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    • 1、19春综合英语(III)作业2-0001 1 单选题 1 An eighteenth-century traveler to Annapolis reported on the _ landscape of this southern city.A、corruptiveB、dimensionalC、provincialD、magnificent正确选项是:D 满分:42 He _ the plans to enemy agents.A、trayB、treatyC、belovedD、betrayed正确选项是:D 满分:43 While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to _ at the post office.A、pile upB、rise upC、turn upD、cover up正确选项是:A 满分:44 She simply _ that the check was good and did not ask him any question about it.A、took it easyB、took it

      2、 for grantedC、took it up withD、took advantage of正确选项是:B 满分:45 She is _ to leave that job, but another company has offered her a high salary.A、willingB、reluctantC、hesitantD、determined正确选项是:B 满分:46 Isadora Duncan preferred to dance on a stage _ scenery; she said that makes the dance itself rather than scenery more distinguishing.A、close toB、made ofC、protected fromD、devoid of正确选项是:D 满分:47 Dont _ his tricks.A、fall inB、fall intoC、fall forD、fall out正确选项是:C 满分:48 She has a _ for saying the wrong thing.

      3、A、genesisB、geniusC、genieD、genetics正确选项是:B 满分:49 He was a good runner so he _ escape from the police.A、mightB、succeeded toC、wouldD、was able to正确选项是:D 满分:410 His face _ with pain when badly hurt by the shopkeeper.A、contractedB、was twistedC、was twinkledD、twisted正确选项是:B 满分:411 You voice is _ to hers.A、sameB、likeC、equalD、identical正确选项是:D 满分:412 The soldiers are _.A、leaving awayB、left offC、on leaveD、leaving behind正确选项是:C 满分:413 Several unpopular decisions _ the governors popularity.A、decayedB、diminish

      4、edC、distortedD、dissolved正确选项是:B 满分:414 Reading this book, we can _ the main character.A、identify withB、identify asC、identify toD、identity for正确选项是:A 满分:415 To clear a town of _ officials is easier said than done.A、effectiveB、rottenC、efficientD、profitable正确选项是:B 满分:416 When you study abroad, Let’s keep _ with each other.A、on touchB、on touch withC、in touchD、to touch on正确选项是:C 满分:417 _ for his poetry but also for his six-volume life of Abraham Lincoln.A、Not only Carl Sandburg is knownB、Carl S

      5、andburg is known not onlyC、Carl Sandburg, knowing not onlyD、Carl Sandburg ,who is known not only正确选项是:B 满分:418 The judges have decided who the prize winners will be, and will _ the names tomorrow.A、publishB、announceC、claimD、declare正确选项是:B 满分:419 We _ the tools before we left the workshop.A、put downB、put outC、put awayD、put off正确选项是:C 满分:420 We took our raincoats with us , but we didnt need them _.A、after allB、at any rateC、all alongD、as a result正确选项是:A 满分:421 She has managed to obtain a temporary

      6、work _ in BritainA、permitB、permissionC、permissivenessD、permissible正确选项是:A 满分:422 After Senator Smith announced that he planned to run for president, the telephone at campaign headquarters rang _.A、continuouslyB、incisivelyC、ignorantlyD、continually正确选项是:A 满分:423 He _ his binoculars _ the distant figures.A、trained . inB、trained . forC、trained . asD、trained . on正确选项是:D 满分:424 Our water supply was _ because of the pipe burst.A、cut downB、cut offC、cut awayD、cut up正确选项是:B 满分:425 On Sundays she usually does some _ in _.A、shopping/ big shopB、shopping/big shoppingsC、shoppings/big shopsD、shopping/big shops正确选项是:D 满分:4


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