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    • 1、Unit 7 The sea Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3.单句语法填空1We happen to be of _age,and we all go in_American football.答案:an;for2_(search) the website of the Fire Department in your city,and you will learn a lot about firefighting.答案:Search 3. The company is starting a new advertising campaign_(attract) new customers to its stores.答案:to attract4He minds so much about his position in the office that he watches out_any chance _(promote)答案:for;to be promoted5I think of life as a good book.The_(far) you get i

      2、nto it,the_(much) it begins to make sense.答案:further;more6We were told that the stone figure_(date) back to the 16th century was _great value.答案:dating;of7They spent _(together) about a month touring the four countries.答案:altogether 8Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water_(pollute)答案:have been polluted9_is possible for him to come tomorrow morning.答案:It10The main bedroom,much smaller than other rooms,_(measure) 15 metres wide.答案:measures11_Christmas coming near,they b

      3、egan to be busy shopping for the holidays.答案:With12I like this jacket better than that one,but it costs almost three times _much.答案:as.完成句子1.We _(必须采取措施) to stop pollution here.答案:must take measures2With _(小男孩带路),we found the way back home easily.答案:the boy leading the way3._(你越努力),the greater progress you will make.答案:The harder you work 4._(当心) a tall man with a black hat.答案: Watch out for5The Olympics are held_(每四年)答案:every four years/every fourth year.完形填空In 1971 a young man who grew up very

      4、 poor was travelling across the country,trying to make a new start for himself.Along the way he had completely run out of_1_and was forced to spend the night in his car.This_2_until one morning,after a week of sleeping in his car,he walked_3_into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast.After eating his first good meal in_4_,he found himself _5_to the waiter,telling him he had lost his_6_.The waiter,who was also the owner,walked_7_the chair where the young man had been sitting.He bent down,_8_a

      5、$20 bill that looked _9_it had fallen on the floor and said,“Son,you must have_10_this.” The young man couldnt believe his_11_!He quickly paid for the breakfast,left a _12_,bought gas with the change,and headed West.On the way out of town,he began to understand_13_ the fellow did.Maybe nobody dropped the money_14_.“Maybe that fellow just knew I was_15_and he helped me in a way that didnt embarrass (使困窘) me.So I just made a_16_to help others if I can.”Later,he worked very hard and became a(n)_17_

      6、man.Now,he lives near Kansas City.Each year he_18_thousands of dollars.He is known as the “Secret Santa” because at_19_time each year,he personally hands money out to those on the streets and at_20_.Last year,he gave more than $50,000 away in Kansas City.1A.timeBgasCenergy Dmoney解析:从下文的“.was forced to spend the night in his car.”以及第二段的内容可知,年轻人在路上花光了所有的钱。答案:D2A.continued BremainedCkept Dstayed解析:这种情况一直持续到一天上午。continue持续,继续,符合句意。remain余下,保持,仍是;keep为及物动词或系动词,不单独使用;stay呆在原处,主语是人或有生命的物,均不合句意。答案:A3A.h

      7、opefully BexcitedlyCnervously Dsilently解析:由于口袋里没有钱,所以年轻人进餐馆吃饭感到紧张。答案:C4A.hours BweeksCyears Dmonths解析:上文提到年轻人在路上花光了钱并在车里睡了一周的时间,与之能对应的只能是数周以来他所吃过的第一顿好饭。答案:B5A.turning BlyingCsmiling Djoking解析:自己没有钱却说是丢了钱包,故年轻人是在说谎。答案:B6A.way BjobCwallet Dcar解析:从下文可以看出,年轻人说谎称自己丢失了钱包。答案:C7A.behind BnearCbefore Dunder解析:根据常识可知,如果掉在椅子前面很容易被主人发现。故这里说“服务员走到刚才年轻人所坐的椅子后面”。答案:A8.A.took out Bpicked outCtook up Dpicked up解析: 服务员弯腰把钱从地上捡起来。pick up拾起,捡起;take out拿出;pick out挑选;take up从事,占据,继续。答案:D9.A.even if Bas ifCas well Dev

      8、en so解析:那张20美元的票子好像是掉在地板上似的。as if好像;even if即使;as well也;even so即便如此。答案:B10A.placed BputCdropped Dremoved解析:与上句的“.it had fallen on the floor.”相照应,那钱肯定是掉了的钱。答案:C11A.luck BwordCpromise Daction解析:从上文提到年轻人身无分文地走进这家餐馆吃饭,正苦于没钱付账时,人家却认为这20美元是自己丢的,他认为自己没有那么幸运。答案:A12A.message BsignalCmark Dtip解析:年轻人在餐馆吃饭后,按照西方人的习惯,应该是付小费,故本句中要选tip,指“小费”。 答案:D13A.what BhowCwhere Dwhen解析:考查语法结构。what引导宾语从句,在从句中充当宾语。答案:A14A.after all Babove allCin all Dat all解析:可能根本就没有人丢钱。at all根本;after all毕竟;above all首要的是,尤其;in all总计。答案:D15A.in danger Bin needCin trouble Din charge解析:可能是他知道年轻人处境困难,那样做只是为了不让年轻人尴尬,这与上文提到的年轻人花光所有的钱,只能睡在汽车上的处境相一致。答案:C16A.plan BdecisionCpromise Ddream解析:与下文的年轻人后来通过自己的努力成了一个富人,并且每年施舍很多钱可知,他承诺要这样做。答案:C17A.famous BrichClucky Dimpor


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