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book2Unit 4单元测试题2

  • 卖家[上传人]:欣***
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    • 1、book2Unit 4单元测试题2 Book 2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Dear Dr. Bob, I was visiting my sister Mary, who has two boys, ages seven and five. They were throwing a ball around the living room. She asked them several times to stop, but they didnt listen to her. Finally, one of the boys threw the ball and knocked over a lamp. She shouted loudly at them for several minutes. Then, she sent them to their room. She looked at

      2、me and said, “They never listen to me.” Carmen Dear Carmen, Your sister needs to be clear to her children what behavior she e_pects. She should tell her boys, “Dont throw the ball in the house. If you throw the ball again, Im going to take it.” Then, she needs to do what she says. Her boys will soon learn to listen to her. Dr. Bob Dear Dr. Bob, I walked into my two-year-old daughters bedroom and found her coloring on the wall again with her crayons. I told her, “No! No! Never write on the wall w

      3、ith your crayons. You can only write on paper.” My husband thinks I was too easy on her and that she needed a spanking (打屁股). What is your opinion? Debbie Dear Debbie, You dealt with the situation well. Children this age are too little to understand the relationship between their actions and a spanking. Use this as a warning; its time to babyproof your home. Now that your little one is more active and curious (好奇的), what else can she reach? Check her room and your home for crayons, paints, medic

      4、ines, cleaning products, and other things that might interest her. Dr. Bob 21. What was wrong with Marys children? A. They threw a ball at Carmen. B. They turned a deaf ear to her words. C. They had a fight over a ball. D. They often shouted loudly at her. 22. By saying “to babyproof your home”, Dr. Bob means _. A. giving your baby a spanking B. getting crayons out of your home C. making your home safe for babies D. teaching your baby to behave well 23. Both Mary and Debbie found it hard to _. A

      5、. ask their children to follow rules B. stop their children from telling lies C. get their children to go to bed on time D. develop their childrens interest in reading B Clover, a three-year-old spirit bear, lives at the B.C. Wildlife Park near Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. He lost his parents two years ago and was raised at a wildlife center. When he was set free into the wild, he broke into human camps looking for food. Wildlife e_perts (专家) tried to get him used to living on his own, bu

      6、t he continued to look for places where there were people. Finally the e_perts decided that he could not live in the wild. Since then, a total of $750,000 has been collected to create a habitat for Clover. The habitat covers about three acres (英亩) of land and includes natural forest, two ponds connected by a small river and something else. It will add a platform and a walkway later this year so that people can see Clover and his habitat more closely. There will also be a center where people can

      7、learn more about spirit bears. Besides, a black bear will be moved into the habitat so Clover will not feel lonely. Spirit bears are also called Kermode bears after Francis Kermode, who first studied them. Kermode discovered that a small number of black bears carry a gene (基因) for white fur. If a baby bear receives one of these genes from each parent, its fur will be a creamy white color. There are about 1,200 bears who carry the gene for white fur, but only about 200 white Kermode bears in the

      8、world. Kermode bears are found only in British Columbia. They live in the Great Bear Rainforest, an area that covers the mainland and islands along the coast of B.C. between Vancouver and Alaska. 24. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that Clover _. A. lost his parents at the age of 3 B. could not find any food C. was not afraid of humans D. grew up in the wild 25. The habitat built for Clover _. A. will be open to visitors B. will become a center for spirit bears C. was created by Francis Kermode D.

      9、 will prepare him for life in the wild 26. What will Clovers future life be like? A. Busy. B. Easy. C. Hard. D. Lonely. 27. According to Francis Kermode, spirit bears _. A. are bigger than black bears B. are mainly found in B.C. C. are born to white bears D. are very unusual C One day, The Kendall Bulletins city editor (编辑), Jim Martinez, was invited to Toms class. “When I was nine or ten, I wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper. I thought that the first day of summer should be a holiday, and I said so. I saw my name in print, which hooked me. A month later, I sent in a story Id written about the Independence Day parade (独立日游行) I was in. Somebody must have liked it because it was published (出版). Better yet, I got paid for it!” Mr. Martinez talked to the children. “Whats the most importan

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