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    • 1、课时训练(十)Unit2(八下)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.WolfWarriors is such exciting film that I have seen it three times.A.aB.anC.theD./2.2018曲靖 The earth is the only home for us, so Green Hills and Clean Water is true .A.communityB.discoveryC.relationD.treasure3.2018铜仁 I will go to Guangdong for my summer holiday, mum.I will meet you when you the airport.A.will reachB.reachesC.reachedD.reach4.How long you here?Since 1999.A.have; lived B.have; moved C.did; live D.did; move5.2017宿迁 My grandparents for over 60 years an

      2、d they love each other very much.A.have been marriedB.got marriedC.were marriedD.have got married6.Hurry up. The play for about half an hour.A.has begunB.had begunC.has been onD.began7.Jim has many hobbies, swimming, hiking and sailing.A.for example B.such as C.such forD.as the example of8.When she heard the bad news, she couldnt stop . She felt so sad.A.cryB.to cryC.crying D.cried9. great fun it is to fly in a balloon!A.WhatB.What a C.How a D.How10.Im going on a trip to Hong Kong after the exam

      3、.Really? .A.Have a nice timeB.CongratulationsC.OKD.Its nice of you.阅读理解When you are next in Hawaii, be sure to stay at the Garden Hotel. Whether you come on business or on holiday, you will find everything as comfortable and convenient as you would expect in a first-class international hotel.Every bedroom has its own private bathroom, telephone, wall-to-wall carpet and colourful, modern materials and furniture in the local style.In the Mitsui Restaurant, you can choose your meals from a variety

      4、of dishes, both Eastern and European, as you will find anywhere in the country. In the Beach Bar, you can drink with your family and friends comfortably, and listen to the music of internationally known musicians. Or you can take your drink outside into the beautiful garden that gives the hotel its name, or to the tables that surround the swimming pool. Throughout the hotel, you will find the service is both friendly and efficient. The Garden Hotel is right on the beach, only five minutes from H

      5、awaiis modern shopping centre. Here you can find all that money can buy, at prices you can afford.11.Every bedroom at the Garden Hotel has.A.a colourful telephone in the local styleB.a bathroom with wall-to-wall carpetC.furniture in the local styleD.comfortable and modern furniture12.The Mitsui Restaurant serves .A.both Eastern and European mealsB.food from all over the worldC.food in American styleD.food in the local style13.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means .A.you can get what you w

      6、ant quickly and pleasantlyB.you can serve yourself, your family and your friendsC.internationally known musicians will serve youD.you can meet your friends there comfortably14.The Garden Hotel lies.A.on the beach not far from Hawaiis modern shopping centreB.on the beach where you can find all that money can buyC.close to shops where everything is cheap and famousD.just off the coast, five minutes from the shops15.You will at the Garden Hotel.A.sleep wellB.eat wellC.have fun D.all the above.2018盐

      7、城任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。In ancient Egypt, women did not go out to work. They stayed and worked at home. Many Egyptian men were farmers. Some men were builders or fishermen. Other men worked as artists. Some other important people did not do any farming.The weather in Egypt was very hot. Ancient Egyptians did not wear many clothes. Men, women and children often wore simple robes made of thin cloth. On their feet they wore light open shoes. People, including women, shaved (剃) hair from thei

      8、r heads to keep cool.Children in ancient Egypt grew up to do the same jobs as their parents. Girls stayed at home with their mothers. They learned to look after the home. Boys worked with their fathers. They learned to do the jobs their fathers did. They only went to school to learn to write if they wanted to become a scribe(抄写员).Many of the games played by ancient Egyptians are similar to games we still play today. Children played racing and jumping games. They also played ball games and with w

      9、ooden toys. Older children played a game like chess.The kings of Egypt (the pharaohs) had enough power to master their country. The people thought that the pharaoh was a god. He owned everything. Everyone had to do what he told them to do. The pharaohs built huge tombs. When a pharaoh died, he was buried in the tomb. The tombs were often in the shape of pyramids. When a pharaoh was buried, he was surrounded by treasure and by things to help him in the next world, such as food, clothes, furniture and weapons.TitleLife in 16. EgyptParagraphheadingsWorkWomen didnt go out to work, and most of the men worked as farmers, 17., builders or fishermen.Clothes They wore robes made of thin


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