 4.choke A. technical B. switch C.characteristic D. chemistry 5.couple A .doubt B. m

      4、outh C. double D. mountain 参考答案:1-5:CBABC10. Once a reporter receives his assignment from the chief-editor, he has to _ on his work and tries his best to work on it until the chief-editor _ it. A. fix his attention; approves B. focus; proves of C. concentrate; approves of D. get down; approves参考答案:C11. There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.A. which B. that C. until D. if参考答案:B略12. Its on the festival occasions the family get together he misses his late fat

      5、her.A. where,thatB. which,whenC. when,thatD. that,when参考答案:C试题分析:句意: 在节日的时刻家人聚在一起时他想起他已故的父亲。_ the family get together是定语从句修饰the festival occasions,在从句中做时间状语;如果去掉Its和第二个_,句子的意思仍然不改变,则说明是强调句式,使用第二个空填that。综上可知,选C。考点:考查从句的连词辨析和强调句式。13. People who do not smoke have less _of suffering from lung cancer than those who do so. A. potential B. cause C. hope D. choice参考答案:A14. If you _ smoke, please go outside.A. can B. should C. must D. may参考答案:C15. -Is there anything wrong with my baby?-Nothing serious._.

      6、 A. Take it easy. B. Take easy. C. Take care D. Take away参考答案:A二、 单词拼写16. This white peak c_ finely with the blue sky.(对比、对照) 参考答案:contrasts 17. These facts are(与有关) to the case参考答案:related 这些事实与这件事有关解析:根据括号内所给中文提示可知,本题考查related与有关的这一单词拓展:be related to与有关三、 阅读理解18. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A group of travelers were having dinner in a restaurant .While they were eating fish, they began to tell stories about finding valuable stones inside fish .An old man ,who had listened to their conve

      7、rsation quietly ,said at last ,”Now Im going to tell you a true story of my own .When I was young ,I worked in a large company in London .As is usual with other young people ,I fell in love with a pretty girl .Soon we were engaged .Two months before our marriage ,I was suddenly sent to Edinburgh on business .My stay was a bit longer than I had expected .At last my work was done and I left for home .Before I left Edinburgh , I bought a nice diamond ring for my sweet-heart .On my way to London ,I

      8、was looking through a newspaper .It was then that I learned of my sweet-hearts getting married to another man. I was so sad that I threw the diamond ring into the water. A few days later, when I was eating fish ,I bit on something very hard .What do you think it was?“The diamond ring ,” shouted his friends . “No,” said the old man sadly ,It was a fish bone.46. The young man bought a diamond ring _A. soon after he started working in Edinburgh .B. when he got engaged to his sweet-heart .C. after her marriage.D. when he was going to return.47. The man was very angry because _A. he threw away his diamond ring.B. his sweet-heart had married someone elseC. he had been away longer than expectedD. a hard stone gave him a


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