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2017-2018学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 History Makers(含解析)

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  • 文档编号:90605340
  • 上传时间:2019-06-13
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:145.15KB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、.单词拼写 1In my opinion,you are making a terrible mistake. 2Personally(就自己而言),I agree with the plan he put forward at the meeting. 3She accepted the charge without protest(抗议) 4How many years experience(经验)do you have? 5The workers are fighting for their wages. .单句语法填空 1Sandy is quite equal to Sarah in brains. 2Lawbreakers are put in/into prison. 3In the opinion of the professor,the writer is the best in his times. 4She often fights with her husband about who will do housework. 5The great man is al

      2、ways ready to struggle for rights for the poor. .阅读理解 If you are living in the city,have you ever considered going to live in the country for a change? Many people want to move from the country to the city because they think life in the city is more exciting and better than that in rural areas,especially young people who like new and modern things. Often people feel that they can find the latest styles only in the city.Other people are interested in technological things and hightech jobs and thi

      3、nk they can find them only in a big city if they want to find a job,especially a good position in a company.They feel they have to live in a city.To get these jobs,they are willing to put_up_with many of the disadvantages of city life such as heavy traffic and pollution. However,it is now possible to enjoy a higher quality of life in the countryside and still enjoy some of the advantages of living in the city. Nowadays,travel is fast and information is available on the Internet,so many people ar

      4、e able to do their work in home offices. Because they have email and personal computers,they dont have to be in big cities to do their business.It is not important where they actually work because the results of their work can be sent everywhere with technology.Now they can enjoy life in the countryside and still be able to do good business and successful careers. 1 The author begins with a question in the passage because she/he wants to _. Asave room Bpersuade readers Cget readers attention Dma

      5、ke most readers laugh 解析:推理判断题。要求学生推测作者的写作意图。文章以问问题开头,其目的是为了吸引 读者的注意力,为下文作者陈述自己的观点奠定基础。 答案:C 2The underlined phrase “put up with” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_” Astand Bchange Cbe angry with Dbe pleased with 解析:词义猜测题。根据 put up with 所在句子后面一部分的意思:城市生活的许多不利因素, 诸如拥挤的交通等,可知 put up with 表示“忍受” ,与 stand 同义。 答案:A 3What is the writers opinion? AShe/He prefers to live in the city rather than live in the countryside. BShe/He prefers to live in the countryside rather than live in the city. CShe/He likes

      6、both city life and countryside life. DIt is not clear which life she/he prefers. 解析:推理判断题。作者说明了乡村生活的许多优点,从而隐含了对乡村生活的肯定和向往。 答案:B 4What would be the best title for the passage? ALife in the city BLife in the country CGo and live in the city DGo and live in the country 解析:主旨大意题。全文将城市生活和乡村生活进行了比较,并说明了在乡村也可享受城市 的生活,从而说明了作者的倾向:想在乡村生活。故 D 项符合作者的写作意图。 答案:D .阅读填空 Approaches To Helping You Learn French The French language,without doubt,is considered one of the most beautiful and romantic languages in the

      7、world.There are thousands of people who would love to be fluent in this popular language and be able to communicate fluently in it. 1 Learn it on line Until a while ago,the only way to learn French was to go to regular classes at a training institute.But now,one of the easiest ways to learn French is to learn it on line! There are many websites on the Internet today that offer various courses in the French language for all kinds of people,right from the beginner level to the more advanced stages

      8、. 2 These websites will serve as a good introduction to the language.You also can choose a goodpaid program to ensure that you are able to gain enough mastery of the language. Try to put French into practical use It is not enough to attend a French language course and devote a little time each day to learning the language. 3 Consciously making an effort to think and talk to ourselves in French in our heads gives us the flexibility to exercise our French muscles anywhere and at any time. Do your

      9、homework diligently,read French books and learn French songs Most online courses will have daily activities or homework assigned to the learner each day. 4 Also,make it a habit to buy and read French newspapers and simple books that will help you to improve your vocabulary and sentence formation skills. 5 Learning the words of the songs and singing along is a great way to learn French. AThere are many techniques that can be followed to learn this romantic language. BSome people want to learn French just to be able to sing beautiful songs. CSome websites offer free French courses. DAttempt to find a French teacher online. EThere are also lots of simple and interesting French songs that you can listen to. FDo them diligently,as they are a sure and fun way to learn the language. GLearners should also put their newfound knowledge to practical use. 答案:15 ACGFE .语法填空 M:Mary,I usually miss very important dates and feel

      《2017-2018学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 History Makers(含解析)》由会员【****分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年英语北师大版必修一优化练习:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 History Makers(含解析)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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