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2017-2018学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit 1 Section Ⅲ Lesson 3 A Volunteer Teacher(含解析)

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  • 上传时间:2019-06-13
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    • 1、.单词拼写 1The mans son graduated from Beijing University and he is now working in Shanghai. 2An accident happened.Please dial 120 at once. 3Tomorrow morning will be very cold.The temperature will be minus five. 4Sue wants to open a company,and her parents both support her. 5There is some hot water in the basin.You can wash your face. 6This kind of machine was designed(设计)and built in Beijing. 7If you want to get a job,the advertisements(广告)in the newspaper may help you. 8At last Bill asked his brot

      2、her to solve(解决)his problem. 9Many volunteers(志愿者)work for the Olympic Games. 10All of us should face challenge(挑战)bravely. .单句语法填空 1Many people cant stand the pressure(press) of the modern life. 2There was no doubt that their support(supportive) made a difference in our plan. 3He has been living in this city for 30 years since he graduated(graduate) from college. 4He is a teacher,while she (is) a designer(design) 5My teacher told me to pay attention to my handwriting. 6Many volunteers(volunteer

      3、) came to help. 7I did not think he was right,so I challenged(challenge) him. 8How do you feel about the weather of Beijing? Very good. .阅读理解 Life affects friendships.As we grow,marry,fight in wars,move across the country or change jobs,old friendships fall away and new ones form.As long as we live,the things around us change,and as long as things change,friendships are affected. When we were children we had best friends.No matter what happened we were still friends.We live our lives,however,and

      4、 do what life calls for us to do,and as we get older,memories fade,faces blur,and even friends names from childhood are forgotten. Do you have a question about friendship?Do you wonder what to do with a friend who is no longer friendly?Perhaps you will see that you cant control others.If someone wants to be your friend,it is their choice.All you can do is treat them well and do the best for them when you are with them.Then you wish them well when they leave. You can talk to old timers and they w

      5、ill tell you that life is full of incredible joy and incredible sorrow,and that what bothers you today will one day becomes a memory and the sting(痛苦) will be gone.Seniors might tell you that you will learn more as you get older.They will tell you that friendships come and friendships go.Sometimes when they go it will hurt,but you will be okay with it.Its the way life works,after all. 语篇解读 只要我们活着,周围的事情就会不断发生变化,只要事情发生变化,友情便有 可能受到影响。 1What can we learn about friendship,according to the text? A. Fr

      6、iendship can not be easily affected by ones family. BFriends are always around us and will never go away. CFriends in childhood are the best no matter what happens. DFriends in childhood are sometimes forgotten by us. 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“We live our lives.and even friends names from childhood are forgotten.”可知随着时间的流逝,童年时期的朋友有时候可能会被忘记。故答案选 D。 答案:D 2What should we do with friends who are no longer friendly according to the text? ADo our best to control them and make them listen to us. BForget them and

      7、make new friends who have a lot in common with us. CFind the reason why our friendship has changed. DCare about them and do the best for them when we are together. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“All you can do is treat them well and do the best for them when you are with them.”可知答案选 D。 答案:D 3What does the underlined words “old timers” mean in the last paragraph? AOld people. BKind people. CRich people. DSmart people. 解析:猜测词义题。根据第四段中后文出现的“Seniors might tell.”可知, old timers 意为 “老资格的人,老前辈” 。故答案选 A。 答案:A 4The text

      8、mainly tells us . A. how to face the changes in friendship Bhow to deal with unfriendly people Cthat childhood friendship is valuable Dhow to share happiness with friends 解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“As long as we live,the things around us change,and as long as things change,friendships are affected”可知只要我们活着,周围的事物就会不断发生变化, 而这种变化同样也会影响我们的友情。所以本文主要介绍的是如何应对友情的变化。故选项 A 正 确。 答案:A 5The text is most probably taken from a . Ascience newspaper Bnovel Cpsychology book Dhealth magazine 解析:文章出处题。全文围绕友情的变化展开,主要是对人际关系的探讨

      9、,所以最应该出现 在与心理学有关的书中。故选项 C 正确。 答案:C .完形填空 Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.Every day they are very busy trying to 1 in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me.They dont act in the 2 ways that I read in books or I see on TV.In their opinion, “I love you” is too 3 for them to say.Sending flowers to each other on Valentines Day is even more out of 4 . One day,my mother was sewing a quilt.I sat down beside her.“Mom,I have a question to ask you.Is there 5 between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very low voice.She didnt answer immediately.She 6 her head and continued to sew the quilt. I was very worried because I thought I had 7 her.I was 8 and I didnt know what I should do.But at last I heard my mother say the following words: “Susan, ” she said thoughtfully, “Look at this thread.Sometimes it 9 ,but most of it disappears in the quilt.The thread really makes the

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