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    • 1、第7课时 七年级下册 Units 14好题随堂演练一、阅读理解(2017山东莱芜中考)Do the British really get together every afternoon at 4 to sit and drink several cups of tea? Ask any of my German students and they will tell you “YES!” But its simply not true.We drink over 150 million cups of tea a day in Britain, but there is no special time for it. “Tea” is widely used as a name for the evening meal. This is more common in Scotland and the north of England but you can hear it all over the country. Usually it is the main meal of the

      2、 day, eaten between 5 and 7. So, “teatime” refers to(指的是) the meal and not the drink. In the south, the evening meal is often called dinner, however, dinner in the north is the midday meal. In general:North: BreakfastDinnerTeatimeSouth: BreakfastLunchDinnerWhat about tea breaks? Surely this must be a special time for tea? Wrong again, Im afraid. Tea breaks are just an opportunity(机会) to have a rest from work for around 10 minutes. In this time you can drink whatever you like (which of course inc

      3、ludes tea). This is usually with a small snack, like biscuits. The best time for a tea break is around 11 am. or around 3 pm.But what about tea rooms? Can I drink tea there? Yes! A tea room is the perfect place to go with friends and family to enjoy tea, cakes and sandwiches. This is known as afternoon tea and is usually saved for special occasions(场合) such as a birthday party.Teatime, tea breaks, afternoon tea. how could you possibly get muddled up?1According to Paragraph 2, we can know that Ao

      4、nly people in northern UK use the word “teatime”Bteatime is usually between 5 to 7 in the north of England Cteatime is a special time for British people to enjoy tea togetherDIn the south of the UK, the evening meal is often called teatime2The underlined word “This” in paragraph 2 refers to “ ”APeople in the UK enjoy drinking tea togetherBBritish people drink over 150 million cups of tea a dayC“Tea” is widely used as a name for the evening mealDPeople in northern UK eat the main meal between 5 a

      5、nd 73From the passage, we can know that ABritish people only drink tea during tea breaksBtea breaks allow people to relax during workCBritish people usually take tea breaks early in the morningDBritish people have different kinds of snacks with family during tea breaks4What cant British people do in the tea room?AEnjoy tea with family.BHave birthday parties.CShare cakes with friends.DHave evening meals.5The best title of the passage may be “ ”AWhat British teatime exactly isBThe importance of te

      6、a to British peopleCThe right way of drinking tea in the UKDThe different times to have tea in the UK二、单词拼写与运用A根据句意及汉语提示或音标填写单词。1(2016山东莱芜中考)If you come to visit China, you will experience an amazing (文化)2(2014山东烟台中考)It is (传统的) to eat mooncakes in China on MidAutumn Festival.3(2018江苏徐州模拟)Look!Daniel is running so hurriedly. Why? (大概) to catch the 6:30 bus.4(2019原创)Our school is so /feIms/ that thousands of people come and visit it.5(2017山东威海中考)What can we do to cut down air /plun/?B根据句意,用括号内所给单

      7、词的正确形式填空。6(2016山东烟台中考)Please promise (not tell) lies any more, will you?7(2014山东烟台中考)Now Mom feels much better after taking the (medical)8(2015山东莱芜中考)They dont like to eat out. They often cook meals by (they) at home.9(2019预测)Swimming in this lake may be (danger) as the water is too deep here.10(2019原创)Well have a (discuss) at two this afternoon.三、完成句子1(2017山东烟台中考改编)互联网在人们的工作和生活中起着重要的作用。The Internet in peoples work and life.2(2014山东烟台中考改编)他喜欢装扮成圣诞老人来给孩子们发礼物。He likes to Santa Clause to give away

      8、presents to children.3(2019原创)请休息一下,我可以代你来完成这项工作。Please have a rest. I can to finish the work.4(2019原创)你打算本周六去看望你的祖母吗? 5(2019原创)首先,把牛奶和鸡蛋混合起来。 四、动词填空用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空,必要时可加情态动词或助动词。(2015山东莱芜中考)Lots of us have dreams of doing big business when we grow up. However, Moziah Bridges, a 14yearold boy in the US, is now the CEO of his own company. He 1. (sell) $200,000 bow ties(领结) since 2011. One day about four years ago, when Moziah 2. (shop) for bow ties, he found they were only in “ugly” black and red. He wanted a change. So he asked his grandma 3. (teach) him how to sew(缝), and finally developed the talent of creating bow ties. However, his first bow tie 4. (not look) nice. The boy never gave up and kept on 5. (practice). He used colorful cloth with different pictures. His parents and friends started to like his bow ties. Then he tried to sell them online to several stores in the south. Moziahs bow ties soon 6. (become) p


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